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December Daily® 2017 | Let's Begin

Happy December 1, 2017. 

Today many of us begin the seasonal process of identifying and capturing one story per day for the next 25 days or the next month. 

Some of you will be making daily pages along with me, some of you will just be taking photos, some of you will just be journaling, and some of you will approach this project from an entirely different perspective. Whatever this project needs to be for you this year is how you should approach it. 

Starting tomorrow I will be sharing my stories each day here on my blog. 

As we begin I'd love to share a few things I have on my mind as I begin documenting my stories: 

  1. Let's all take a collective deep breath. As awesome as this project can be, it can also be a source of stress for some people. You are the boss - don't let this project become stressful but rather use it as a tool to celebrate the season. Do not make it more complicated than it needs to be. 
  2. Don't spend one minute comparing your stories or your process with what anyone else is doing. Your life = your stories. My life = my stories. They are all beautiful in their own way regardless of the season of life you are in right now. Use this project as an opportunity to find the joy in your own life. 
  3. Establish a rhythm that works for you. Your documenting rhythm might look totally different from mine and that's perfectly okay. You might wait until January or later to work on your project. You might print your photos at the end of each week. You might be focusing more on words this year. Own your own story and your own process and then celebrate the stories that others are sharing. 
  4. Go read my December Daily® Hopes For You. What I wrote last year still holds true today. You can do this

May you savor your own season. May you find joy in the small moments. May you create a December season that is the right pace for you and your family. May you remember what's most important for you and continue to come back to that again and again. 

Need more encouragement or inspiration? 

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12 thoughts

  1. djarfemiano says…

    Ali, thank you for your words of encouragement. Excited about this project once again. Been doing it with you since 2008! Happy December to you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. aasta says…

    Thank you! Happy December daily❤️

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  3. Mel_12 says…

    Yay. My tenth year. Always exciting but good to breathe a lovely deep breath. Great words as always.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. hgauvin says…

    It's finally here and I have my story for today!

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  5. Houston says…

    I haven't had much time for creating with paper this fall but this is my FAVORITE project and I can't wait to dig in! Thanks for always sharing your projects Ali and for all of your encouragement each year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. jennibethr says…

    I just fell upon your blog and site from pinterest, and it is wonderful! I wanted to ask if you could help me figure out how to even begin. I know that sounds silly, as this is full of amazing information. But I am brand new to this even though I have 3 children who are elementary and middle school aged. So I have a lot of things to catch up on! Can you help me find a good place "to begin" for brand new memory makers like myself? I want to do it all but then don't really know how to start. Thanks so much! Can't wait.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. tealmyre says…

      You are in the right place jenni! December Daily is a great project with a start and an end and a way to play to see what you like about this wonderful hobby!

  7. Maxpuppy says…

    Thanks for this post and, in particular, those few sentences after point 4 ... you've given me the inspiration for my December Daily manifesto.

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  8. tealmyre says…

    Thank you for this post! As the season of chaos kicks off, I so appreciate the calming photo and tone to your words. December Daily shouldn't be just another overwhelming item on the long list of things to check off.

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  9. Afink26 says…

    I'm looking forward to this process. I think I am going to approach it from a past/present perspective. We have had a lot of loss this year (3 of my 4 grandparents in a span of 4 months) and I think this will be a beautiful way to celebrate what is now and what was. Wishes of comfort and joy to each of you this holiday season.

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  10. kathryn_1969 says…

    How can I vary my stories this year so they are different from last years? I'm worried that my photos and stories will be the same!

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  11. jdj247 says…

    this will be my 2nd year of doing DD! and i'm so excited! last year my album pretty much consisted of just the everyday things, what was going on that specific day. this time I am approaching it differently... the everyday with stories/events from the past, current feelings/thoughts, letters, different voices, etc. thank you so much for this project and for the link to your 25 Ideas and Story Inspirations.

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