Campaign Update & 14 for 14


An update from Chris:

Only 20 days left. Over 7,000 homes visited (by myself personally).

Nearly $20,000 raised in small donations ($100 and under).

It all comes down to this. We've spent months laying the groundwork for a successful sprint to the finish. And now it's here. Ballots arrive this weekend. (In Oregon we vote by mail.)

None of the "political insiders" really thought I had a shot at this early on - especially since I am running against an incumbent with the support of big special interests. I knew it would take an inordinate amount of focus and hard work on my part to overcome that. So I set out to do just such. And I have. Things are looking very good right now and I am feeling confident and optimistic going into these last days. Of course it hasn't been without surprises. Its always fun (I say that facetiously) to learn that groups in opposition to me are doing phone banks completely fabricating my position on hot button issues to galvanize my opponent's base against me. There is not much you can do about it except respond and move on.

I thank all of you who have been supportive of my efforts, and I look forward to serving those of you who are constituents and Oregonians in the Legislature.

This has been such a crazy, amazing experience for our family. I love how Chris has put listening to the people in our community at the top of his list. I love, love, love the fact that he is not an indoctrinated politician. It is time for some people with new ideas, new backgrounds, and fresh perspectives to become a bigger part of our government.

Today I am asking you to consider supporting Chris financially in these last few crazy weeks of the campain. Just $14 can go a long way in helping Chris win House District 14. If you are so inclined please click here: (Note: you do need to be a US citizen to contribute.)

Finally, no matter where you live, make sure you vote. Take time to read your state's voter guide - schedule in time for it - educate yourself on the issues and make an informed decision. Forget about party line - look for people and measures that are aligned with what you believe most. Don't take our ability to make a choice for granted.

(Supplies from above: Rhonna Farrer Fall Foliage digital element; fonts = jailbird jenna + rosewood)

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26 thoughts

  1. scraptomylu says…

    If I lived in your area, you'd have my vote. You and your values remind me of our Brain Baird. Love that man! I can't believe how political I'm getting in my old age (45) I told my husband that if Barack Obama ended up running for President, then I would HAVE to work the campaign!

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