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Week In The Life™ 2023 | Ali's Tuesday

Welcome to Tuesday of Week In The Life™ 2023. 

As I sat down to write up some reflections from my day I decided I wanted to use the Story Lens "I want to remember." I love that we don't always have to use a story lens when we are taking the photos themselves (I'm finding that I'm really enjoying just going with the flow with my photos) but can look back on our day and use the lens to tell the story. 

And man, do I love photos. I love them so much. 

Here's a look at my Tuesday photos + words: 

I want to remember that I've pretty much always been a morning person. I'm happy to get up at 6am and start my day before the rest of my people are up and around. That time in the morning has gotten longer as the kids have gotten older - especially when they are out of school. 

I read something recently that said something to the effect of "look at the sky before you look at a screen." I want to remember that. 

I want to remember how thankful I am to have a dog around again. This time is different because she really is "my" dog. Of course she gets lots of love from everyone else around here, but she's the first dog that has truly felt like she's mine. She's my shadow, my companion, and she loves being outside just as much as I do. 

I want to remember how much I love this guy's heart. It's really hard to be a teenager coming through + out of the havoc of covid. It was hard enough for teens navigating life without that and the effects seem to be lingering for some of our kids. It's also really hard when traditional school isn't necessarily the best fit for their creative spirit. 

We all feel the warmth of him when we get to witness a smile.

I want to remember how they really wanted me to take a photo of how different their toast was: same bread but but different doneness preferences. Anna's is the more burned one which makes me think of my Grandma Cathy who I'm pretty sure appreciated a more done slice too. 

I want to remember how she always wants to go. I can see her anxiety mount as people move around in the kitchen before school wondering whether or not she'll get to go for a ride. She's the best darn dog in the car: no barking and just sits quietly looking out the window or lays down on the seat for a nap. She wants to go where her people go.  

I want to remember the years and years of driving kids to school. 

These three are at three different schools (Anna + Audrey in 8th grade and Elliott is in 11th) and they will all be in different high schools next year. We are closing the chapter on the early school years (Anna's been at the same school for the last ten years - starting with pre-Kindergarten). I love that I have years of car photos like this one to look back on. 

I want to remember this. She sat on his lap the whole way to school. He's about 6'1 and she's probably between 60-70 pounds. And the dog hair. It's intense right now. 

I want to remember how Audrey and I often stop at the grocery store after dropping Anna and Elliott off because her school starts a bit later. We usually get a coffee or steamer and then check out our list and walk the aisles. She packs her lunch so she gets to pick out the kinds of things she wants (she's currently on a Ritz cracker, cheddar cheese, and ham kick). We grabbed a few things to supplement Aaron's Costco trip yesterday: gluten free pasta, raspberry lemonade, Mac + cheese, pork roast, bulk cashews, tofu. 

I want to remember how fun it is to bring my DSLR camera in the car with me and to be on the lookout for creative photo opportunities. Mirrors are always a fun one. Took this while I was picking up my prescription. On the mornings that I drive kids I try to pack in any other errands I might need to do (dropping off packages, picking up prescriptions) before heading back to my desk. 

I want to remember how she sits in the backseat just like a person. 

I want to remember how happy I am to finish up content for the Storytelling With Week In The Life™ workshop. If you'd like more information on my own personal process and flow for this project check out the workshop here

I want to remember how Anna pretty much always leaves stuff out on the bathroom counter. The reminders have been many. 

I want to remember how much joy I get from seeing these peonies come up year after year. I'm trying some new cages/grow-through plant supports for them this year on a few of the many plants I have in the yard. 

I'm also a major fan of bare feet outside. 

I want to remember how much joy I get from feeding the birds in our yard. It's one of those small tasks I can do when I need a break from my desk during the day. 

I want to remember how good it feels to finish a big project by noon and have space + time to head outside when the sun is shining. 

Also, yeah, that's a litter robot and I LOVE IT. 

