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Christmas Art Journal Day Three

First off, I want snow!

Talked to my brother and sister-in-law last night (in Tacoma, WA) and they told me it snowed about 4 inches there yesterday. Tracy Kyle emailed me that she had snow too in BC.

I want snow. And not just a little bit. I want a ton.

Now, I love where I live in the Pacific Northwest. And there is snow about an hour east of here in the mountains. But all this Christmas talk is making me want it even more. I want to wake up and see that awesome white blanket and feel that sense of quiet and peacefulness that comes with all that white.

I know that many of you live in places in the world where it snows A LOT and you probably hate it - or dislike the inconvenience of it. But man, just send a little bit my way please...

Up early this morning and scrapping away. Also printing out all my blog entries for the last couple of months. And in a bit I am hoping to burn photos - behind on that too. And get our tree today. I wanted to get it the day after Thanksgiving but it just didn't work out right. So I am all over the tree thing today.



A little page to hold cards. And celebrate those cards. The red paper is from BoBunny Press and the background paper is from one of my favorite stores Paper Source. Wish there was one close to me. Top tab is from 7gypsies. And I am guessing that some of you have those poetry dog tags in your stash as well (click on that link and it will take you to Chronicle Books - notice they have 40% off everything there through December 4th - they have awesome stuff on that site).

I am planning to have the page next to this one (or more if needed) be a compilation of photos - similar to a page I did for Christmas 2004 (from Two Peas). Love seeing the big gathering of family and friends.


Hope everyone gets a chance to do something creative today!

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37 thoughts

  1. Melissa` says…

    Ali... you are definately on a roll here. LOVE your work - love your reality. Keep it up and keep it coming. As for snow I live in Florida so I definately can't send you any. Sorry. But if you get extra send me some.

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  2. liz elayne says…

    I didn't realize you had family here in Tacoma. We still have a little bit of the snow. I am from Indiana orginally and since we moved out here this is the first snow we have had. It has been wonderful and gets me into the Christmas spirit! I am enjoying your Christmas art journal so much...and as always, the daily inspiration I receive coming to your online journal. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Gretchen says…

    I know about wanting snow! I'm a Kansas girl transplanted to the Houston area and let me tell ya, there is no snow. Today, it's humid and I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt. We did get some snow on Christmas Eve last year... it was pretty darn amazing! I'm glad you're sharing your Christmas journaling, I'm really enjoying it. I'd love to know who makes that Christmas tree stamp your using.
    Have a great day!

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  4. Shannon says…

    Love that 04 Christmas layout. What a great way to showcase some photos that you get with everyones Christmas cards.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

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  5. Flo says…

    if you get snow, send some my way ;-) -- there was a huge snowstorm here last week -- we were pretty much the only place where there was none.

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  6. Celeste says…

    I'm lovin' gettin' my Ali fix on the weekends! Careful now, I could go into withdrawal if you don't keep on posting these wonderful Christmas pages. I can't imagine what your page will look like on the day after you get that BIG snowstorm = just know it's gonna happen for you before Christmas! Keep the pages coming...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. ElizabethW says…

    Simply gorgeous - I was thinking of skipping the Day 3 assignment because we're wild here today (and I just finished Day 2!), but you've given me second thoughts...We got our tree today too - and you're right, definitely time for some snow.

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  8. Rachel says…

    So I guess now wouldn't be a good time to rub in the fact that we have snow here, huh? You're welcome to come visit though :)
    Love this page. The funky Christmas tress rock.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. jen says…

    I love watching this christmas art journal unfold...just awesome to watch it day by day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Nancy says…

    Thanks to you I have been in Xmas mode ever since you posted that 'simple' xmas album on Nov. 22nd :) I've used that format - with the circles - for my xmas ornaments album last week. Couldn't believe I took those pictures last Xmas and the next one is around the corner already!
    Am really thinking about doing an album about xmas traditions now and feel more scraplifting coming on :)
    Love to see these daily posts! Thanks for sharing!
    The Netherlands

