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I found it (see post below)!


I figured I was up so I might as well play.

Decided to just start with today and then try to play with the other days as I go along when I have a chance.

Today we were told to keep it simple. Since I haven't done an entry for a week I went a bit more than simple. And (as anyone who has taken a class from me knows) it is OK. Went for a bit of paint, a bit of embossing, and a bit of ink. Just getting warmed up...

Someone asked in the comments last week about things sticking up off the top of the page. I LOVE that look - it totally makes me happy. I like to see little tabs, ribbons, etc peeking out the top of my albums. Just a little fun something.

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26 thoughts

  1. angie says…

    YEAH!! So glad to see your journal back...inspiring, creative...simple! Hope you feel better!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jen says…
    12/15/2005 all the playing around!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jessi says…

    Love the return of the Christmas art journal...I am doing one like the simple one you showed earlier! I especially love those round circles that you emphasize words with...that stamp is that?

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Amy says…

    I love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. donab says…

    I always smile when I see the little ribbons peeking out of the top of the book I made in your class in Ashland last summer. Sorry to hear about the sore throat!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. cindy says…

    Woohoo!! An entry in your Christmas journal. BEAUTIFUL!! Gargle with salt water for the sore throat. Hope you catch it before it gets worse!! Take care of yourself.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jackie says…

    ooo makes me want stamps... and simplicity... and to go home right now and play with paints. love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lisa says…

    That's awesome Ali I love it!!! So I was all prepared to register for CKU, with your album track, of course and it sold out in 18 min. I was so upset, that was my Christmas present from my husband, I got on the waiting list so maybe....just maybe I'll get there after all. Thanks for sharing your journal it is beautiful :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. steph says…

    Ali, I am so envious of your simple Christmas!! We have 7 stops in our Christmas festivities this year, and I am tired just thinking about it. :) I hope your sore throat feels better soon, and the journal entry is just FABULOUS!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lovely Cee says…

    i hope you're feeling a lot better today. love today's entry;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Ksea says…

    Hey Ali.. I know how you feel. I've been sick all week. Mostly with a cough and runny nose/headache-- you know the usual crap. I haven't had a voice since Sunday, basically. Haven't been sleeping very well due to the cough and it's totally sucks. But I love how you are being productive when you can't sleep, girl! Enjoying the album! Get better soon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kelsey says…

    Awesome entry again, Ali! Thanks for the consistent "simple" reminders. Our Christmas plans are looking to be much more simple than usual, and I have actually been kinda bummed about that. Thanks for reminding me that simple can actually be wonderful, special and meaningful. ***Hope you feel better soon- we just finished a round of bronchitis in our house... yuck.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Krista says…

    Ali this is amazing...I love seeing your pages and seeing this neat album come together...great stuff!
    Hope you get to feeing better soon. I am sure that coming from Indy, where it was super cold, didnt help the cold either....
    Have a great Christmas....

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Angi B says…

    that's me too... love to let stuff peak out and hang off the side. BTW, my journal is so thick now (i used a handmade writing journal) it doesn't close properly anymore. Looks like I'm going to have to down-size for the rest of the remaining days and do one-pagers instead of tw0-page spreads!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Paula White says…

    i can relate. up with a sinus infection & reaction to med. But
    neither rain, nor snow... can keep us from creating! :) next year I am starting early on a Christmas journal. Thanks for the idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Allison K says…

    I have loved looking at your Christmas book! How wonderful! what a treat for me today!

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  17. corinne says…

    your pages just blow me away, so creative and your handwriting........sorry have no words for it, lol. Hope you and simon are better soon, troath problems overseas too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Cammy says…

    Ali, I love your art journal page. The last few years we have spent Christmas by ourselves and it has been wonderful!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. peet says…

    Hi Ali,
    Yes, the christmas art journal is back!! You really make my day... Everything was SO hectic today (for example: making 100 little christmas gift bags at the very last moment for all the parents of 'our' children at the daycarecenter, and that seems to be only the top of the pile of work i had to face today)..
    So, page 15 was a real threat for me.. very inspiring...
    It makes me want to grab some pens, paint, stamps or anything crafty i can get my hands on and play for a little while... thank you!!
    Get well soon!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Ahna says…

    Where do you get your energy from? I get so inspired from you, but by the end of the day I am not in the mood anymore. Maybe I will check your blog at the end of the day. peace.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Andrea says…

    THanks for so much inspiration!
    Your work makes me realize scrapbooking is relaxing
    and does not need to be difficult or stressing!
    Hope your troat will be better soon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Amber says…

    Ali -I LOVE your Christmas Art Journal.... what is the link where you are finding the information for ideas each day? I'd love to possibly catch up and finish my own. Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Leah says…

    love the inspiration of your art journal.....
    glad you found it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Julie says…

    Absolutely stunning!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Becky Thompson says…

    Your journal is really inspiring, Ali. Thanks so much for continuing to share it with us. Hope you get feeling better soon.

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