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An update.

Thanks for all your great comments today - I love hearing about the ways in which you have struggled or found success. Thank you for feeling free to share.

After writing this up earlier today, and reading your comments, I ended up cutting up my cards. I would take a photo of it for you except that Chris has the camera today. It is a start. Something about sharing here gave me the push I needed to let go. So, thanks.

And for those of you who asked about the can see the entire 2005 intention book here. And what look like stamps on there are actually Autumn Leaves rub ons from the Office Collection. Love those.

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29 thoughts

  1. Maureen says…

    Hey Ali....I read all of what you wrote earlier, and also what you ended up doing. That is such a hard decision to make! We did that a lot of years ago....gosh I am thinking maybe 8? It took us a lot of years to pay off our credit card debt but it felt good. We lived with no credit cards for a few years, and in the fall, I got one for "emergencies". You'd think I would have learned my lesson.....and now I am cutting up that emergency card! Good luck! I am sure you can do it and it is the best thing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Becky says…

    Ali - I read your comments earlier, and wanted to commend you for taking that first big step. It's a tough one, too! My husband and I have dealt with a lot of money problems over the years....and we finally are now at a place, after getting rid of the cards and learning how to make wise choices, that we can do some of the things we enjoy and not feel incredibly guilty about it when the bills come.
    I'd recommend, if you haven't already seen or heard of him, checking out Dave Ramsey. We use a modified system based on his, and it's really made a big difference. His motto is basically (and I'm paraphrasing badly) "Live like nobody else now, so you can live like nobody else later." I remind myself of that a lot when I'm feeling the call of some new thing somewhere.
    Anyway...three cheers for you for making the first step. You can do it!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jenny L says…

    Wow, good for you. You can do it Ali. You've got your "sisterhood" here cheering you on. :) Woohoo!

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  4. Lynne G. says…

    You go, girl! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jill says…

    congrats on taking a huge step! it is so scary when things feel like they have gone too far! You can def'ly do this :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. missy says…

    go ali..go ali..go ali! or should we sing
    we did it, we did it, we did it...we went and got the sissors, we got all the cards, we cut them up! we did it..please tell me simon watches dora :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. christine says…

    *sigh* debt.
    Jeff just finished grad school. Just imagine our debt. A job for him would definitely help! I guess it is baby steps for us to eliminate it. Love to hear how everyone is inspiring each other.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. m says…

    Hi Ali ... frequent reader/commenter here. Cutting up your cards is a good idea, BUT ... do not close all of those accounts at once. You can actually do serious harm to your credit rating (bad if you plan on buying a house, getting a car loan, refinancining any time in the near future)if you start closing accounts (lenders view it as a sign of instability)and thus cause your loan rates to go up.
    Just another piece of useless information clogging up my brain.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kate says…

    Wow- you go girl! I'm sitting here cheering you on - you can do it- go ali- go go go!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Shawnnita says…

    Congrats on taking the first step, the hardest. Also cuddles to S! And SO glad to see that someone near my age likes Johnny Cash too! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kate says…

    Hey Ali- me again- I found this link too(interesting take on simple life):

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Allison K says…

    WOW! You are a brave woman!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Julia says…

    Brave, indeed!! Don't cut 'em all up - you'll need one whenever you stay at a hotel or rent a car -- NEVER use a check card for those things (they tend to hold large chunks of funds, which can cause problems when you're talking about your primary checking account). Nope, I've never had to talk to clients about these type things LOL!

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  14. Rachel says…

    Go Ali! I know my credit card number off by's a bad thing I tell you ;)

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  15. Melissa C says…

    Good for you, are a brave women. I did the same years ago. Now we only use one card, amex, for everything. Since it has to be payed off monthly, it keeps me in control (well, some months!) and I love those points we get.

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  16. Michelle Adams says…

    You go , Girl!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kelli M says…

    Ali, I don't know if you've heard of the "FlyLady", but she posted a very good article on getting control of our finances yesterday. You can read it here:
    Made me rethink my use of a debit card. I thought using it was good, since it was coming out of our checking account and not going onto a credit card. But now I'm thinking a true "cash" system may be better. Dunno, just thinking out loud here! Good luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Michelle says…

    Hi Ali,
    One of my favorite writings about "possessions" is by Kent Nerburn, it's a bit long - but thought you might like the insight:
    " Most of our possessions arrive in our lives almost by accident. Gradually, like falling snow, they accumulate around us until they form the basis for our identity. We do not intend for this to happen. Most things we acquire are meant to increase our happiness and sense of fulfillment. But their uniqueness is quickly subsumed into the ordinariness of daily affairs. We wake up one day and find ourselves surrounded by possessions that mean nothing to us. Our freedom is gone; our lightness of being is gone. In their place is a sense of responsibility and ownership. We have become curators of our own cluttered reality.
    What has happened?
    Unwittingly we have allowed ourselves to be trapped by the thrill of the hunt. In our excitement we have forgotten that the pursuit of most possessions is nothing more than that - a pursuit - and have allowed ourselves to believe that our happiness would be increased by the next possessions we acquire. But in fact, our lives have slowly developed a sense of physical mass, and we are bound to the earth like stones.
    We must remember that most possessions are really butterflies that turn into caterpillars. They start with the wings of fantasy. We see them as freedom, as happiness. We believe they have the power to change our lives. We pursue them with energy and excitement. When we finally get them, they give us a moment of elation; then, like an echo, a feeling of hollowness comes over us. The thrill of ownership begins to grow cold in our hands.
    Debt, not poverty, is the greatest enemy of financial well-being and peace of mind. They will dress debt up in a suit and call it credit. But it all comes down to the same thing: You have mortgaged your future to pay for your present, and this is something you don't ever want to do."
    There's more, but enough typing. It's from his book, "Simple Truths" - great book BTW. Good luck!

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  19. Julia says…

    WOO HOO!! You go girl, get that camera back to take pics of those cards, I bet this would make a great lo (ever the scrapbooker) :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Chasity says…

    You inspired me. I cut mine up too! Must admit, my palms were sweaty and my pulse was thru the roof, but it's done! Thanks for the inspiration! We can do it! :)

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  21. Kelley says…

    Ali, you don't know me, but I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you!
    I came across your blog by accident, and since you are one of my favorite scrapbookers, I check in with your blog to see what's going on. I couldn't believe you cut up your cards!!!! What a wonderful first step!!!
    Keep it up, debt free is the way to be! (I'm trying to convince my fiance of this too!!!)

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  22. Lu says…

    I feel you on wanting to simplify your life and thinking about what you are doing before you do it. You are not alone in wanting a simpler life where you are not in need of so many possessions to get you through the day.
    I really enjoy your site and work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Susan says…

    Hey Ali!
    Good for you!!!!! Isn't it kind of liberating to make that step. I found it kind of exciting when I cut mine up a few years ago.
    Its a constant struggle to keep debt from creeping back.
    I now have one card that I use and pay off each month, but there have been a few months that I could not pay it off completely.
    It almost made me sick to my stomach. It now really bothers me knowing I've got this little balance oweing out there and debt has creeped back into my life, however small.
    Its easy to do, since we are gatherers by nature. We feel the need to gather possessions.
    I love reading your blog from time to time. It recharges my determination too! Stay strong!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. nia says…

    Talk about freeing eh?
    We too, have begun to accumulate a significant amount of debt that looms over my head constantly. Hoping to really curb that this year. Getting off to a pretty good start, but have a long road ahead.
    good luck my friend.

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  25. Beth says…

    What a "freeing" feeling! I haven't gotten there yet, but you give me inspiration!

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