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December Daily® 2018 | Full Look At The Kits

I'm super excited to bring you a full look at the December Daily® 2018 kit options today. These, along with all our other December Daily® products, will be available tomorrow morning: Thursday, September 6th at 7am Pacific. 

One of the things you'll notice this year is that we are offering one Main Kit, one Mini Kit designed by Liz Tamanaha of Paislee Press, and one Kids Kit designed by Brandi Kincaid. This year we are mixing things up and offering more shop products to allow those of you who would like to pick & choose the pieces you might want to work with to tell your story this holiday season. 

You can see other shop products (journaling cards, papers, embellishments, stamps, etc) we revealed last week during our Facebook Live here. 

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure to go read yesterday's How It Works post to understand how this ordering process works. 

Below you'll see images and videos of what's included in each of the kits this year. Additional images and information will be included when the products are released tomorrow:


Here's an overview video of what's included in this kit: 


Liz' Mini Kit this year includes 6x8, 4x6, and 3x4 cards, a number sticker sheet, puffy sticker sheet, chipboard sheet, and rubber embellishments. 

Here's an overview of what's included in this kit: 


Designed by Brandi Kincaid, this kit includes a 4x4 album, two sticker sheets, a 3x4 stamp set, a mini ink pad, and a whole fun collection of 4x4 cards. 

Here's an overview from Anna + Audrey of what's included in this super cute kit: 

I hope you enjoyed this full preview of the kits we are offering this year. 


Hey again! Katie put together a price list and a product image list for all the items that will be available tomorrow. Hope this is helpful for you! 

Click here to download the price list (no images).

Click here to download a product list that includes images.

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98 thoughts

  1. CarolineMcD says…

    Fantastic main kit! I love everything in it. Alarm set for ordering :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. MariaElena says…

    WOW! Fantastic main kit!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. NickieP says…

    Awesome job showing us the kids kit Anna and Audrey!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Leanne1965 says…

    Love all the kits! Anna and Audrey did a great job showing the kids kit. That Koala is super cute :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Audreydz says…

    Loved the kids kit by Audrey and Anna, awesome job. How much is the mini kit? Thanks so much.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      $19.99 (I added the prices)

  6. Cbuckley says…

    LOVE the main kit! It will be so fun to work with. And my nearly 8yo will love the kids kit again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. christyj says…

    Great job Anna and Audrey! I can't wait to see your albums!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. scraptician says…

    Love them, Ali! Great job, ladies, on the kids kit!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. audmac says…

    So happy to wake up to these! Each one is fantastic! Thank you Ali, Liz and Brandi for your designs and special thanks to Anna and Audrey😊

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. JemimaRavenclaw says…

    I absolutely love the mini kit. I had a question as a first time customer. Do we order all the inserts or do they come with the album? If we need to order, how many and of what size do you suggest to do a kit similar to the ones I’ve seen on this site and others? I’m thinking of doing a combo of real scrapping and digital. How do you protect your digital 6x8 printouts and make them stiff enough to turn without protectors? Thanks in anticipation

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Binxcat1 says…

      The 6x8 albums usually come with 30 page protectors in a variety of configurations. Have a look back at the 2017 album walk throughs for a better idea.

      Sorry I am not sure what the 3x8 or 4x4 will have.

    2. Velazem says…

      I believe the 4x4 also has 30 page protectors, you can find out for sure on the Facebook Live video Ali made about the shop products.

  11. Karinmwick says…

    Ok the kids kit video was super cute. Favorite line “Have you been Naughty or Nice?” “I think I’d go with the “or” on that one”....classic! Thanks girls!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Marmitemiss says…

      I loved that too!

  12. Torres says…

    Loving the main kit and the kids kit is just super cute.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Bellaa75 says…

    Big hearts for that Koala!!! (From all of your Aussie fans!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. hgauvin says…

    All of the kits are AWESOME! There's something for everyone. I'm so excited!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lmjscott67 says…

    Fabulous kits and products this year, my poor bank balance! Great job Anna & Audrey, I will definitely be buying the kids kit for my niece (I think I will gift her this kit instead of an advent calendar) 🤗

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. akkpenn says…

      I am thinking about doing the same thing for my niece.

  16. Amandainuk says…

    Love the kits! Will we be able to get that Koala card from the kits kit as a printable? I can justify buying the kids card for one card...but it’s soo cute and just right for those of us in Australia.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That card will be available as part of the digital Kids Kit - but not available on it's own.

  17. lbvancura says…

    Beautiful! So many story and design ideas come to mind just watching the videos. I appreciate the preview before order day. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Binxcat1 says…

    Oh those gorgeous girls are just darling. <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. fgharris says…

    Awesome main kit! Can’t wait to order tomorrow 😊

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. MelissaKD says…

    Thanks so much for sharing the preview - it's really nice to be able to plan ahead! I was planning on the 3x8 size but now I really like the main kit ... decisions, decisions! ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. MsScrapmess says…

    Trying to be good and only ordering the digital kits will be really really difficult☺️

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Velazem says…

    These are chock full of goodies! Thanks Ali for an amazing main kit. I feel like for a beginner, they don't REALLY need much more than the main kit and they can have a lovely album. For me, not so much, I want ALL of the things! <3 Great job girls, showing us the main kit!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Ekaterine says…

    the kits are both gorgeous and I'm buying them if I'm lucky enough but THE GIRLS!!! the girls just stole the show (and my heart))

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. clickclick says…


    Thank you for sharing the video + photos. I think the Pink Paislee kit is wonderful.

    I do offer a couple of points for you to consider though.

    1. There is no price listed for any of the kits. While I listened to the videos, I never heard it mentioned either. Is this intentional or was the information left out an accident?

    2. Re: you not offering still photos of shop items - for those of us who have disabilities, it is hard to watch through your video and catch all the information with the back and forth between you and Katie. I have to focus on you talking or you holding the product - one of the side effects of having had a stroke. Having both photos + videos (for those who want the information that way) would be helpful for those who want to purchase but can't get the information in the format you are presenting. Having clarity of whats being offered (and at what price) can help us know what we want to buy & avoid the disappointment once we are in the shop (and continually refreshing the website) trying to find the information in a quick manner. I know I am not alone in needing still photos.

    Thank you.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for that feedback! This is the first year we have shown all the products in advance in any manner at all - in the past we have actually not shown anything at all and just waited until everything was available for purchase (last year we did show the kits the day before and a few items during the FB Live). We will consider your suggestions for the future. Also, the prices are now listed - that was my mistake (and are also the same as past years).

    2. AliEdwards says…

      I have updated my post with PDF downloads of the images + prices for the additional items available tomorrow.

  25. carri says…

    Fantastic kits! I didn't think I would even consider the kids kit since my kids are a little older - however, i love the cocoa card, the baking card, the naughty or nice............

    Reply 0 Replies

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