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December Daily® 2019 | Story Fifteen

Welcome to story fifteen in my 2019  December Daily® album

Today I'm sharing some thoughts on where I'm at with this season right now. I truly believe that writing these kinds of things down helps us to live more intentionally and I love getting it out of my head and my heart in order to help me move forward.

A quick reminder that you can check out my Foundation Pages post to see my general starting place for my project his year.

Here's a look at how this story came together:

To the back of Story Fourteen I added one of the metal pieces which was an Add On for Stories By The Month™ last month. I added that to the outside of the page protector. 

For Product Play 3/my foundation pages I created the collage of numbers page that features a pattern transparency, gold foil chipboard numbers, and one of the plastic numbers from the Main Kit. 

To complete this day I added a full page of journaling with "magic is something we make" added as the title. This page is sized to the page protectors in the 4x6 album. 

You can download that word art here.

We've got this. Let's make some magic. 




You are invited to leave a link in the comment section if you'd like to share your daily pages. As usual, please include a direct link to your specific blog post vs. a general blog address link.

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December Daily® 2019 4×6 Red Stripes Album
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December Daily® 2019 Main Kit
December Daily® 2019 Main Kit is Sold Out
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14 thoughts

  1. HayleyMacon says…

    I love how real this is. Makes me further appreciate the early-childhood magic I still have now.

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  2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I'm so with you on this. The dynamics have changed when my son moved out for college, when my mom and mother-in-law passed away within months of each other, when my daughter received her medical service dog, when my son began to either go to his girfriend's parents for the holidays (8 hours from us) or when he returned home with her as a guest .... I can go on and on. Health issues have also cropped up and are ongoing. All of these things bring excitement and stress, along with a mix of magic, sadness, agreement, discord, joy, stress ... and the list goes on. It takes some getting used to, and I'm not there yet either. The one thing I aim for is to keep the traditions I love most a constant - whether I'm doing them with family or even if I make these activites last solo. And the deep breaths help too!

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  3. SusanB says…

    Thanks so much for this particular download! I always include a letter to myself in my December Daily and this year I am planning to write about how our celebration this year will be different. For the first time we will not wake up with our kids on Christmas morning - they both moved out in the past year. And while that's a great thing, I'm expecting Christmas morning to be a little bittersweet and I'm hoping to encourage myself in that letter to look at this change in a positive light. So thank you again!

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  4. jambajuice57 says…

    I can so relate to this right now. This will be our first Christmas without my Dad, and between trying to help my Mom through her grief, and the fact that we have just sold our house and must spend a good deal of this month preparing to move from the home we’ve lived in for 30 years, the magical part of the holiday has been hard to come by. But let’s not give up, okay? I think you’ve got the right idea, looking for new ways to celebrate and new memories to make. I’m going to be on the lookout too!

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  5. jchurch2 says…

    I feel you. I have already included two pages where I talk about the difficulty I am having this year. I agree that you need to get it down on paper. It's part of the story.

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  6. simple says…

    Do you know how hard it is to find Magic every year in my house. Im 63. Hubby 66. My sons are 40, 36 and 35. No grandkids. Daughter in law who really doesn't want to be bothered with us but has to because she married my son. I have no sister. I have no parents alive but because i do Dec Daily every year I have to believe that there is some Magic out there. Thank you for letting me be apart of this wonderful tradition that you have shown me. Merry Christmas.

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  7. mshanhun says…

    Oh yes! I sometimes feel like we shouldn't have to work at the magic... but we totally do.

    Today I'm sharing how to mixed and matched photos from our month to fill the gaps on a Sunday

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  8. Pepierre says…
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  9. chiswickmum says…

    Hang in there, Ali. You are so good at adapting to the new situations in your life - you will get through this too. Your Mum probably has some interesting observations on this too. My first year with my child at new in-laws, we spent the 24th, 25th and 26th at Crisis At Christmas in London. It was very therapeutic for me too. And also, I find I like the magic of the dressed twinkly tree, never mind if I had to decorate it alone.

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  10. Sahara says…

    Thank you for keeping it so real. It means more than you know that I’m not alone! «Magic is something we make» - I think I need to write it somewhere I see it all the time. Thanks!

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  11. runner says…

    I have been thinking about what you wrote a lot this December. My boys are now 18 and 16 years old and it is so different then when they were young. When they we young we did so many
    Christmas activities throughout the month. I commented to my husband the other day that it harder now to come up with my daily story for my December Daily book because there is not as much going on.

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  12. Islandgirl says…

    Thank you for this page Ali, you keep looking for the magic. Keep up the traditions that you love. Remember last year you guys were so excited about Star Wars. Find something like that. In a blink your kids will have their kids and they will be saying remember when? Life is full of ups and downs. I find magic in December daily and this community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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  13. paperjunkie says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali! I can totally relate and have had many of the same feelings this year as well as my kids are almost 12 & 13. It definitely is a new season and one I’m trying to figure out as well. Hugs to you! 🤗

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  14. paperjunkie says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali! I can totally relate and have had many of the same feelings this year as well as my kids are almost 12 & 13. It definitely is a new season and one I’m trying to figure out as well. Hugs to you! 🤗

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