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A nap & a vision.

DreamstudioI took a little nap this afternoon and awoke to a vision forming in my mind. A vision of a new studio set up.

I got up and sketched it out. The vision is of old chests lining a wall - each drawer for a manufacturer (that is how I organize) would include papers and embellishments, etc., or a series of items that could be organized in little trays set inside. I imagine that the chests would all be different colors...maybe I would paint them fun colors or all white...but they would all be used. Garage sale or Goodwill finds.

And what would be even cooler would be to have one of these on the wall above. Can't remember who linked me to this awhile back - was it you Tracy? Such a cool, cool thing.

I think this little vision came about through a combination of things:

1. Seeing Rebecca Sower's studio in CK's Top Ten Issue - she has tons of cool old pieces as home for her supplies. Pieces that look like they could tell cool stories.

2. Picking up an issue of Cottage Living magazine the other day. Some of my pals had mentioned it was a good one and it was totally me. Sigh. Love that look. The mix of modern and old. Here is a cool link to a feature about new not always being better. Of course, Country Home is still a favorite.

3. Being inspired by Tina as usual and reading something she wrote about loving old new life to old things. This is something I also love and want to make more a part of me on a regular basis.

4. Seeing all the cute little drawings that Keri Smith puts up on her blog. For those of you who asked about the dice - they came from inside a book she wrote about creativity called Living Out Loud. Awesome book.

5. And thinking again about living only with what I love. It's totally related to the money stuff. To simplifying. To having what is only really important surrounding you. Tara had a great post about just this subject the other day. Love you sista.

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40 thoughts

  1. StephG says…

    I ordered Keri Smith's book the other day because of you. It should be here soon. Can't wait.

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  2. Amy says…

    Keep your eyes peeled for old dressers on the side of the road with "FREE" signs. That's where my husband found my favorite : )

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  3. Susan says…

    Okay, I love the wall graffiti site!
    I've been looking at this site and having a hard time picking just one. Now you've made my choices even harder! thanks alot... :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Cathy says…

    MAN...i want some of that wall vinyl NOW! Been walking all over the house, wondering, "What could we say there?"
    That is bookmarked now, baby. I'd like to plaster some big quote on my wall that makes me happy. Problem is, can't think of anything to say. DANG!
    love your sketch, by the way. now you're making me want to start drawing things.
    hey...when you come next week, will you just create a really cool blog entry for me? hehe.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Cathy says…

    One more should try to find antique flat files...we used to have them at my last design job. SO cool were they. HUGE suckers.
    sorry. i'm not trying to make you want again. shoot.
    ignore me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jessica says…

    I love the graffiti site!! I just had to order one!! My husband is building me my *dream* scrapbook room, so it would be a perfect addition to it. Of course, reading your earlier post makes me feel guilty now....I too should just cut the suckers up!! Thanks for sharing such cool things, Ali!

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  7. jamie says…

    awesome sketch miss ali. i love those magazines too. so inspiring.

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  8. t says…

    okay, this is incredibly twilight zone. when we first had our own apartment, we didnt have enough room in our bedroom for our dresser. and we also didnt have a TV stand. so we used our dresser as our TV stand. then we moved, and we had room for a dresser, but i loved the dresser as a TV stand idea so much that we kept it for a very long time. it was perfect storage for movies, kids toys and books and other house odds n ends. the dresser went into the boys room in valencia, because the house had a built in TV shelf/cabinet thing.
    anyway, my point is-literally TODAY-i was thinking about how i missed using that old dresser as another form of furniture. in this house again, we have a built in tv cabinet thing in the wall, so i was thinking i couldnt use it as that, but maybe as a "behind the couch" type table or just decoration period. dressers are very cool. i love old furniture. it was made so well. not like the IKEA crap my kids have to deal with.....
    anyway, im rambling. but when i saw your little sketch it was like an electric shock of freakiness went through me. it was a deja vu type moment. weird.
    and the word site-i found it before they were selling anything.....last fall i think? and forgot about it. thank you for reminding me. that is definately going somewhere. i may have to have you typeset my quote for me. ;)

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  9. missy says…

    okay the sketch is cool, but all i am thinking about is you lucky girl. mom has the kids and you get to take a NAP!! totally jealous!

