One Little Word 2009 & Giveaways


I am so excited to embark on a new word for 2009.

My word is nurture.


For me, especially with a new baby on the way within the next month or so, I have been thinking a lot about nurturing. It's such a soft, slow, gentle word.

There are many things in my life I would like to focus on nurturing this coming year. Our new baby girl. Simon and the transition to big brotherhood. My relationship with Chris. Photography. Patience. My business & this blog.

I am also going to be conscious of nurturing myself during this time of major transition in our lives.

There is something very special about this word for me. It represents slowing down, simplifying, and pinpointing what is really important to me in my life (not just the next 365 days). I am nervous and excited and so looking forward to what is to come.


The idea behind the one little word concept is to give yourself something to focus on throughout the year. As I stated in my newsletter back in January 2007, "A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow."

Also from that same newsletter:

Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want
for yourself in 2009?

It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a
thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or
plural. The key is to find something that has personal
meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your
spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR

One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow
yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing
that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into
your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now.
Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often
found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways.
Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready
for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.

I can't wait to see all the words for 2009.


To celebrate the new year I have three very special giveaways - all directly related to this project. Two beautiful pieces of jewelry and one piece of art to celebrate your word.


Lisa Leonard Designs
Giveaway: One custom Word of the Year Necklace
Special for AE readers: 20% off Word of the Year necklaces with the code "myword" at checkout
Meet Lisa | Shop Lisa


Liz Lamoreux Soul Mantra Pendants
Giveaway : One custom Soul Mantra Pendant any size or design
Special for AE readers : 20% off Soul Mantra necklaces throughout January. Enter code "one word 2009" in the notes to seller and the discount will be refunded to you through Paypal.
Meet Liz | Shop Liz


Stephanie from Homegrown Hospitality
Giveaway: One 4x6 black or white frame with hand drawn doodle in color pallet of your choice. The doodle can include "The Word" or "A Name" and a favorite quote, verse or scripture.
Special for AE readers: Stephanie is donating $5 from the sale of each doodle to Autism Speaks.
Meet & Shop Stephanie

To be entered into the drawing today please leave a comment with your word for 2009. It's totally fine if you are still thinking about it - if that's the case just leave a comment with some of your intentions for this new year. Comments will be closed on Thursday, January 1st at noon Pacific with the winners posted shortly after.

A safe and Happy New Year to each and every one of you.

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1940 thoughts

  1. Diana Willis says…

    Happy New Year Ali,
    I love your word for 2009!
    I am still undecided about my word for 2009 but plan to have my word selection shortly. Some of the words I am thinking about are now, prioritize, time, love and today to name a few.
    Thanks for always being such an inspiration to so many. Best wishes for a year of nurturing for you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Roni says…

    2009 Blessings to you, Ali! This is my 3rd year for 'one little word' and each year the word has been my mantra. #1 was Believe, #2 was Moments, and #3 will be InnerStrength. I hope to find the innerstrength to complete some things I a stronger, better me...I can feel it in my bones...thank you for this one little word! It truly has focused me each year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Tally says…

    My word is
    *** l i g h t n e s s ***
    Still pondering about all it's meanings for me and haven't blogged it yet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Alma says…

    My word is hope--pure and unadulterated. Hope that things really can change, and joy is indeed possible. So far, so good.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jenny says…

    My word (like some of the other posters) is CONTENT. I get so caught up sometimes in the stress, desire, and speed of the world, that I want this year to be filled with the knowledge that I have everything I could ever need or want. The rest is just icing on the cake.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Linnea says…

    Hi Ali :o) Happy New Years! My word is: soft. I did a little blog post about it, and am brainstorming new ways to weave it into my life. All the best, and thank you for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Deanna says…

    I've been thinking about a few words. I really like BALANCE, it is something that I have been striving for.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Laura says…

    Gratitude is my word for 2009.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Yanah says…

    Happy New Year!
    My best wishes for you and your beautiful family, lots of health, love, peace and prosperity for this 2009.
    My word for 2009 is GRATITUDE. I think the key for a better future is always feel gratitude, always be grateful for what we have, for what is around us, for our lives, for our family members, for this wonderful country, for our planet, for our beautiful nature, for anything and everything. I am grateful and I do and will practice gratitude.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Renee says…

