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HSN + Ali Edwards

Hey Friends, 

One of my goals with my business and life is to encourage and inspire storytelling beyond those who are already in our community. 

I’m excited to tell you that HSN has picked up some of my projects and will be featuring them in the coming months. I want to share a little about how we are approaching this so you’ll have a better understanding of what you’ll be seeing if you choose to watch.  

The first project to be released will be a Travel Kit and an album (offered separately). For this first collection we needed to use products that were the same as the ones we were offering on my site due to the manufacturing timeline. The travel kit product configuration will be a little different than what we are offering on my site - it will include 3x4 cards, some 3x8 cards, the sticker sheets, and two chipboard sets.  

This also means you’ll have another chance to grab that 3x8 mint travel album if you missed out here. It's actually available on their site now if you'd like to grab one. 

You can see me live on HSN on Tuesday, June 11th at 11am Eastern.  

In the future what we offer on HSN will be past designs in new colors. This means when you see December Daily® offered there later this year it will be some combination of 2018 designs that have been recolored (that will most likely happen in October). We will offer a newly designed 2019 December Daily® kit and coordinating products on my site in early September just as we’ve done in years past.  

My hope is that this expansion of our offerings will introduce my projects to even more people who may not have been exposed to my memory keeping projects and philosophy previously.  

You guys are my people. Thank you for being part of this community. Thank you for supporting me and being a part of this journey. Thank you for being brave with your stories and encouraging me to be brave with mine.

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7 thoughts

  1. Inkfanatic says…

    Go Ali Go! So happy for you, for your successes!! And for everyone who gets introduced to your philosophy and is inspired to tell their story!! Stories Matter❤️!

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  2. nerdgrl says…

    Congratulations! From a business standpoint this is a HUGE coup for you. You deserve it.

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  3. laura_g_ says…

    Your first paragraph says it all! I totally get that! This past week I had the opportunity to help a 9 year old girl make her first scrapbook...she took to it like a fish in the water and was SO proud of her album. Her Gma sent me a pic of the little girl (her name is Ali!), her Mama and her siblings pouring over her album. Ali had a HUGE smile on her face. :)

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  4. jscrapper4ever says…

    I always watch all the craft programs on HSN,and it will be such a joy to see you present your products!Good luck with your introduction of what you have to offer to the HSN customers!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  5. SilkyTenn says…

    Congratulations! I Tivo'd it and just saw it. You were GREAT! I have to say, even though it may sound weird to you, it kind of felt like I was watching a friend on TV. I've watched all your videos and followed you for so long (in a non-creepy, no-restraining-order-required way :-) that I genuinely felt proud of you, like I would a friend. I was so thrilled when I first found you and the scrapbooking products that finally spoke my language by focusing on the deeper meaning behind our everyday life and our captured moments and not just random pictures in a book with pretty embellishments (not that there's anything wrong with that ;-). You have inspired me during dark moments and motivated me during stagnant times and I'm so happy that this new venture will allow more people to get to know you and your thoughtful and inspirational products.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you so much!!!

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