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Week In The Life™ Kits Now Available For Preorder

Are you ready to embark on the adventure of documenting seven consecutive days in your life? 

One of my favorite annual projects is approaching and I hope you'll consider joining me in capturing the mundane little details of your own life.  

For 2014 I'm planning to document my Week In The Life™ from Monday, October 27th through Sunday, November 2nd. 

You can watch a video and see past examples of how I approached this project here

This year I'm going to be using a 6x8 album + divided page protectors (including my new favorite - the 3x8) and products from this kit: 

The Week In The Life™ kit is now available for preorder here

When purchasing the kit you can choose to include a 6x8 album / page protector pack + the kit (see color choices below for the albumsOR the kit-only. There's a drop-down menu on the order page that allows you to choose which color album you'd like to have: 

The white and the matte gold are pleather. The blue and the grey are cloth.

I'll be using the white one. Of course.

In addition to the page protectors that are already inside the album we're including an additional variety pack of page protectors which will enable you to follow along with my design plan. Click on over to the pre-order page to download my 2014 Design Plan. 

I will also have some digital layered templates and other digital products (as I've done in the past) that coordinate with the kit products available soon to help you document your week. 


  1. You don't have to have a kit to participate in Week In The Life™. What you need most is a willingness to document your life over the course of seven days with words and photos. 
  2. There aren't specific dates on products in this kit. Actually, there is one little "2014" on the perforated word/phrase strips but that's it. This will enable to do this on a week of your convenience if the week I've selected just doesn't work for you. 
  3. You can do this project even if you are already doing Project Life®. For me, Week In The Life™ has always been more in-depth (into each day) compared with how I approach Project Life™. For those of you wondering about doing this project in addition to (or in) Project Life®, you can see how I tackled that in 2013 here.
  4. My hope, in offering a kit for this project, is to simplify the process and enable you to focus on the documentation. 
  5. You totally don't have to do this project the same time I do. That said, it's really fun to do it when a bunch of other people are doing it too. 
  6. On Sunday, October 26th a free-community area will open up in the classroom section of my site for people who want a place to share words and photos and projects related to Week In The Life™. This isn't a class, just a place to connect with others embarking on this adventure. You are welcome there even if you don't purchase the kit. 
  7. I'll be documenting and sharing on my blog during the week of October 27th through November 2nd just like I've done in the past. The following week I'll share more about putting the album together and share my completed album. 

I'd love for you over the next month to really start thinking about what you'd like to capture during your week. What's special about your life right now? What's different than last year (and likely will be different from next year)? How can you visually, and with words, capture what's most meaningful to you during these seven days. 

Get ready for another awesome Week In The Life™ experience!

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73 thoughts

  1. Bellaa75 says…

    Love this Ali, will definitely be signing up but just wondering if we could see more of what the albums look like at the front so I can decide on a colour? Thanks :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning! They are plain on the front. The blue and grey are cloth and the white and matte gold are faux leather.

  2. aprilch says…

    So excited!! I love that Halloween will be part of the documentation since it falls during that week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. JoEades says…

    This will be my first year of attempting WITL. I'm still not sure of which week I will do. I'm not sure if my kit will arrive in time for Oct 27 to Nov 2. The week after that is a long weekend for us here in Victoria, AUS due to the Melbourne Cup (horse race)and I'm in two minds as whether to do an 'exciting' week as opposed to a general, run of the mill week, which is sure to be super boring but probably a better representation of our lives. Decisions, decisions. I have pre-ordered and I got the white album. It's gorgeous.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Ekaterine says…

    the kit looks AWESOME it's just sooooooooo good! Thanks Ali, preordered right away and keep my fingers crossed that it'll arrive in time (it normally takes 45 days for things to arrive to Russia so of course it won't come in time, but one may hope!)

    looking forward to this adventure! Thank you so much.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Emmaj says…

    I love the kit and album! I hope in the future just the page protector pack will be available as an add-on.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      This will probably happen down the road!

    2. mwear says…

      Yes! Me too. I love the page protectors, but I would like to keep my week in the life inside my normal PL album. :)

  6. lindalovescreating says…

    Love this! Just a few questions about the album... I know you've teamed up with studio calico, does that mean that this album is going to fit page protectors from their handbook albums? Also, are the page protectors the same type? I ask because, although I absolutely love studio calico, I can't stand their handbook page protectors because they aren't clear enough and the pockets are bigger than the Becky Higgins ones so none of my products stay in them. It seems necessary to purchase the album to use the 3x8 cards (which seem fun! But I don't have any pockets in that size and don't want to have to sew them all from 6x8s), but I don't want to end up with more studio calico handbook page protectors that I won't use. Thanks!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - these are actually new albums (not the same as the Handbooks). SC is upgrading their album system as well (per April - more to come on that from her over there). These albums will have different ring placements so the page protectors will not fit in the current Handbook albums.

  7. dptuffy says…

    Absolutely love this kit! How long will the pre-order be available? Hoping until the 15th at least, pay day :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It will be up until they sell out. We think we ordered enough to meet the demand.

    2. dptuffy says…

      Thank you Ali. Fingers crossed that they last until the 15th!

  8. minkelberry says…

    Just pre-ordered mine!! We will be in Disneyland that week so those dates work perfectly.. Not to mention I purchased your "scrapbook on the go" class so I can finally give that a try too!! So excited and love this kit!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. azzari says…

    By ordering the album, is the kit included? Or do we need to order the album + the kit separately? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - if you choose the album option it includes the kit.

