a technical question

Does anyone know how you can share a calendar between a mac + a pc? Is there a certain program that will do that? Ideally we would like it to be able to sync automatically when either Chris or I add something new. Right now I run iCal between my computers, but Chris is working on a pc.


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60 thoughts

  1. Michelle Cunningham says…

    Google's calendar program all the way. Plus you can share spreadsheets (budgets), etc.

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  2. Sidney Hartley says…

    I work at the University of Miami, our Dean is huge on Mac's, and some of our Scientists prefer PC, we use a calendar system call Now Up To Date, I love it. Whoever owns the programs logs in and can see all the other calendars (seminar rooms, class rooms, conference rooms, who is in town). It can be password protected too.

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  3. Di Hickman says…

    we use google calender, it really works great for us

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  4. Beth McCaa says…

    Hi Ali-
    I don't really know how much it costs, but my dad has a Mac and he runs something called Virtual PC on it. Maybe that would allow sharing?

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  5. Brooke says…

    In agreement with some other comments, I would highly, highly recommend Google calendar. My boyfriend is in NZ, and has multiple computers - Macs, Linux and Windows, and we share our calendars via Google, he is able to access both of our calendars on any of his computers.
    You can customize it so that you both share a single calendar, or you can each have a calendar, and you can change the colors to define them on your screen. Plus you can add other calendars - for instance, the US Holiday calendar, and it will add the holidays to your view too.
    There are so many options, it's amazing. My favorite option is the SMS reminder feature. Google sends me text messages (NONE unsolicited though) to remind me of events. When you create an entry, you can choose the type of reminders you want - SMS (text message), email, or popup. (Popup only works if you have Google calendar open in an internet window at the time of the reminder though)
    I also just found a new program yesterday, after looking for months, that allows me to sync my Google calendar with various programs on my PC. Which then allows me to sync with my Palm pilot. It's freakin' awesome, I'm so excited. (I know I know, quite the geek.)
    Anywho, if you have questions I will try to answer them. I'm not a Google expert but I do love the calendar. Next to my Gmail, it is the Google service I use most. Plus, you can't beat the cost - FREE! ;)

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  6. Nancy says…

    Google calendar rocks!

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  7. Robin Weiss says…

    Get an iPhone. ;-P

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  8. Robin Weiss says…

    Get an iPhone. ;-P

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  9. Anissa says…

    Maybe too late but... Google Calendar is the Best :)

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  10. Laurie says…

    I vote for Google Calendar as well. My husband travels and he can change the calendar from everywhere. Also if you don't have access to your personal computer, you can get to Google Calendar from any computer, like at a hotel, or a library, or even Simon's school. I do that all the time, find out about an activity while I am at the girl's school, then just use the office computer to plug it into the calendar before I forget it.

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