    Hi Ali, My word this year is gratitude - to find something everyday to be grateful for. Love visiting your blog.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Tracey P. says…

    Taking up the rear section here... : )
    Hmmmmmmmmm, I've been thinking about this and decided with what my life is like right now (new, creative freelance work, vacation home ownership and a dog in our house for the first time) I feel like I am embarking on several new adventures.
    So, my word for 2009 is EMBARK. And, get it? emBARK? Woof, woof? Ha ha ha. : )
    Tracey P.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Rachel B. says…

    Hi Ali. I love your one word idea. Please count me in for your giveaways. I'd love to have a lovely reminder of my word through a necklace. I'm excited to join in your one word challenge for 2009.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Wendy says…

    My word for 2009 is Faith. We are in the midst of an International adoption which at times can be a real rollercoaster ride. Much of this has already required a huge leap of faith! Thanks Ali, wishing you and your family an amazingly wonderful New Year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kari D says…

    Thank you for such a thoughtful idea. What a wonderful time it has been in 2008 seeing your creations come to life, being part of a community that engages in conversation about art/creativity. But watching from the outside is not enough. Neither is engaging with intention. I guess my word for 2009 is RESULTS, actually doing and accomplishing. What the final outcomes are may be very different that the thoughts that began the process....but it will be interesting seeing what happens along the way. Thank you for a great beginning of 2009. May this year continue to bring you joy, love, and happiness.

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  15. galen says…

    my word for 2009 is FLEXIBILITY. my job situation seems uncertain, and i feel like my life in in a state of flux. i think i will need flexibility in my life and my attitude in 2009.

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  16. brenda says…

    My word this year is cherish. Our son was born in September and the word seems appropriate for my husband and son. My two boys! Cherish

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  17. Ashley says…

    My word for this year is "live".

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  18. rachel carlson says…

    evolve: to develop gradually. to come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution.
    i want to evolve as a person, as an artist, as a photographer, as a wife, as a friend and as a human.
    best wishes to you ali in 2009 and thanks for the continued inspiration!
    hugs, rachel

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Michelle Devine says…

    I have a lot to discover this year about myself. I find that i am still learning everyday and discovering new things about me and my kids. I want to focus on those discoveries and remember the importance of them.

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  20. Kim says…

    I am still thinking of mine! LOTS of things I want to do in the coming year!

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  21. Debra says…

    My word for 2009 is Organization
    ~the state or manner of being organized.
    In 2009 I will organize my work office, my home office, my finances, garage, cupboards, drawers, closets, kitchen, photos, crafts. Clutter is slowing me down. When one is organized, one can accomplish so much and accomplish things faster as well!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Shann says…

    My word for 2009 is Vitality... I am going to strive for a wholehearted life with a daily smile in what ever I am doing...
    1. liveliness: abundant physical and mental energy, usually combined with a wholehearted and joyous approach to situations and activities
    2. durability: the ability of something to live and grow or to continue in existence
    the vitality of cherished traditions
    3. philosophy vital principle: the nonmaterial force that, according to vitalism, distinguishes the living from the nonliving.
    Merry 2009 Ali! Thank you for taking time to share your world with us all. I look forward to your blog every morning; you make me think and smile on a daily basis...

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Crystal says…

    My word for 2009 is Beginnings
    my husband sent me a text message yesterday afternoon saying he would not be home. It has been a long 2 years of cheating, lies, and deceit.
    I need a fresh start / a new beginning for me and our 3 year old son.
    This will be a year of beginnings for a lot of things - being alone, being a single parent, doing things for myself, etc.
    Wish me luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Trina says…

    I still haven't settled on a word yet, but would love the change to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Débora Prass says…

    I though about it, but I still deciding on my word for 2009, I had a crazy December, with so much going on, that only now I´m having time to slow down and think about my plans for 2009! Maybe SIMPLICITY would be a good one... :) Happy New Year for you!

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