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Christmas Art Journal Day 16


Just a few things I am grateful for this holiday season. Especially grateful for cool art pieces that Simon brings home from school. This is my favorite from the last week. A snowman. In a snowstorm. I love it. And it made the perfect foundation for this layout - a two page spread.

The postage stamp is from Judikins. The Santa is from Daisy D's (they have some of my absolute favorite things this holiday). The chipboard quote square is from Gin-X. And words from Making Memories.

Here is a close-up on that second page:


Chris, Simon and I watched Polar Express for the first time tonight. Man, good movie. A must watch during the holiday season. Simon watched the entire movie. It has everything he is into right now: trains, santa, and presents.  We had popcorn and a fruit plate. Good times.

The cold is holding on. Simon and I spent pretty much all day yesterday on the couch watching videos. And you know what? It was delightful. Can't remember the last time we just had the chance to cuddle like that for so long. He is my little buddy. 

We also watched March of the Penguins last night. Simon fell asleep about ten minutes into the movie. Gotta love this one too - great story. I so love listening to Morgan Freeman's voice. And the making of it is just as interesting as the movie itself. See it. It is just goodness.

Tomorrow I am taking a class. Yep - even if I am sick I want to go. It is a bookbinding class. I joined a local arts initiative here in town that offers classes and such. Looking forward to being a student and learning some new skills.

Off to watch another movie - finally - Born Into Brothels. It has been all about documentaries around here lately. Feels so good just to be watching movies again.

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22 thoughts

  1. Angi B says…

    so glad to see typepad is up again! Did that just freak you out? man, i know you keep reminding us to print out our posts...this has never happened to me since i started blogging in march. i haven't been consistent in printing out my posts, but i think i'll be a little more diligent now.
    how cool is this page? using simon's art in your special keepsake is a great idea. he's quite an artist in his own right! really cool piece, Simon! i love it!
    i am totally due for an on-the-couch-cuddle-with-the-kiddies-emersed-in-good--family-movies-and-simple-togetherness...
    just realized there's only 10-days til christmas and instead of getting stuff ready for it, i am spending all my time writing about it in my christmas journal - lol... have a great weekend, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. corinne says…

    hi Ali, well I can see were Simon has his creative skills from! love his snowman in the snowstorm! I always keep everything my childeren make(attic is almost filled!)and really have to start using it the way you just did here, love it. I so want to see the polar express with my kids, totally forgot about it, thanks for reminding me!
    have fun today!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Klala says…

    OMG I love me the Freeman! He has been my hero ever since Shawshank!
    My fave Christmas jams are Gremlins and Christmas Vaction. Does that tell you something or what???

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Rachel says…

    Ali, cool new page and lovin' seeing Simon's artwork. I remember talking with you about saving our kid's artwork when you were in Indy. I totally have to start doing some of this.
    Glad to see the blog back and running....seemed like there was a little bit of a time warp goin' on yesterday with everyone's blogs.
    The first two movies you mentioned, I have watched. My daughter and I were the only ones in our family who watched March of the Penguins (the boys just didn't know what they were missing) and it has become one of our favorites. Such an amazing journey those penguins endure! Unbelievable! My daughter used to be a fan of giving eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses, but now her favorite is penguin kisses. And it isn't really a kiss, just meeting her forehead with mine and we just giggle. We loved the way the penguins stood head to head and just "loved" eachother.
    I must try and find Born into Brothels. Sounds interesting. I rarely take time out while at home to watch a movie anymore and I'd have to agree with you, it feels good!
    Thanks for continuing to post your Chirstmas journal pics, they really keep me inspired everyday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kari says…

    I LOVE your pages. Wow!! Funny, I just watched Polar Express for the first time last night. Very cute! Sure makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and in the Christmas spirit. I wanted to ask, I'm thinking of taking one of Shimelle's classes. Would you recommend it? Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Hillary Chybinski says…

    Hi Ali - PE and Mof the Ps are two of the most awesome movies I have seen! My son, who is 5, loved them both. We are lucky enough to live near a steam train line, and they have been running nightly PE rides. . .complete with jammies and hot chocolate. I couldn't help but think how much simon would enjoy that, after reading your post.
    I so enjoy the glimpse into your life - thank you for sharing so honestly and openly. I think you are incredibly talented and inspiring. Merry Christmas.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sugar_Peas says…

