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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Story Chat Special Edition

Hi Friends! Week in the Life is right around the corner (May 10th to 16th) and next week we have all sorts of fun content planned in preparation for the project! 

Something new we're excited to share is a special series of daily Story Chat Live Conversations all next week, each on a different topic: planning & prep, stories, photos I (talking about people), photos II (focusing on things), and finishing. 

Monday, May 3rd | 11am PT

Topic: Planning& Preparation

CT Guests:

  • Krystal
  • Jennie
  • Morgan

Tuesday, May 4th | 4pm PT

Topic: Stories

CT Guests:

  • Laura
  • Jen S. 
  • Jess

Wednesday, May 5th | 5pm PT

Topic: Photos I: People

CT Guests:

  • Ingunn
  • Elizabeth
  • Linda

Thursday, May 6th | 12pm PT

Topic: Photos II: Things

CT Guests:

  • Kasha
  • Kelly
  • Amy

Friday, May 7th | 4pm PT

Topic: Finishing

CT Guests:

  • Ali
  • Jess
  • Laura

Same as with our first Story Chat, these will be held live on our Instagram account, saved to our Instagram Television Channel (IGTV), and then all of them will be available as one lesson in our Week In The Life Prep Day Classroom. Prep Day will take place Saturday, May 8th and registration and full details will available this Saturday, May 1st. These chats will feature three Creative Team Guests and our Story Chat host, Lisa Varshine. We are varying the times of these chats in an effort to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to watch live. Times are listed in Pacific time US. Please use a time zone converter for your most accurate local time. 

Now, for the fun part: we'd love to include your questions in these discussions! Please comment with your questions below. We will try to get through every question. As always, thank you so much for being part of this community.

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14 thoughts

  1. Joelaw says…

    I wish you would take holidays into consideration when planning these. I will be with extended family from the 6th -10th for Mother’s Day (my sister has pancreatic cancer so it’s like a mini- reunion over Mother’s Day). I’m going to take this class later and apply what I learn to future projects but it would have been nice if you had done it this week. ❤️

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for the feedback! We have a team of people we coordinate around for the days of events like this along with planning it intentionally for right before the start of the project. I hope you enjoy your visit with your family!

    2. Joelaw says…

      You are welcome! Thank you for listening...and for the well wishes.

  2. Kegger says…

    1) Tips and tricks on how to not overthink it/ keep it simple, especially this year when a lot of things haven't recovered
    2) Experiences with changing album size - is there any correlation between changing it up, and then not finishing?
    3) 1-2 lessons learned from completed/not-completed projects
    4) Any advice on being okay with having unfinished/never to be finished projects and still starting another one

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      I love these!!! Thank you so much!! We will definitely include them in our discussions ❤️

  3. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Curious to hear about including both the highs and lows of the week. Sometimes unplanned things just go wrong, or home life is on a low note ... interested in how folks document this, if most only choose to show the "rosy" parts of the story, or if some abandon ship and just pick a different week. I know there's no right or wrong way to do this - just wanted to get some perspectives.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. HeidiHuisman says…

    Changing it up when you've done WITL for a few years. I feel my albums are becoming a bit samey after so many years.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. MsScrapmess says…

    I'd love some tips on how to include more of the why and feelings, beyond the obvious from looking at the photos, without writing an entire essay.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. my3js says…

    Will the story chats be available on the blog? I don’t have Instagram.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kegger says…

      +1 I don't either and would really appreciate them being on the blog :)

  7. hnoel says…

    Has anyone ever successfully limited the photos they take per day? Lol
    I always try but never succeed, and end up with way too many.
    I need a better way to narrow the lens.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. JoTeves says…

      I have the opposite problem, I often forget to take photos! I sometimes 'cheat' and use photos from other days as long as they represent the routine or activity I am focusing on.

    2. hnoel says…

      I've used photos from other days as well.

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