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In Case You Missed It | April 16

Happy Friday, friends! Welcome to the latest In Case You Missed It. Just a reminder that this is a quick post that will happen every Friday afternoon with all the updates and links that have happened throughout the week. So, let's get to it: 


  • In this week's Craft The Story video (Episode 15) Ali is sharing what a day in her working life looks like right now. Her description: Have you told a story about your work life right now either via video or photos and words? I loved doing this via video and think it will be especially fun to look back on in the years to come (also wishing that I would have done it 10 years ago to witness the difference between then + now). Find it here.


  • Hello Story 3 is open for registration! We’re excited to share that Hello Story 3 is coming and class starts April 27th (Ali has pushed back the start date, needing a little more time to finish her content). Hello Story 3 features three storytelling structures/techniques that will bring both creativity and clarity to your documenting process: no-photo layouts, cut paper collage, and repetition. Through in-depth explorations of each topic Ali will share with you how she uses each of the story structures to get her stories told. Register here.


  • On Monday, April 12th, we had our first Story Chat about the theme EVENING with Ali and creative team members Lisa Varshine, Laura Wonsik, and Amy Gretchen. If you missed it, a recording will live on our Instagram account under our IGTV (find it here). These chats will also live in the Story Classroom, available to subscribers. Story Chats will happen the 12th of every month with a variety of contributors. After our first one, we’re excited to fine-tune the format and implement a few changes to make it even better next time. 


  • Our creative team is sharing their projects using the May Stories By The Month Kit over on the blog. You don’t want to miss the beautiful pages these ladies have put together. Read it here.


  • Earlier this month we kicked off our Retirement sale for the Story Planner Collection. Grab pieces from this collection for up to 70% off! Find the collection here.

We’re so grateful to have you all as members of this community! Thanks for joining me today and have a great weekend!

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1 thought

  1. therichters1301 says…

    I just wanted to say how much I love these little nuggets of info! While I feel like I am up to date via the emails, Craft the Story FB group, and keeping up with the weekly (LOVE THEM ALL) You Tube videos, I love how everything is just listed in a quick run down to make sure I have all the info and didn't miss a thing! Thanks for putting this together!

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