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5 Tips For Memory Keeping When You Aren't Feeling Motivated

In this week’s Craft The Story video (Episode 09) I'm sharing five ideas for things to do when you might not feel motivated to scrapbook but you still want to do something. This video is based on a post I wrote featuring these tips in 2019

Finding yourself feeling creatively unmotivated happens to every single one of us and is a completely normal part of being human. I'm here to normalize the ebbs and flows of creativity/scrapbooking/storytelling and to remind you that our stories don't expire and we are always welcome to take a break. Today's video gives you permission to ride the waves of motivation with practical tips for activities you can do to stay connected to your stories even if you aren't actively scrapbooking them. These tips are also great for simply reminding you why you do this in the first place + motivating you to get back to it. 

Let's dive in: 


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3 thoughts

  1. Mel_12 says…

    Great subject matter this week. Just hearing, rather than reading, these tips helps so much. I have lots of hobbies and I find that they all live in a cycle together. Until a couple weeks ago I hadn't made a layout for 12 months (still doing PL though) because I was sewing/weaving/painting. I don't force that ebb and flow. Like you say stories don't expire and when I come back I am always re-invigorated.

    Thanks for another super video Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! I think sometimes people feel like scrapbooking has to be all or nothing - either you are "all in" or not. It totally doesn't have to be that way!

  2. justlisa says…

    Really enjoyed these tips! Thank you!

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