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New Class Announcement: Wellness Story

Hey Friends! 

Just wanted to let you know about the launch of a brand new workshop that is a collaboration between me and my good friend Robyn Conley Downs: Wellness Story

I'm pretty sure I started following Robyn a number of years ago for her recipes (because they are great) and stuck around because of her completely practical approach to wellness. I absolutely consider her as one of my mentors in life. I cheered her on as she planned and started her Feel Good Effect Podcast and she invited me to come on her podcast as her first "listener-guest" (spoiler - it was so fun and I was so honored to be invited on and share my wellness story). You can catch that original podcast episode here:  Finding Real Health In Real Life: Feel Good Effect Success.  She had me back on in another season to talk about One Little Word®

Over the last year Robyn and I have been meeting up, brainstorming, and creating the prompts and videos you'll see in the Wellness Story classroom. 

You can hear us talk about the ideas behind the workshop in her newest podcast episode: How And Why To Tell Your Wellness Story.

Here are some details from the class page

Join mindset, routines, and habits expert  Robyn Conley Downs of Real Food Whole Life and storytelling advocate Ali Edwards as they come together to help you identify and document your current wellness story. 

Through this hands-on, 4-lesson workshop-style course, Ali and Robyn will walk you through the dynamic process of documenting and understanding your personal Wellness Story. In each weekly module, you’ll receive access to an instructional video and audio file, specific prompts, and a PDF, all designed to allow you to use writing and photography prompts to document your story. You will also have access to the support, accountability, and encouragement of the Wellness Story community, as well as to Ali and Robyn, who will be on hand to answer questions and provide guidance. By the end of the course you’ll have a clear understanding of your current wellness routines, habits and mindset, plus how they are supporting your wellness goals. With a gentle is the new perfect approach, Robyn and Ali have created this course to help you bring awareness to your current story approach to wellness, to create meaning from your day-to-day actions, and to create lasting change in your own life. 

Join us for this special opportunity to be a part of the first time we offer this workshop.

Get all the details + register  here. Registration is open now and the first lesson will be available on October 7th. Registration will close on October 14th. Our initial plan is that we will run this workshop again in the future. As with all my workshops you have access to the content even after the "live" portion of the class has ended (in this case "live" is simply a class where the lessons are not all available when the class opens - the content will show up over the course of four weeks and then you will have on-going access to it). 

Robyn and I also recorded an episode of her Feel Good Effect Podcast where we talked about the course and what it entails.  Take a listen here.

Hope to see you in the classroom!

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2 thoughts

  1. chp97 says…

    So excited to start this class... love listening to Robyn's podcast and hoping to learn some tips as well as document my journey over the last few years with Yoga & my health & fitness goals. So inspired by both of you ladies.

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  2. dsmarangoni says…

    Hi Ali,
    Do you have a plan when this class may open up again?! Beginning the year with lots of thoughts towards wellness!

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