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We Hosted A December Daily® Prep Party And It Was So Darn Fun

Earlier this month we held our first December Daily® Prep Party here in Eugene, Oregon. 

We loved it. I think the people who were there liked it too. 

As with all our events, Katie was in charge. She's good at being in-charge of these in person events and it's part of what makes us a great team. She puts so much work and heart into bringing people together. I'm so thankful for her. 

The goal for this event was to give people an opportunity to come together in person to work on past or present December Daily® projects, to encourage community, and to share some inspiration along the way via presentations throughout the event from me and members of our Creative Team.

Big thanks to Creative Team members who shared their photos with me for this post. 

This event was held at a local hotel The Valley River Inn which has a bigger space available than The Inn At The 5th where we hold Story Camp

For this event we had our friend Sarah from The Creative Makery come and set up shop. 

She also brought in this super cute set up from our friends at Rescued Living

I bought along a bunch of my albums, including most of my past December Daily® albums. 

We were so excited to try out this concept. 

As people began arriving it all started to come together. So many hugs and friend reunions and new friends made. 

Each morning I gave an hour-long presentation. The first morning I talked about December Daily® and the second day I talked about owning your story. 

Our sweet friend Pam Garrison came to hang out and we all wanted to take photos of the notes she took during the presentations. The mini kit she designed for December Daily® a couple years ago is still one of my personal favorites (digital version here). 

It was so awesome to walk around the room and see what people were working on - past and present projects. 

What I loved most is that a lot of people really did the work. Many left with either a finished past album or foundation pages close to completion for 2018. 

A bunch of people brought their laptops or iPads and spent some time watching December Daily® Product Play 2 how-to videos from this year's class (and last year's class as is the case in this photo) before starting on their own. 

In the afternoon each day three of my Creative Team members gave presentations that included their December Daily® story along with some tips and ideas for storytelling. I loved hearing them share their ideas and favorite spreads/stories.

Most of all I loved watching people make new friends and connections with one another. 

My Mom was here for this event and she loved speaking with each person. She loves this project too. 

Many people brought past projects to share with one another as well. There is nothing quite like getting to flip through albums in person. So good. 

It was awesome having so many members of the Creative Team in attendance too. We missed those who weren't able to attend. 

I am so lucky to have these women as friends as well as members of our team. 

I'm super thankful for all the people that showed up for this event. Hearts were warmed, friends were made, pages were set up, and stories were told. I can't really ask for anything more than that.

Love you guys. 

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6 thoughts

  1. sophie3832 says…

    As im in the UK, my friend and i had our own 'mini' 4 hour prep party around the school run. Loved getting together and being excited about the season and the prospect of new stories arriving next month :o)
    Love,love,Love this project!
    PS is the t.shirt in the shop or exclusive to the prep party?

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  2. kathleen says…

    Oh my gosh! Sounds like a fantastic time! Would love to try and join along on the east coast next year! An online class would be a blast too...just saying ; )

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  3. laceyweeks says…

    ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Love this! Someday I hope to get to attend! (if you do it again) Kills me that i'm only 2.5 hours away lol

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  4. judyg says…

    It was such a wonderful event! As I have reflected on those two days, I think the kindness shown by Ali & Katie and all the attendees was the highlight for me. It is not very often that you spend two days surrounded only by smiles, laughter and sharing. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to be part of this.

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  5. smultringunn says…

    Katie & Ali, thank you so much for hosting yet another fantastic event! I had a wonderful time, which is saying something given the fact that I couldn't hear out of one ear and lost my voice. Loved hanging out with everyone and just soaking up the inspiration.

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  6. theblueberryscrapper says…

    Hi Ali and Katie, I love 💕 this post! It takes me back to that truly amazing time with amazing people doing wonderful and amazing things. Thank you for this sweet reminder!

    Pamela B 😊

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