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What Ali Read In January 2022

One of my reading goals for 2022 is to actually complete the non-fiction books I start or have started in the recent past. This is the first month that I can remember when I read/completed more non-fiction than fiction. Enjoyed all these books. 

Here's a look at what I read in January: 


The High House by Jessie Greengrass : Quick read. Interesting story (climate disaster related). Complicated characters and lovely writing style. I think this one will revisit me from time to time.

Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins : Tore through this one within a day. Kept my interest. A perfect one for getting back into a reading groove.


Cultish by Amanda Montell : Fascinating look at language and the ways it can be used to manipulate people.

We Are What We Eat by Alice Waters : This is a topic I'm interested in so I enjoyed it as a tool for filling myself up with some more content related to slow living + eating. 

Wintering by Katherine May : Been working through this one the last couple of months and really enjoyed it. I loved the seasonal angle on life and the recognition that we all live through various winters in our lives. I’ll probably re-read this one again in a future winter.

Read past book posts here.

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3 thoughts

  1. viola_v says…

    I loved this one , thank you for sharing!

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  2. minkaclark says…
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