Hello December.


[ photo by Paolo Liloc ]

My first December Daily post will actually come tomorrow as it is a daily documentation project and I have to actually live it before I can document it. I plan on taking some photos around the house today as we pull out the holiday tubs and pick up our tree this afternoon.

One of my favorite adventures of the past week was a visit to the Space Needle. When we were driving up to Seattle we decided to make a reservation for lunch on Friday and then invited Paolo + Courtney to come along. This was Simon's first trip up to the restaurant and observation deck and he definitely liked the experience. I think he may have liked the ride up the elevator best of all. As you can see it was traditional lovely Seattle weather.


Simon also spent lots of time during the week being very interested in the happenings of cousin Lucy. We were given many updates on where she was, what she was doing, etc. He is definitely going to be a really good big brother. This was also really the first time that he and cousin Henry really played with each other - running and chasing and being boys.

In addition to time spent with family at my parents house we headed over to the Long Beach, Washington coast area after Thanksgiving to spend some time with my sister-in-law's family. Movies, relaxation, good food, and antique shopping were all part of the agenda.

It's always a bit crazy to come home again after being gone for a few days. We stopped at Ikea on the way back and picked up a couple things for the baby room: lamp, crib sheets, etc. I have plans to work on that a bit this week in addition to getting the house set up for Christmas...we shall see how that goes.

I hope you all have a great first day of December and do something special to celebrate today. Maybe a toast at dinner, an intention of peace & simplicity, or just a heightened awareness of what matters most to you and your family during this season. If you come up with a cool intention, toast, prayer or thought that would be a nice little something to add to your album.


Tim is doing his fantastic 12 Tags of Christmas again this year. I am thinking I may play along and add the tags to my December Daily album. His tags tend to be a great way to learn how to use many of the cool products he offers. I am excited to see what he comes up with this year. You can check out last year's tags here.

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28 thoughts

  1. D'Nese says…

    Oh Ali, please say it isn't so. Do I really have to have the Photoshop series to purchase your digi kits?
    Happy December. I'm loving this time of year with all my heart.

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  2. Mary L says…

    Hi Ali,
    I know this will sound really lame but I'm not familiar on how to use the designer digitals that you have on your blog. If I purchase it, what do I need so I can use it? Adobe Photoshop? Sorry but I'm not a really high tech kind of girl. Please advice. Thanks.

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  3. Susie Q says…

    OMG! I haven't visited in a while. when did I miss the baby news? congrats! I also think Simon is going to be a great big Brother! happy Holidays :) susie

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