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Story Chat Show Notes | WITL Stories

Hi Friends! We hope you were able to join us last night for our WITL Stories conversation on Story Chat. As I mentioned during our chat, it is my intention to have show notes available after every episode. Please understand there will be a reasonable turnaround time between the episode and the notes. I greatly appreciate your patience as we figure out all the moving pieces in these new content offerings.  Some episodes will lend themselves to more notes than others, but please feel free to leave a comment if there is something specific that you do not see listed below. 


Episode Date: 5.04.21  

Topic: Week in the Life Stories 

Guests: Jess Forster, Jen Schow, Laura Wonsik


  • Feelings wheel (mentioned by Jess). 
  • Week in the Life daily sheets from Ali. Find them in this blog post.
  • For more inspiration from Jess, find her on Instagram here
  • For more inspiration from Jen, find her on Instagram here. You can also find more from Jen on her YouTube channel
  • For more inspiration from Laura, find her on Instagram here. You can also find more from Laura on her YouTube channel
  • For more inspiration from Story Chat host, Lisa Varshine, find her on Instagram here

Mark your calendars for Week in the Life: May 10th to 16th.  

This was the second in a series of episodes this week, each on a different topic: planning & prep, stories, photos I (talking about people), photos II (focusing on things), and finishing. Join us Wednesday, May 5th at 5pm PT to chat Photos I (people) with Ingunn, Linda, and Elizabeth.  

All of our Story Chats are held live on our Instagram account and saved to our Instagram Television Channel (IGTV), this series covering WITL will also be available as one lesson in our Week In The Life Prep Day Classroom. Prep Day will take place Saturday, May 8th, and registration and full details are available here

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4 thoughts

  1. svanwagner says…

    This new format is so great! Thanks for doing this as I'm sure it's a ton of work. Much appreciated!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      I'm so happy you're finding some value in it!! Thank you for taking the time to reach out. I truly appreciate it!

  2. fluffhead28 says…

    These chats are so great and Lisa is a fabulous host! Thanks to all of the team!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment!! I'm just hoping I get better with practice! I have absolutely loved talking to these ladies and I can't wait till we can bring in more members of the community.

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