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Lynne says…

    It's snowing here in Illinois... not a ton, but a little... I love it! And just have to say... you are so stinkin' creative -- just loving the Christmas books... you've got me inspired. Today I covered a composition book to hold all of my lists and ideas (making a list -- checking it twice) for Christmas/holiday things. Totally inspired because of you -- thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. tara pollard pakosta says…

    it's snowing here right now ali! and we have 2 paper-source stores here. i worked at the paper-source design/ warehouse for awhile, designing scrapbook layouts for them. i got them totally into it...they had never even thought of it much before...and they now have all their papers cut down to 12x12 size at their store(totally my idea)....LOVE LOVE LOVE their stuff....but they didn't pay me enough to make it worth my while because i had to get a babysitter for the day and take the train to chicago....if you ever need anything from their store, let me know. i can go buy it for ya.......
    love your page for cards......very creative!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Becky Thompson says…

    Ali, you just need to move to the other side of the state. ;) There's plenty of snow in the Eastern Oregon/Southwestern Idaho part! It even snowed a bit more today! LOL
    Gorgeous art journal - add me to the list of people dying to know where to get Memory Box stamps!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jen Gough says…

    Wow, your art journal just gives me so much creative inspiration. As for snow we are supposed to get 5 to 7 inches tonight so if you would like to come for visit and see some snow and teach me how to let go get more creative my door is always open for you. Love your latest page!

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  15. Heather M. says…

    You should come to Calgary! We have about 4-5 inches and it's - 24 Celsius (about -12F)!!!! YUCKY! I wish it would just snow and be warm out!
    Totally love what you did in your journal today! That paper from Paper Source is GORGEOUS! I love the little trees and your photo collage from last year! Such cool stuff!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Tracey says…

    Hi, I am reading your blog for the first time and noticed that your son simon had been diagnosed with autism. I'm from Australia and over here there a Doctor who has "cured" 2/3 of all autistic children he sees by eliminating wheat and dairy products from their diets. Apparently wheat and dairy act like morphine in the brains of some people.
    Hope this helps.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Lou says…

    Not to gush or anything - but I AM SO IN LOVE WITH WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE!!!!! I haven't checked for a few days and there is this wealth of ideas! This is so awesome!!!!

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  18. Lee says…

    WOW Ali how do you do it girl? Creating such amazing pieces of art and still get everything else done too. Totally cool.

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  19. Carol Anne says…

    Ali - Here's your solution to the snow and Paper Source situation: come to Minnesota for a visit. There's a Paper Source in Minneapolis (which I hope to hit tomorrow with my 3-year old in tow!), and we've been getting 1/2 to 1 inch of snow every day the last couple of days. I'm sure you know SOMEONE up here you can visit. ;^)

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  20. Donna says…

    Ali, I just love your "simple christmas album". I thought you had punched each circle of patterned paper out, inked around the edges and stuck each one on the green cardstock, but RAchel's comment to you suggested you had punched the green cardstock with the circle punch and then put patterned paper behind each window. I was just wondering which way you did it as it is a bit hard to tell from the photos. I think your christmas album and art journal are amazing and I am in awe! I hope you keep showing us your creations!!!
    PS There is DEFINITELY no snow in Australia to send you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. margie says…

    one word...YUM!
    kiss kiss

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. margie says…

    we have snow Grant and the kids hit the slopes today! Brrrrrrrrrrr...

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. margie says…

    we have snow Grant and the kids hit the slopes today! Brrrrrrrrrrr...

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  24. corinne says…

    oh so have to scraplift that lo, that is such a great idea with all the pictures on it!
    Hope you have fun with decoration your tree!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Erin says…

    first: awesome project here!
    second: you're getting closer to a paper source! they're in the process of building "Lincoln Square" in Bellevue, WA it's getting close to being done, they've already got the container store (YUM) up and running! Rumor has it the paper source is going in, in March! I can't wait!! I don't have to wait for my trips to SF to go there anymore! YAY!! So while I know its still a drive for you, its easier to get to than SF! I LOVE THAT STORE!!

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