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Ta Da.

CardsHere's my proof. After I took this shot I gathered up the pieces from the cards and put them in a little glass bottle - a gentle reminder to myself of my priorities.

And today's dice say, live loud.

Also wanted to say thanks to those of you that mentioned a couple great notes about cutting up cards. The first is not to cancel the cards - canceling them can actually do more harm than good on your credit rating. I had learned that in the past from consumer advocate Clark Howard. And I must admit that I did keep one card for travel purposes (since traveling for work has become a bigger part of my life). It will be up to me to be disciplined to not use it just because. I'll keep you posted on that progress.

I must say that Chris was extremely happy to come home to my pile of cards. The topic of money has been one of contention over the years. A few months back we decided to separate out our credit. We have a joint account for bills and groceries - we are on a cash grocery basis and that has helped. Together we have no debt (except our mortgage). It is just me with the debt - good old consumer debt - and it is my responsibility. He is a saver. I am a spender. I am on a new path now...hopefully.

Seriously, thanks again for all the support - great to read all the comments. It was totally freeing to cut those things up.

One of the comments I loved this morning was from Michelle. Thank you for introducing me to Kent Nerburn. I found another wonderful except from that same book (Simple Truths) here. I have put that book on my list - rather than immediately ordering it from Amazon - for a time in the future when I can get to the library or can afford to pay cash. GO ME. Interestingly Kent's home is in Minnesota and he has a connection with the school where the shooting occured the other day. His blog looks to be one that I will add to my list to read. Again, thanks Michelle.

On another note: Mom was here last night for a visit. She and Simon took off to the coast this morning so that Chris and I can enjoy some time on our little Portland adventure this weekend. I am blessed beyond measure that my parents are so willing and able and excited to have Simon stay with them. Love you guys. Have fun buddy!

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32 thoughts

  1. Susan says…

    YEAH for you! those cut up cards look great! my son had a great time running mine through our shredder! I like the dice too....can you tell us late comers about those please?

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  2. miley says…

    way to go on cutting up the cards! I did the same..and I have to tell you it was the most liberating feeling. So love reading your blog...:) miley

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  3. Andie says…

    good for you! I cut up mine last year when we were trying to move to FL....but wish i had them again when we evacuated for the hurricaneS.
    I find its easier to save if I'm saving for something. Good luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lisa says…

    I've been following your credit card journey and wanted to say BRAVO! I have an idea to prevent you from using that last card for "just because" purchases. A friend of mine used to put her credit cards in a ziploc bag of water and store them in the freezer. That way, she has to defrost them in order to use them and she uses the defrosting time to ponder whether or not she should make the purchase. I always found this practice really, really funny and effective at the same time!

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  5. Amy says…

    Awesome Ali!!! It's hard not to use those dang things!!!! We've learned the hard way too. :) Where did you get those dice again??

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  6. Kris Noorman says…

    Awesome, Ali! Love Lisa's comment on here about freezing the card in ice. I laughed out loud at that one! What a great idea!
    • Kris

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  7. Jacquie says…

    Ali, thanks for the direction to Kent Nerburn's blog. My dh grew up on Red Lake Indian Reservation. (His dad was a missionary pastor). He is saddened by the events that happened there. My dh has a blanket that an old Indian woman made him when he was a child. It means so much to him.
    Cutting up the cards is a great step to living with less. Like you said, GO YOU!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Crystal says…

    Gotta love Clark Howard. :) His is one of my favorite radio shows to listen to on 590 KUGN.
    Enjoy living loud today! I'm proud of you and this new step you're taking toward financial freedom! Enjoy your time with Chris this weekend. You are truly blessed to have the support network that you have with your parents.
    ~cc :)

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  9. Kerry says…

    Woo hoo to you! I'm loving those dice. I see you doing some cool photo banner for your blog page with those dice in the future. ;)

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  10. Kate says…

    Go Ali- go go go!! More cheering you on! Those dice are funky!

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  11. borcherding says…

    Ali, I couldn't believe your entry today. You REALLY struck a chord with me and you definitely read my mind this past week. I too feel weighed down by debt and it's very very scary to me as lots of times I feel like I will never be debt free. Part of my problem is that I am an emotional spender too and that doesn't help. Any time I am depressed or need a pick me up I buy something whether it's a new magazine, scrapbook supplies or whatever. Seeing your pile of cards as well as your journal has really inspired me to start my own DEBT FREE journal. I am determined to make one this weekend. It's scary because some day I would love to build a home and right now it seems like that will NEVER happen. :-( Another problem is that my husband is always worried about retirement and savings (which we have NONE) and it makes me crazy. What good is all that money in a retirement plan if I die tomorrow??!! Thanks Ali, for letting me vent and sharing your life struggles with all of us. Happy Easter!!
    ps. I know we can be successful at this - best of luck to both of us!! GO ALI AND CINDY!! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Angela Cardas-Meredith says…

    Good for you! I haven't used mine in years...the college years specifically (go beavs) Paying them off is such an amazing feeling. I still have more to go - but trust me it is worth it! :)

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  13. Emily T says…

    Ali, I am a big fan of your work, and through reading your blog have become an admirer of your outlook on life and your peaceful demeanor. You are an inspiration :)

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  14. Trina says…

    LOVE the photo Ali---way to go girl! Congrats on your first step in the right direction. We are all here to support you if you should have a week moment---agree with an earlier post, we are much cheaper than therapy!! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Shelley says…

    Woohoo.... good for you. That is very brave. I only have one card and I try to use it only for emergencies! But they are always the bigger priced items so it still gets up their higher then I like.
    Good luck with your debt free venture!

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  16. Carrie says…

    Cool photo, chica! :)

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  17. Laney says…

    You go!!! I cut mine up a few years ago. Now I'm a cash only girl, it feels much better too!

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  18. Felecia says…

    Thanks for the Kent Nerburn blog link. My parents live in Bemidji and my father works for one of the bands. Being from MN and hearing of the life my parents lead, I know there is so much more to this story than the media gives you! Bravo for posting an enlightening perspective for more folks!!!

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  19. Lu says…

    Way to go. Keep the faith.

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  20. angela says…

    way to go Ali, that must have been tough, but it will be well worth it in the long run!

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  21. Shelby says…

    I did not have a chance to comment the other day, but I am going through this same thing right now. Debt has been such a huge part of our lives, as has our credit been. Johnny got his all cleaned up, I am still working on it. One of the best feelings ever was to cut up our cards. I am now completely on a cash/debit card only basis and I tell ya, I actually think before spending now. Something about that cash dwindling really makes me think. Good for you though, I am happy that you are taking steps to help yourself out of debt!

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  22. Tricia says…

    Keep shining Ali, you do it so very well!!

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  23. Carrie Owens says…

    love that you have done this, girlie :)

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  24. Jane says…

    Really good topic Ali! My husband and I are like you and Chris in that he is the saver and I am the spender. I love to shop and try not to spend too much but I often reach for the credit card. Scrapbooking doesn't help in that I want all the cool new stuff that I see in the magazines.
    Thanks again for the inspiration!!

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  25. missy says…

    clark howard would be so proud! one thing you got to remember is to do what is best for you and what will make you happy. suze orman is great at giving that type of advice. you can get tons of money advice but in the end you need to do what makes you happy and content. it will take you a while (until you pay off the card debt) to appreciate what you did but you will be so much happier in the end! congratulations!

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