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December Daily® 2021 | Special Guest Elizabeth Heinz

Hello friends.  Happy New Year.  I’m delighted to share a few tips that helped me finish my December Daily.

1// Start with your Reason Why.  

If I get stuck or frustrated, I look back at my INTENTION.  It motivates me to SHOW up and finish.

2// Seek INSPIRATION from the community.  

I LOVED the way Ali used the 10x8 wreath vellum to document her wrapping paper.

I LOVED the tag in Jess Forester’s 2020 December Daily album.

3// Plan and include stories that are important year after year.

I LIKE to add our family Christmas card.

Day 16 is ALWAYS reserved for my dad’s birthday tradition.

4// Participate in community projects or challenges and/or take a class.

This page was part of a Creative Team Instagram Hop to use the speech bubbles.  These challenges may motivate you to use product in different and unique ways.

5// Look for inspiration EVERYWHERE.

The lettering on this page came from holiday marketing from the LOFT.  If I see something I like, I tuck it away to use during the month.

6// Find a way to include bits and pieces from EVERYDAY life.

I ENJOY adding tags, receipts, business cards, stamps, etc. 

Thanks SO much for joining me.  Good luck with your projects.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

You can find me AND a complete walkthrough of my 2021 December Daily album here.

XO, Elizabeth

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6 thoughts

  1. Kirsten_Heal says…

    I love your pages - especially the 16th <3

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Elizabeth_Heinz says…

      Thanks SO much Kirsten. It's always a favorite tradition during December. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. justlisa says…

    Such a beautiful album! So much inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Elizabeth_Heinz says…

      Thank you for the encouragement. I’m glad you enjoyed it:)

  3. MargaretAnn says…

    Did you use the negative space from the speech bubbles? That is genius! Very pretty pages ♥️💚

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Elizabeth_Heinz says…

      Yes, that’s exactly what I did. I often saving the packaging from the chipboard, especially the circles. Thanks for compliment:)

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