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Week In The Life™ 2017 | Saturday Words + Photos

For many of us today will be the last day of photo taking for this week and for some of you, as I've read in the Facebook Group, you are just getting started. Either way, whenever you attempt this project and whatever sort of memory keeping you do, I'm super proud of you for valuing your story. 

A couple reflections on my own documenting day (Saturday): 

  • I took more vertical photos than I typically do with my phone (no right or wrong, just an observation - historically I've taken almost 99% horizontal and then cropped vertical if I needed). 
  • I only used my DSLR once so one of my goals for the last day is to pick that one up more again (again, no right or wrong just something I want to do today). 
  • I love a quiet life. 

Here's a look at my Saturday:

8:03am // Always looking for opportunities to read. Hoping to finish up American War today. Seem to be feeling better than last night and hoping it lasts. Later today includes a soccer game for Anna and then getting to go watch Ira Glass from This American Life talk about what he's learned from storytelling this evening (!!!!). Here's to Saturday!

8:44am // I looked upside and saw that my clematis needed a little help to make sure it was growing up vs. out so I grabbed some fishing line and my coffee and got it going in the right direction. Love mornings without rain. This clematis will likely bloom giant purple flowers next month. It's another favorite perennial that dies to the ground/gets cut back and returns each year. Love those cycles of the seasons.

8:48am // Another view of the same situation - a looking down detail shot that shows the tools and the shoes I just grabbed in order to go outside. Think about the different views of the same story as you go about your documenting today.

I also picked a couple ranunculus to bring inside. And I love the form and beauty of opening tulips. 

10:03am // Big love for quiet Saturday mornings. Grabbed one of the kids super fun corduroy bean bag chairs (from Target) and pulled it outside. Love listening to the birds and feeling the breeze while I read. Aaron often sleeps in after staying up late working on his music. 

11:43am // Aaron started painting the stairway and I cooked us brunch at home: ham + sweet potatoes + spinach + egg. This is the recipe I use from Nom Nom Paleo for the Sweet Potato Hash

After brunch I finished American War and really found it to be exceptional. I'll be sharing another post about what I've been reading next week. 

3:15pm // Lunch from Jamba Juice (this is one of their Energy Bowls) on the way to Anna's soccer game. The weather has been crazy today with pouring rain + then beautiful sun so we have to be prepared for it all. 

Soccer Chocolate Kittens (Anna's awesome time name for the last three years) were victorious! 

Goofing around before we took off for the rest of our Saturday. 

5:03pm // Tree shopping after Anna's soccer game. We've lost two trees so far this year (large, established ones) due to wind and freezing rain so we headed over to Gray's Garden Center to see what they had available.

At Aaron's old house he had a giant fig tree that he really loved and was sad to leave. We found a new one for him to plant at this house. 

We also picked up a large lilac to go along the fence in the back and a flowering crabapple to replace the tree we lost in front of our house. 

6:35pm // Cheers to seeing Ira Glass soon! Dinner and drinks at Sixth Street Grill before heading in to see the show. Moscow Mule for me and Manhattan for him. I had a really great hazelnut cranberry salad with chicken and he had a club sandwich. We talked about wedding planning. 

7:30pm // He is always very thorough in reading the menu and selecting his order. I love that about him. He is so totally my person. 

8:00pm // Loved the chance to hear Ira Glass talk about what he's learned doing This American Life. His voice is so iconic and I truly love how he believes that storytelling can bring people together from all generations and backgrounds and socioeconomic situations and religions - it is the thing we all share - we all have stories to tell. 


In the past I've offered a linking widget here to collect links to people who wanted to share their Saturday post of words + photos. For some reason I can't get it to work again so if you would like to share a link to your SATURDAY words and photos please post in the comment section below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. Thank you!

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25 thoughts

  1. elinjanne says…

    My Saturday |

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. sa_scully says…

    Here is my Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. alaynac says…

    Ah spring flowers, plants and adding to the yard. Nothing more appropriate than that for a Saturday in April.