I want to remember how I feel at the start of the warm weather season. So much hope and anticipation and excitement for what is to come in the yard. 

I want to remember the feel of the earth underneath me. 

I want to remember how much I enjoy the quiet times of the day. For working outside. For reading. For thinking. For imagining. 

I want to remember her smile and how when she got in the car today she said, "OMG Mom - I love your outfit." She's so cool. 

I want to remember that we are each other's people. 

I want to remember the work that's going into fixing this little space next to the street. I'm taking out all the weeds and going to plant something else. 

I want to remember how satisfying days like today are that include a mix of work at my computer, chores in the yard, kid driving, dinner making, and laughter. 

Tonight I made this recipe from The Natural Nurturer and it was well received by everyone who ate it. 

I want to remember the antics between the two. And how cool + creative Audrey is. 

So much of our lives are lived in this space. 

I want to remember that there are always part that are messy and always parts that are not. 

I want to remember that Wes Anderson is a complete genius and always inspires me. 

I want to remember that this project means so much to me each and every single time I embark on it. 

I want to remember that this is my real life. 







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21 thoughts

  1. clair_rigby says…

    You can tell that you really love your people - it shines through your words and your photographs.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Britta922 says…

    Oh, I feel inspired now. I think I will use this story lens tomorrow. Thank you for this beautiful post. I also love that you got your kids to provide pictures for this project. My daughter turns two this summer and I love this age, but your posts also make me very excited to parent teenagers one day!

    Here’s my take on Tuesday for Week in the Life:


    Reply 0 Replies
  3. PennyJM says…

    Your best photo/story telling day this week so far. Honest and good and full of joy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. AndiWalsh says…

    Sigh... just a beautiful read this morning. Life is beautiful, isn't it? Love this project. Love the words and photos. Peace.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. spedsue says…


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  6. sikraft says…

    Beautiful! And really so great to see Simon’s face. He’s always been a big presence in your photos and story. It’s so strange not to see him now that he’s moved out. And yet so much love for his independence!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jeannew says…

    Just beautiful. Words and photos. Love seeing your kids’ photo voices!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. chrys23 says…

    i love how happy simon looks!! go simon go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. deniseweatherby says…

    I love the way you tell the story to include your love for Betty. It inspires me to say something nice about my dog.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Smartis86 says…

    I love how your children send you photos and how different they are. :) Awesome idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. sweetkathyj says…

    I wish there was an option to "like" this post, because I would like the heck out of it. Thank you so much for sharing. It was inspiring.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. gr8scraps says…

      Agree! I'm always looking for the heart or like button!

  12. iHanna says…

    I took a photo of me reading your blog post for my own WITL photo book (as I have many times before), because I want to remember how much you have inspired me through the years with your words & photos, projects & ideas. Thank you.


    Reply 0 Replies
  13. mecastro says…

    Ali, I am really enjoying your photographs this year. The light and dark add so much nuance. I am in awe. I much prefer these photos to the ones I see on Instagram where everything is stark and bright. So glad you decided to go with your DSLR. I hope to one day get close to taking such interesting photographs.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kpadalik says…

    I had to laugh when I saw the picture of the bathroom counter. It looks just like my teen daughter's counter. Every. Single. Morning.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. jlcrite says…

    I always love your witl posts! So inspiring!
    Your Isaac is my Annie. I so get it. ❤️💔

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. CaitM says…

    Love this story lens, so great. And love the overalls, waiting on my first pair after reading Floret's post last week.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! I saw that too!

  17. raskinner says…

    Ali, I know you mentioned it somewhere- which camera are you using? But more specifically, are you using your 24-70 lens? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - I'm using a Canon 6D with a 24-70 lens. It was a spendy purchase but worth it for the wide options + low light goodness.

  18. kbledsoe says…

    Having a good car dog is the best! Love how you set up some of your shots (especially the one down the driveway, working on the side strip.) And the pics from the kids are awesome!

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