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Sometimes & Thankful Thoughts

On Friday night I posted a photo of myself with the following words on Instagram:

Sometimes I have a hard time adjusting to new routines. Sometimes I'm much too much in my head. Sometimes my list feels like it's going to swallow me whole. Sometimes I forget to be thankful for a million little things. So that's what I'm going to do this weekend - for every worried/panicked/negative thought I have I'm going to counter it with a thankful thought. Starting now

And I did it (and those sentiments seemed to resonate with many of you on Instagram too). 

I opened up a blank page in one of my Moleskine's and started my list:

And it worked. At least a little bit. I ended up just writing things down as I thought of them - not necessarily in response to a negative thought but rather just as they came to mind. 

Of course it doesn't take it all away. My list is still my list. My brain is still my brain. And I've been feeling under the weather this whole last week that I'm sure isn't helping. Cough + fatigue + mentally out of sorts = challenges. It's hard to feel zesty and on top of your game when you're tired and having coughing fits. 

I also remembered, as I was writing out my list and as I was thinking about my upcoming photo workshop, how much of a positive impact photography has on me in terms of bringing joy via the process of looking through the lens. When Aaron and I took a walk on Sunday morning I snapped a couple flower shots and gave thanks for that as well. 

And then I came home to an email from my Mom which included this poem that my sister had recently sent to her which pretty much sums it up: 

So here's to a week of crossing things off my list. Here's to a week filled with a perspective of thankfulness. Here's to a week where I get to see some special friends this weekend. Here's to a week of remembering what matters most. 

Those little "remember" 1/2 circles are from my Half-Circle Sentiments package

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22 thoughts

  1. suzq910 says…

    I have found that time spent at the park clears my mind and re-energizes me. The hardest part though is stepping away from the list and not feeling guilty. In the end, though, I realize that I can make up for the time out with the energy acquired from the break. Also I have found that not every thing on the list really is all that important in the whole scheme of things. Love the poem!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    It's been years since I've been to the ocean, but I've always felt renewed. I could stand for hours right at the edge and just watch the motion, and I knew I'd be ok. Hope you feel better, take care. Michelle t

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  3. Gayl says…

    I am so enjoying your writing.

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  4. Sharondf says…

    It's all ok. Whether or not something gets crossed off, maybe it wasn't meant to be completed yet. This is what I have learned from following your writing. The process of it all bouncing around sometimes helps something completely new emerge. Embrace it and enjoy each day. Cheers to list makers!!

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  5. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    It's going to be all good, I have to remind myself alot too, for a thousand reasons. I hope you feel better today too!

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  6. birdnscrap says…

    Sometimes it helps to do pick two things from your list that are really stressing you the most. Do them. Then leave it til tomorrow.

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  7. danjenn says…

    My 6 year old is always complaining about what she "doesn't" have and it drives me crazy. I try to talk to her about all the things she "does" have. At night before we go to sleep, I ask her to tell me 5 things she is thankful for. I hope one day she starts to see all the things she "does" have.

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  8. tineropp says…

    This is a big part of why I do project life. I find the small things to be thankful for and the photos of these things are a constant reminder. You should read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp - very powerful!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Carey_Tayor says…

    Thank you for sharing..I loved the poem by Victoria Erickson, and put it to sound immediately. It was very powerful and I hope my friends and family enjoy it as much as I did. Your writing is very inspiring... thank you for sharing your journey.

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  10. CasieGutierrez says…

    Thank you for sharing your heart and I hope you feel better soon! Being sick really sucks the energy out of you. But sometimes I feel like that is God's only way of hitting me over the head with the message - slow down, slow down, slow down! Looks like that is exactly what you did! :)
    Have a blessed week.

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  11. Lwills54 says…

    I love you sharing your real life Ali, thank you. Acceptance really is key for me and knowing these moments of not having it all together and being overwhelmed do pass. I like the thought of staying in action.
    Blessings to you

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sparklediva says…

    This poem is so perfect. Thank you so much for sharing it. I'm still struggling with losing my mother recently and the turmoil it caused my father has made him pull away and lash out at those who love him the most. Yesterday was especially hard. So I picked my oldest daughter up from practice and we headed to the beach for a little time out from the rut. As we were wading in the water, letting the ocean sway us from side to side we were surprised and almost knocked over by several honu playing in the area. We were laughing and giggling and totally forgot about how much my heart hurt. Something so simple has left me still smiling today. Must make time to experience the simple things more often!!

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  13. laura_hksportsfields_com says…

    Even in the darkest hours there is much to be thankful for - due to storms/flooding/power outages/gas leaks our house literally blew up on Saturday. I am safe, my soul mate is safe, our pets are safe and it was such a big explosion that it blew the fire out. While the house is a total loss we are okay and at some point in the future we will be able to get in and salvage some of our things including all my precious scrapbooks. I am thankful that God sheltered us and kept us safe and protected my treasures from wreckage. Thank you Ali, for your honesty, your inspiration and mostly for staying positive even when you just don't feel like it! You are an amazing woman and a role model for many. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

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  14. jemi says…

    Your 9/5 Instagram picture is perfect. My guess. You are tired. A new website with more coming in the next couple of weeks and months. You said goodbye to many old relationships in the scrapbooking world. You've ramped up your posted projects and are committed to new products and kits each month ad infinitum . School is starting: change is hard for Simon and you are sending your littlest one to real school--and when their world changes, you have to also. You are carefully exploring a new relationship while balancing an old one. You spent the summer making memories--busy, busy, busy. Perpetual motion is our silent nemesis. Everything is intense. We don't even realize we are overwhelmed because we do what we need to do. Wishing you more sunflowers that are taller than you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep. This.

  15. hartmant says…

    ....aaaaaand...stealing this poem.

    Sounds like your brain (like mine), which can be our greatest asset, can also be our enemy. Here's to doing what's right and making your "self" a good friend, and not a foe.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Totally. Amen to that.

  16. Peppermint says…

    You are awesome. Love the poem. ♥

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  17. AWilliams says…

    I find it interesting in life when we are in a struggle situation with work life or home life it seems like the sky is falling and there is no good left for us to find. I too have been feeling tired, under the weather, and quite honestly defeated. Yesterday is a day that I never want to repeat. I let something outside of my home life get to me to the point I couldn't eat, sleep or be myself. Today I felt similarly as I have to deal with the situation head on at work. Ali, your writing is so articulate. So real. So necessary. In yet another one of your blog posts you have helped me see the other side. You have helped me realize that although this blip is happening to me right now, it doesn't have to be me. It doesn't have to consume me and who I am. Ali, thank you for reminding me what is truly special and important in my life. Have a super day! PS. I hope you are feeling well very soon.

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