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  10. kim says…

    ahhh the old stuff. my framer has a collection of old dressers and cabinets and they are displayed just like this. they are all $900 or more EACH. dang.
    is it okay that i point out that i hate the fact that even your sketches are cool? ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Marilyn H says…

    Oooohhhh, i love your sketch!! I need to visit your blog more often. :)
    also, power to you on the recent scissors and credit card incident. Takes guts, man!

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  12. Allison K says…

    It would be amazing!!!

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  13. JuliaR says…

    You are feeding right into my fantasy scrap room. There is an antique giant many-drawered-cool-wood-unit-that-I-have-no-idea-what-its-original-purpose-was at an antique store in Seaside. We've wandered by it many times, and each time I pause, sigh, and envision tucking all sorts of clever re-purposed containers into the drawers to store my scrap supplies. And then I move on, as the $2800 price tag is too rich for my blood. But I feel ya, sistah. That would be a sweet setup.

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  14. Shelley says…

    I think this would be totally cool. Would hide all the "stuff" and leave a neat, tidy nostalgic looking room. I have two antique dressers in my bedroom over 100 years old each. One was Jeff's grandfathers and the other one I got at an auction for $50 and refinished. You can find bargains. Go for it!

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  15. Tina says…

    First LOVE your sketch. Wish I could draw, even a tiny bit. Remember Rod' stick man, he's far better than it am.
    The dressers, that would be divine. I have serious bad luck in finding dressers. Trust me I have tried. We wanted an old one for Thomas' room. I went to every Value Village, Garage Sale, Salvation Army, Thrift Store. No dice. People are crazy for them. Because they are cool. There is nothing else like well built furniture.
    I need to check out that mag. Well buy it (because I looked at it online and I'm in love). The combination of old and new, that is me. Although I've totally put house stuff on hold until we actually move next year. My style is more modern (mid-century modern) but that's all old too. One day, I'm going to collect chairs, the real things, the ones I could never afford now. Eames, Le Corbusier, Barcelona, etc. But I want something with a history, that people have used, loved, etc. The thought of that to me is too wonderful.

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  16. Leah says…

    Love the sketch and LOVE the link to WAll-words! I am getting ready to move soon and can't wait to order some for my scrapbooking room.....LOve it!

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  17. mel says…

    okay, coming in a bit late in the game on this one... just a friendly designer tip to you and others reading. take a look at a local sign shop and have them quote you a price on vinyl lettering. they can do any font, any size, any word or phrases - fraction of the cost of something you'd pay for online + no shipping and complete design control. i've done it before on a couple of design projects for work. a total dream. stepping off my designer soap box.

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  18. Lu says…

    It would be great to have a wall of drawers. I love the sketch.

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  19. Sara says…

    i'm hooked on the wall-art idea. love that typewriter font! have you thought about what you would you would write or did i miss that one?
    love the drawers as well. i feel the same way about fountain pens, especially old ones {not necessarily 'antiques'} hmm... maybe i should line my studio walls with fountain pens :)

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  20. Carrie says…

    Did I tell you about that? Maybe... I've been contemplating getting some big quotes from them for a while. But for Valentine's day I got that cute little heart and lips thing. It says "brad + care" and it's on our bathroom mirror. :) I'll post a picture of it soon.

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  21. Shelby says…

    wow, I love that idea. Such a cool way of organizing!

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  22. margaret says…

    omg, I am just kicking myself right now. I actually had a machine, in my office no less, that made these vinyl wall letterings. Used them for every single opening/exhibit we had. If only my mind was thinking more creatively at the time...I could've had so much fun with it. By the way, I just love the idea (and sketch) of those old chests grouped together like that. But even more, the idea of dedicating a specific drawer to a manufacturer. Pure genius.

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  23. jessica m says…

    I think the antique library card catalog chest mom has could do wonders for your idea :)
    I'll keep my eyes out for old chests for you!

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  24. Denise says…

    I hope you can stand to have another pea post comments on your weblog. I'm hopelessly addicted to them! Anyway, I so LOVE your idea of chests in your scrap room...espcially colored ones!

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  25. Farrah says…

    Love the chest idea. Totally cool!!

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