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Project Life® 2024 | Week 16

And I'm back! 

Working on content for my new Stash workshop (and a little more space in my schedule) has really gotten me excited about working on my weekly Project Life again. Today I'm sharing Week 16 and tomorrow I'll share Week 17 as I actually worked on them together. 

Keeping it simple. Getting the pockets filled. Having fun in the process + letting it be what it is for me in this season. 

Let's dive in: 

Here's a look at the spread in my album: 

Chipboard from April STBM + mini brads + Slick Writer pen + a little stitching to capture a few pieces from this week. 

Loving using the weekly transparent cards on top of pattern cards from my stash (you can grab the file + print your own here).

I've got yellow thread in my sewing machine right now and I love the pop of color it's adding to my projects. 


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1 thought

  1. dawnmi says…

    So happy to see your PL posts again! Thank you for sharing. Always fun to see your process and hear your thoughts.

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