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Christmas Art Journal Day 4


One of my favorite products of the season are the Christmas ornaments from Basic Grey. You punch out a bunch of circles (that are already scored), glue them together, and you have these fabulous little ornaments. I put some together yesterday and got them up on our tree. So cool.

So as I was punching out the circles I was thinking...this packaging would be cool to use for something in this Christmas art journal. I put it aside and hoped that I would be able to make it work with the prompt for today. And yep, it worked. 

I took photos around the house yesterday and when we went to get the tree. Uploaded them, resized to 2x2, and adhered behind the Basic Grey packaging. Added on an "e" from a KI Memories alphabet soup can + my daily tree and I was good to go. And I can't forget the peace on earth stamp (also from Memory Box - I get my Memory Box stamps from Art House in Portland, Oregon).

There was a question in the comments yesterday about my other 2005 Christmas album. The circles I used for that book were punched out and simply adhered right onto the cardstock.

Other than playing and doing the tree thing yesterday we watched a great movie/documentary called Murderball last night. Don't be freaked by the title - it is totally worth a watch. Hoping to watch Born Into Brothels tonight.

Gotta get back to work on classes for next weekend in Indiana. Hoping to run into some snow there.

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56 thoughts

  1. jenn says…

    ** doing the happy dance** i'm the first to post ( dont know why that thrills me so much!!
    i have to get my butt in gear and post all the pages ive done for the christmas journal.. loving this project!!
    love your inspiration ali as always!

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  2. Jerrica says…

    Why can't turkey leftovers turn out as scrummy as this? What a great way of using the ornaments!

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  3. Dana Smith says…

    Ali........where did you get the Memory Box stamp? Their site is wholesale only and I'm having a hell of a time online finding anyone that carries them.
    I'm also doing the Shimelle/sp Christmas journal....lovin' it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Nancy says…

    Ah, if only I was as quick as you are... doing the ornaments one day, using the 'left-overs' the next... I'm just not that fast! Guess I will have to dedicate another drawer to 'left-overs' ;)
    So starting my xmas traditions book tomorrow! Although that probably means 2 minutes before midnight ;) crazy day tomorrow!
    Love your handwriting, btw! Do you plan your journaling or do you (like I do) just start to right and see where it has to end? Love to hear how you tackle that part!
    Hugs, Nancy
    The Netherlands

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  5. Chris says…

    Hi Ali: Another question regarding your 1st Christmas album. Can you list the manufacturers of the various pattern papers? Thanks Chris

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Rachel says…

    that is freaking cool :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. amber Lee says…

    Love today's art. Added Murderball to my NetFlix queue, and they just sent me Born in to Brothels so I'll be watching it tonight too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Kelli S. says…

    Thanks for taking time to post these pages, even though you're extra-busy with preparing classes on top of the regular holiday craziness! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Krista says…

    We'll, we have gotten some snow here in Indiana...and I will also be at your class at Xanadu. Getting all 40 photos together tomorrow night.
    See ya soon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. adrianne says…

    it is so awesome you are sharing this journal with us, ali - thank you, i just love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Pam Prussel says…

    Ali-thanks for the inspiration! I was so stumped for ideas for our Christmas card and now I have so many great ideas,thanks ot your amazing talent that you share with us! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. melissa deakin (momteacherwriter) says…

    lovin' those wonderful
    photos and to use
    the BG packaging--ingenious!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tammy says…

    Hey Ali,
    What an inspiration you are to me! I have been reading your blog and finding myself being drawn back to my scraproom. Thank you for helping me remember that this is a hobby that I truly love. I get to see Karen next weekend and her expanding belly. :-) Take Care
    *thinking snow in the burg*

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. jillian says…

    We just watched Murderball on Friday and loved it. Born into Brothels is on our list too. Oh, and today's page is totally beautiful! Thanks, as usual, for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nora says…

    Just had to tell you I am enjoying the chance to see this album SO very much. Funny, I was just on the phone with my mother-in-law this morning plotting my necessary trip to the Art House when we'll be up visiting in a couple weeks. I got to go there the last time we were in Oregon a couple of years ago...such an awesome store!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. margie says…

    Dammage! LOVE it!
    kiss kiss
    ps E-mail me your new address...Your E-mail's not going through???

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kristen says…

    Hey Allie,
    I am a huge fan of your work. One thing I have been noticing lately is how you work off the page. I love how you have tabs and things sticking off of your pages. I also loved your round scrapbook page, and the recent one in CK that was cut across the top.
    I was just wondering how you store/display these kinds of pages since they would not really fit well into a page protector in a scrapbook.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sara says…

    I've been wanting to see Born into Brothels for a long time now. Need to put that on my list of movies to get from the store. Let us know what you thought of it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Waynette says…

    Hey Ali,
    I tried emailing you and it wouldn't go through. It may be a problem on my end though, not nessicarily yours. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you got your card. Looks like you had a good weekend. Lots of love, Waynette

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Kate says…

    Gorgeous Ali- wow your Christmas book is going to be fantastic when it's all done- what a tresure!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Helen says…

    Wow Ali...just gorgeous! I love the circles. I'm BIG on circles at the moment!
    Thanks for the inspiration. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Melane says…

    This is awesome Ali...
    You are so creative !
    I really love your work !

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Erin says…

    Hi Ali..
    I'm LOVIN' every page thus fun to see what you've come up with next. Thanks for inspiring me and for sharing this with us. Cool.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Rachel says…

    Super cool post today! Luv that you used the packaging from the BG frugally chic!!! OK, so you've inspired me to start a Christmas journal, found a brand new American crafts 8x11 landscape album (that had been tucked away in my studio shelf)in green and just got the front decorated with a Heidi Swapp holly mask....way too fun!
    Anyway....just wanted you to know that Indiana definately has SNOW! I hope it hangs around for you til Friday! I'll be at both of your classes on Friday! Can't wait to meet ya!
    I still have a bit of homework to finish!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Angi B says…

    cool stuff, Ali. i love the randomness your photos.
    ... and simple,yes that's what i wish for, too

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