Mary: part two.

Mary_2Mary was a woman that lived near my parents on the coast.

She was a dancer. A teacher. Helping students find a purpose. Loving kids. Changing lives.

I knew nothing of her until my Mom showed me the photo yesterday. An amazing image. It was on the cover of her Memorial Service Celebration of Life program. Mary died April 17 from cancer. An illness she had fought for a long time. She was 51.

On the inside of the program was a prayer that Mary wrote.

I so felt that it needed to go out into the world.

The Spheres Prayer
by Mary Lee Bonasera Matthews, 1953-2005

1. Self Love
Before you can share your life with others, you need to love yourself. Reach into yourself and drink from the spring of love, so you will have more to give. Respect your body and honor it, so you can give freely to others. Be kind to yourself.

2. Recognize the Mystical
Magical events are always happening. The complexity of a leaf, the depth of a starry night, sing of the power and mystery of the universe. Every person you meet is an opportunity to share and learn, and open the path to another world. Every moment is full of wonder, beauty, love. Let magical things happen, enjoy and embrace them.

3. Stay Clear

You have been put here with a purpose. Accept it. Keep going. Stay in the current. You can not go backwards. The current flows with you, around you and within you, as you stay focused. See yourself as a part of the larger world, and keep your mind free from negativity and thoughts which distract. You can see farthest when the air is clear.

4. Go Out into Nature
Nature is the great healer, and holds all goodness. The rain, the clouds, the wind, the sun, the water and trees. Take in nature and breathe the fresh air, the goodness. A diet of air will invigorate you. Look up at the sky, and remember who you are. Touch the earth. It is strong. Smell the life  and love of plants. Feel the rain. Soak it up.

5. Count your Blessings
Worry is not necessary. Spend an equal amount of time counting blessings. Start with your childhood. Take the time to remember to really appreciate each blessing, absorb it and think of all the good effects it has had on you and others. Don't overlook the ordinary. There are a thousand blessings in every moment, if you look. Each breath and heartbeat, every color, texture, taste, smell. A lifetime of blessings, beauty, love. Thankfulness is like water. Allow yourself the release, the cleansing, the quenching that gratefulness brings.

6. Dark Times
Every day is part light and part dark, the great cycle of life. It's OK to be sad or have grief, to make mistakes, to be sick, hurt, frustrated. Death is also a part of life. Grief is natural, and should be embraced, for it is cleansing, and secures your bonds with another. Dark times are what make you an individual. Accept situations as part of life. All feelings are natural, and a part of every person. Feel and move through. Everyone has flaws and struggles. They make you who you are.

7. Celebrate Life
Immerse yourself in the joy of living. Take part in the celebrations and the ceremonies, birth, marriage, birthdays, holidays, the joy of a new interest. Take every opportunity to enjoy and participate in happy, festive times. Experience the release of having fun. Dance, laugh, take joy in life. Celebrate the day.

Thanks Mary - for reaching out and connecting even when your time here on earth has passed.

This was such a reminder to me once again of the power of the written word. The power we have to impact others with our thoughts & feelings. The importance of telling your story for future generations. Reaching forward to comfort. To inspire. To teach. To remind. To celebrate.

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56 thoughts

  1. Eva says…

    Thank you for sharing. I worked with Mary for several years and she was truly an inspirational woman... for her students, her colleagues, her friends and family, to everyone who had the opportunity to meet her.

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  2. beth says…

    How incredibly beautiful! Mary must have had a beautiful and generous spirit! Thank you for sharing something so personal yet so inspiring!

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  3. Amanda says…

    Yes, Mary was beautiful in every way that a woman can be beautiful. She was my first dance teacher, and she was one of my English teachers as well. She is the reason that I am a dancer now and for the rest of my life. I am so glad that you posted this tribute to her...Thank you.

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  4. Shanda FitzHenry says…

    I came across this website today while browsing and started to cry when i saw the beautiful tribute you posted for Mary. She was my first and only dance teacher before I was disabled from a disease. I watched her go through the ordeal of cancer, from the hair loss and pain to the recovery to her decline. It was hard for her to leave us but she did what she had to. It is true that she changed lives. She truly changed mine, she saved mine. She was a powerful woman and i was priveleged to call her both my mentor and my friend. She was very much loved and respected and she is very very missed.

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  5. Sara says…

    Thank you so much for sharing the beauty of Mary and her life with so many others after she has left the physical world.....Mary was my teacher, my mentor, my collaborator, my colleague, my friend, my guide for what a "life well-lived" a time in my life when I need her guiding spirit more than ever I am so happy I came across your blog to see that Mary lives on in the hearts of people who never knew her as well as those of us who did....I think of her every day...every time the wind blows, every time I hear the ocean crash, every time I hear a Jimi Hendrix song, every time I see a long, silk scarf in a shop window, and every time I dance.....the world was blessed with her presence and her life.......thank you, thank you, thank you for passing on those blessings....

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  6. Carla says…

    Yes - She was an amazing girl -when I knew her - when we were both young and life was full of possibilites - Glad to see she never lost her love for life. to ham kum rah, Mary. Peace.

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