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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Tuesday Photos + Words

Ah, Tuesday. 

Aaron and I were up late last night hanging out and finishing up the Sons Of Sam documentary on Netflix. Getting out of bed was rough - especially when the cats were ready for breakfast at 6:30am.

Here's the journaling I had done up until I left my office for the day: 

I am really enjoying jotting down notes throughout the day on these cards. It's a different approach from the past that feels like the right choice for me this year. 

Since I barely went outside yesterday I decided to start my day out in the yard after getting my coffee.

And it was wonderfully sunny. 

I walked around and checked on my peas and flowers and took this opportunity to take some photos. Starting my day outside was a fantastic choice for me. 

I love sitting in this spot on my back porch and reading the paper. 

Turning my face to the sun. 

Sam, my best buddy, followed me around when I went from section to section in my yard and then took a little rest in the sun while I read the paper. 

Cut some roses to bring inside. 

After about an hour outside I put on some clothes and started my working day in the office. 

I worked on Story Kit content and video editing. 

Discovered Sam in my closet. Took a top down photo + a straight on photo. 

For lunch I met a friend of a friend who has a child that was recently diagnosed with autism. 

After lunch it was back to my office to continue working on Story Kit projects. 

I spend a lot of time here - especially when the kids are at their other homes. I try to work ahead (sometimes it's possible + sometimes not) when I can so that when they are here I have more bandwidth. 

Left the office around 7pm to go hangout with Aaron. I'll likely take some more photos and add them to my project when I put it all together. 

Today was a good day. 

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11 thoughts

  1. Mrsfabry says…

    I love how Sam is very heavily in the "supporting cast member" role today in your photos! Also, what kind of yellow roses are those? They are lovely!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I honestly don't know the name of the roses.

  2. kelsterjean says…

    Hey! I see the book I recommended about Space in the OLW group! I hope you like it!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I do! Enjoying it!

  3. lizbeth8 says…

    Lovely post. Kudos for advocating. A family's initial autism diagnosis is overwhelming, to say the least. Though I know Ali "gets" that statement, the diagnosis is both a blessing (confirmation/roadmap to the journey) and a complicated burden to navigate = perceived existence doing "a 180". Incredibly cool and giving to share and reassure all that comes with this bittersweet change.

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  4. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I can so relate to the kitty wake-up calls, and plan to document this! Two of our four cats sleep on my side of the bed with me, and are very resilient about literally "rolling with it" every time I move around - they will hang on for dear life rather than sleep elsewhere. Around 6-7, the other two join in and the harmonizing sounds begin - to either wake me up for their breakfast, or to let them sit out on the screened porch. They are like grandbabies to me, and yes, they are very spoiled!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Untiedt says…

    I love the yellow flowers and the kitty photos. The photo of your face in the sun is awesome. You look so happy. I think sometimes my photos lack emotion. I tend not to take photos of my face since I had a stroke. One side of my face droops a bit. I feel the photos of my face look funny. I'm so thankful to still be here but I don't think I have fully embraced my drooping face. I'm going to try take a photo of my face in the sun. The sun definitely makes me happy. Thanks for the inspiration. One more thing...are you going to complete the journal cards or are you ok with some prompts not answered. Thanks again. :0)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm completing them - either later in the evening or the next morning. I'm just taking a photo of them and adding them to my post before I leave my office each day.

  6. Bfritz says…

    I love everything about this! So awesome to get a start to the day out in the brilliant sunshine. And that ginger fur baby is just the best! He is the sweetest cat. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Britta922 says…

    That morning in your garden looked just magical! All that green. So soothing on the eyes. And even better with a kitty companion.

    Here's what my Tuesday looked like:

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. timothyferriss says…

    It sounds like you had a fulfilling Tuesday, balancing both work and personal time

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