    My Saturday for WITL was slightly different than that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. smalls530 says…

    I'm having so much fun with this project! I don't want it to end!!
    My Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. tamisc says…

    how fitting you ended your week listening to someone tell his story as you have shared your this week

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. fannyathome says…

    Beautiful! Here's my Saturday Have a lovely Sunday Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. JenHart says…

    Amazing saturday :-) I love your plant choices. And very exciting to hear you are wedding planning, good luck with it all.

    My saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. whitehart says…

    I dream of having a garden one day. We have 2 palm trees and various small plants in pots in our patio right now, and it's already amazing! Here's my Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. angelzmom says…

    You guys are so adorable! Enjoy the wedding planning. I'm just so happy for all of you. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. amyj924 says…

    Lilacs are my most favorite--love the variety you picked!


    Reply 0 Replies
  11. FraB85 says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  12. limecicle says…

    What a lovely day. Beautiful lilac and the new fig tree story was sweet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. teri0604 says…

    Looks like a great day! Sunday night working on my Saturday. The week was fast in so many ways. Love all your reading time that is sheer heaven!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. loripsm121 says…
    04/23/2017 that vivid purple lilac! Now on to the ranunculus one of my favorite flowers and a few weeks ago found them potted which I've never seen. I've only ever seen them as cut flowers. Went a little crazy and bought 9 pots and replanted them in bigger pretty containers. do you get them back next year with the tuber/corm? Do you rebuy each year? Seems like some people treat them like annuals, but I'd hate not to get them back next year now that I've finally found them. It's a little crazy to think but here in Virginia we seem to be in a similar climate zone (for spring and fall at least) as my flowers only bloom about a week or two before many of your same plants. Suggestions on the ranunculus? Oh and thanks for tuning me into Floret Farms from your workshop last year.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! The ranunculus I planted last year (from Floret) came back again in my raised bed without any help from me (that was my first time planting them). For now I'm just going to leave them there and see if they keep coming back. Last year was also the first year I planted dahlias from Floret and I left the tubers in the ground to see if they come up again along with planting a couple new ones I ordered this year. In the past I've had dahlias that came back up regularly each summer without taking the tubers out and then replanting them (I also know that there are people who dig them all up each year and re-plant).

    2. loripsm121 says…

      Thanks for the feedback Ali. Might try the "let them be" method with the ranuculus. I just have anxiety since I finally found them I don't want to kill them over winter.

      Yes, I have dahlias too and just let them alone and they are happy to come back. They seem to thin a little bit every year but I still have a bunch of them in my bed. I really want to get some from Floret (such big blooms and prettier colors than mine) but mine are faithful and have treated me well. We shall see if they have "thinned" enough this year to warrant buying new ones.

      Good luck and thanks for sharing your stories and gardens with us!

  15. janinefitzpatrick says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  16. jlmomma17 says…

    Great post, Ali! "He is so totally my person." - best feeling ever.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. lime says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  18. barefootscrapbooker says…

    Great photos of all the new trees for your yard!

    Here is my Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. AnnaWK says…

    Oh how I miss Jamba Juice! One of my favorite places when I lived in Seattle.

    Here's my Saturday in Sweden:

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Ka_Ra says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  21. soonermama says…

    Running a little behind on posting the weekend photos + words, but I'm getting there:

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. cornybeard says…

    I am rather jealous you got to see Ira Glass live! I'd love to see him.

    Here's my Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. kbrown0 says…

    I hope the crabapple tree works out for you. We have one and they are not very sturdy trees. It was already here when we bought our house, but just a suggestion to ask the nursery if there is a specific way you can prune them so they won't break so easily. I love when ours blooms, and it only does for about 2 weeks, but it's gorgeous when it does. We have a huge magnolia that we just love. When it blooms, it smells of lemons in the air. Now, if I could just get peonies or hydrangeas to grow here in the heat of Kansas.

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