    Oh you'll dig the bookbinding. I took a few classes back in art school days and made some really cool stuff. Have been meaning to get some supplies and try my hand at it again. I need to find the books I did make, they are blank! So many possibilities!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. donab says…

    I love your taste in movies. I haven't seen any of those 3, but they are all on my list. Unfortunately my list is really long! You're going to love the bookbinding - I can't wait to see where to you take that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Alette says…

    I just saw the trailer of "The march of the Penguins"that must be a great movie. I so want to watch that one, penguins are such beautiful animals;)
    Love your Christmas Art Journal Ali, this must be become a very beautiful album when finished.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. nadine says…

    i haven't seen march of the penguins yet, but it looks so good! i haven't seen polar express either. i read it with the kindergarten class yesterday, but i definitely want to see the movie!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Care says…

    Love the incorporation of Simon's art. :)

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  12. Becky says…

    Sounds like you and I had the same plans this weekend. Campbell and I watched Polar Express last night and we'll be watching The March of the Penguins today! Gotta love Blockbuster! (Although I really loved Netflix when I was a subscriber!). We also watched Sky High--what a hoot! Kurt Russell coming back to his Disney roots, priceless. Lynda Carter (formerly Wonder Woman) playing the school principal at the super hero high school, just awesome. She has a hilarious line at the end of the movie. On a side note, I've never seen a teacher as appreciative of a gift as I was yesterday when my son gave his teacher a Blockbuster gift card! She said it was REFRESHING! (You know the kinds of gifts teachers usually get--they probably get sick of apple-decorated things!) Have so enjoyed your art journal this month. Fun to watch you play! Stay warm today!

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  13. Sharyn (Torm) says…

    And I'm still trapped on day 6. dang. LOVE THIS!

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  14. Helen says…

    Hey Ali! LOVE this page! Simon sure has inherited your artistic talent hasn't he? =)

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  15. Sande Krieger says…

    Hi Ali! Born in Brothels was so amazing! We (dh & I) got to meet Zana Briski at a private screening she did during Sundance for a group my husband was part of. What an inspirational life she leads.

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  16. Pearle says…

    I hope you post your impression of Born into Brothels. I went with friends to see it when it was in the little theater in town. It impacted me deeply. One line in particular from Avijit:
    "This is a good picture. We get a sense of how these people live. And though there is sadness in it... and though it's hard to face - We must look at it... because it is the truth."

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  17. Tina J. says…

    ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS WORK!!! I really love the idea of using your child's artwork in the layout. I'm going to have to do that! Thanks for sharing, Ali!
    Tina J.

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  18. Shawna says…

    i LOVE the way you incorporated Simon's artwork! It seriously looks amazing with the layout! Now I see that you can do it without having to put them in pockets or downsize them to a tag. Let them take center stage! Thanks so much Ali!

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  19. Jennifer Martinovici says…

    March of the Penguins was an awesome movie. I'm seriously considering buying it. Such an inspiring story filled with happiness and sadness.
    I loved Morgan Freeman's voice too. His voice is like Anthony Hopkins' voice...I could just sit and listen to him read names from a phone book (incidentally, I know that he did that on Oprah but I still claim it was my idea first)

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  20. Chris O says…

    This past week our family watched March of the Penguins and Polar Express (well, Lamar didn't watch Polar Express)AND I'm 3 months into bookbinding! I love it all.
    Bookbinding. Not only is it an interesting craft but I find the artisans fascinating--very contemplative and introspective. Some in the class are lovingly restoring ancient books, others are making beautiful, traditional books and yet others of us are making wacky, wild, fun books. All are loving what they do. I hope you do too.

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  21. Theresa says…

    Hi Ali!
    This is my first comment on your blog, though I read it often... I love how you integrated Simon's artwork into your scrapping. He's quite a creative little guy... as many have said, he must take after his mommy.
    I hope Simon owns a copy of The Polar Express! I read it to my third graders every year around this time, and they love it. It (and the movie) really speak to the true meaning of Christmas.
    Thanks for the window into your life.

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