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Around The Yard | March 2018

One of the things on my list to create this year are videos sharing more about my yard and what it looks like during different times of the year. 

Being out in my yard is a personal passion - I enjoy getting my hands dirty and growing specific kinds of plants. I tend to be a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants gardner but my hope is to learn more specifics about working in my yard (via experimentation, research, etc). I've lived in this house for eight years now and there are so many things I have on my mental yard list that I need to get written down and documented in order to make some of those things a reality. 

As some of you might remember we removed a bunch of grass and added in slate to expand the size of the patio last summer. I'm still feeling super happy with that decision and now it's time to focus back on the surrounding beds. 

The main thing that's happening in my yard right now are lots of tulip and daffodil bulbs popping up. I put a bunch of bulbs into my raised beds last fall to try a new space and to simply grow more bulbs that I will be able to cut and bring inside. Bringing the outside inside is one of my favorite things. Blubs coming up in my yard currently are from Floret. I am a super fan of Floret and you can read more about my experience visiting there for a workshop back in 2016 here

You can check out past Around The Yard posts here

This video tour takes you all around my yard for a full look at what's happening in March 2018: 

You can also view this video on my YouTube Channel here

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6 thoughts

  1. jchurch2 says…

    Wow. I had no idea your yard was so big. It’s great to have separate areas. The stoned area looks wonderful. Am looking forward to seeing the progress each month!

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  2. Emmaj says…

    Thanks so much for the tour. Definitely gave me some ideas for my back yard.

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  3. laura_g_ says…

    Loved the video and really look forward to seeing more! I hope to put together a Garden Journal this year..a list of To Do's...before & after pics..etc. check out Garden Answer ..she has videos on You Tube..super informative! I live on the opposite side of the state..more of a desert area..we don't get the rain your side does...Happy Gardening!

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  4. happytoscrap says…

    Thank you for the tour. Your inspiration to video your yard has given me inspiration to do a video walk through my yard. A great idea! Thank you.

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  5. MrsKnight says…

    In all the years I have been reading your blog and wishing you would do MY PL, I don't think I have ever seen a shot from the far side of the side yard facing the house and wisteria portico. Lots going the other way, kids in sprinklers and whatnot, the tree felling, etc. Interesting angle. Beautiful spaces!

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  6. sparkle says…

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed watching this video. I love gardening, making plans for the garden, and enjoying the fruits of my labor there. I'm in east central Florida so I have a tree right outside my kitchen window full of hanging orchids. Can't wait for your next update.

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