  10. northcarmen says…

    When you say plain, does that mean that the cover is the same as the spine, or like the Simple Stories ones that have a cloth spine and chipboard cover? In terms of where the rings are positioned, do they fit any other page protectors on the market (eg. SS, Project Life, WRMK...)?


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Carmen - it's the same cover all over (I'll take a photo when I can/ask to get one - I don't have one here at my house). This is a new album design that includes six rings so no, other page protectors will not fit.

    2. northcarmen says…

      Ok, thanks, Ali. :)

  11. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Beautiful kit! I have a question too - I probably will go "page protector-less." Is the album one where I may be able to fit 2-3 WITL groupings or would you say one weeks worth will fill it...just curious because I have grouped my OLW's and even one of my Dec Dailys in the same album before.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      This is a thinner album (1.5 inches wide) so I'm not sure you will get multiple years in there. It would really depend on how thick your pages turn out to be and how much content you include (really flat stuff vs. bulky).

    2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

      I think I'd be able to fit a 2nd year then because I doubt I'd go with bulky embellishments on this project, plus it will fit a couple of Day In The Life's too. Thank you :)

  12. avillagomez says…

    Thank you for having the community be open to all, rather than just those who purchase the kit. I will be adding to my 12x12 album that I have my previous years of WITL in. I am excited to see the digital products!

    This week will be a fun one to document. We will most likely have just moved (or maybe even be moving) into the house we are having built right now. It will be super busy, but I appreciate this project as another motivation to slow down enough to carefully document our transition.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. ciahansen says…

    so so excited for this kit. Love all the products in it. Can't wait to be inspired by how you use it. And love that I could have completely predicted that you had chosen white :) And I LOVE that I can choose blue, because as much as I respect and love your affinity for white, I just can't do it myself. THANKS!!! YAY!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. mwear says…

    I love this kit! I saw you were going to have digital elements coming soon. Are those included with the kit or the kit/ album combo? I always like to have both options. ;)

    Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! The digital items are not included with the kit. They will be a separate purchase :).

  15. Nicole_Long says…

    Ali, does the gold album have somewhat of a {matte} "shimmer" to it?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Nicole - there's no glitter in it, but it has some shine (not a lot which is why it's called matte).

  16. YolandaL says…

    I am just RIDICULOUSLY excited about WITL this year. Very much looking forward to tackling this and telling our Story of Now. I last attempted it in 2010 and things are very different now. Can't wait until the digital collection is released next month.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. spagirl says…

    Congrats Ali! It's so nice to see all of your innovative ideas... WITL, DD, The Story Kits and digi items... here in your spot!! WooHoo!! Cool!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  18. Cfmerri says…

    So excited about another WITL!

    Ali, how will you be handling your daily sheets using this smaller format? I enjoyed including the 8.5x11 sheets last year. Will you be creating new daily sheets for this new size album?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I think so. Working that out in my head :). I might change things up a bit on the stories I'm choosing to focus on, which calls for some new Daily Sheets :).

  19. anniebeagle says…

    Wow! This is so different than before! I am not sure what to do! :) I love it all, though. What to do, what to do... :) I will probably wait and see how you put your album together before deciding. Will the kit / album still be available for purchase after WITL has ended? -- Jenny B.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. anniebeagle says…

      Also, is the 6x8 album made like the Studio Calico Handbooks? So, with 4 rings? Or is it different? Thanks! Edit: I just read through the previous comments and saw where you said this album is different and has 6 rings. Can't wait to see some more pictures. Fun, fun! :)

    2. AliEdwards says…

      The kit will be available until it's gone :). Not sure if that will happen before the week begins. And yep, this album is different.

  20. Jana_NJ says…

    Ali with the digital things you're going to release we can do it totally digitally right? I'm not doing paper scrapping anymore.

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      There are always options. In the past I've just used a variety of products in addition to templates and overlays. The digital things I release will likely be similar to years past - templates, overlays, word art, etc.

    2. MaggieR says…

      I'd love this option, too! I swoon over paper products (and especially these!), but don't ever seem to get it done physically. Hoping for lots of digital options! <3

    3. kristapowell says…

      I agree! I love the paper kit, but I know I actually get the project done if I stick with digital.

    4. aagirlz says…

      Me too… I bought the kit but will likely use it for PL, if I want this album finished I will need to do it digitally.

  21. Akfo says…

    Last year was my first time doing this. It took me about 0.02 seconds to decide to preorder. You had me at "matte gold."

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. jenmcampbell says…

    Excited to do this again! I did it last in 2012 when we were living in our last house and kids were 2 and 4! Stoked to see how much things have changed :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Raylene says…

    I've been doing this project for a few years too! I must have at least four albums. This time I'm going to get the KIT!!! yay! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. maiaohe says…

    I purchased your templates from 2010 a while ago and would like to use them for the upcoming WITL. When I tried to look back on your posts from 2010 they are not available to view. Is this just temporary or will the posts from WITL 2010 eventually become available to view?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      If you click on™ you can scroll back through the posts to see all the 2010 posts.

  25. maiaohe says…

    I wanted to see the post about the completed album in 2010. When I click on the post I get the cute video of you and Simon frowning.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      What link are you clicking on?

    2. maiaohe says…

      Bringing it all together :2010 the completed album is the link I was using. Thanks.

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