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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Eight Weeks to Complete

Hi! This is Jess Forster and I’m thrilled to be sharing more about #eightweekstocomplete. Hands up if you’re excited to document Week In the Life, this year? Keep your hands up if you haven’t finished last year’s album. For those keeping track my hand was raised the entire time. Yes, it’s true, I love Week In The Life and this year marks my 11th year participating. With that said, I have a few unfinished albums left to complete.

Myself and other creative team members including Ingunn, Kim and Lisa, are using the excitement and time, leading up to the start of 2021 Week In The Life project to finish our previous incomplete albums. Calling it #eightweekstocomplete, this fun community challenge is designed to encourage each other to work on and or finish our albums. Using the hashtag, #eightweekstocomplete, we are posting our progress on the Craft the Story Facebook Group and Instagram to keep ourselves accountable. You are invited to work on your previous WITL albums or another incomplete project from now until May 10th. For those wanting to play along and keep track of your progress, please use the hashtag.

For me, I am working on two WITL albums including those from 2015 & 2018. After flipping through both albums, I realized that my 2015 album is almost complete. My game plan is to tackle it first. I have made a list, day by day of tasks that I need to finish. This list is itemized, day by day, and includes the breakdown of photo sizes, journaling and embellishments needs.

Once my 2015 WITL album is completed, I will move on to my 2018 album. I know that I likely won’t finish my 2018 album this year but I can still make progress. I like spending time with my photos and journaling and I think there is value in this journey. It also helps to give me photo & story ideas for this year’s 2021 Week In the Life project.

If you’re reading this consider yourself invited! Everyone is welcome to participate. Tag myself, Ali or the other creative team members on Instagram or the Craft the Story Facebook group, when you have completed a task. Let’s encourage each other and make some progress in our Week In the Life albums together!! 

Find us on Instagram: @jess_forster @smultringunn @kimdocumentslife  @frecklepickle @aliedwardsdesigninc

Thanks for reading!


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9 thoughts

  1. andrialarson says…

    This post does not identify who the author is. How can we tag you, if we don't know who you are?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. jessfo says…

      Hi Andria! Whoops! Sorry about that - you can tag me, Jess Forster on instagram: @jess_forster OR
      @smingunn, @kimdocumentslife, @aliedwardsdesigninc

  2. jenirlsrsly says…

    Thanks for the push! I'll be breaking out prior WITL and a few DITL albums to finish :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. jessfo says…

      Awesome Jen! Can't wait to see what you create!

  3. Untiedt says…

    I didn't finish the 2020 album so I'll be working this. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. jessfo says…

      Definitely not the only one :)

  4. ss20ts says…

    That fork and knife wood veneer!!! Man I would love more of those!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. carrieW says…

    I've been working on my 2019 album, only journaling left to be done! For 2020, since Covid was such an overwhelming factor, I'm doing an extended WITL with most stories Covid-related, how we coped, what we did, etc. Therapeutic, as it has helped me realize we really did do okay.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kiki478 says…

    Would love to see more of those album styles again (words and typo on the cover) <3<3<3

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