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Christmas Art Journal Day 7

Thought about this one as I went about my day...kept coming back to the idea of a simple Christmas. In all aspects I want it to  be simple. Simple, loving gifts. Simple meal. Simply us together. I think I must just be really hungry for that right now.

I am off in the very early morning to Scrapbook Xanadu in Indianapolis - three days of classes at three stores. Looking forward to meeting lots of new people and hanging out at my friend Candi's house. Sushi and beer here I come.

And I hear it may just be snowing there.

No promises of new art journal pages while I am away from home. But you never know...


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44 thoughts

  1. Flo says…

    morning :-) we've been thinking about simple -- one gift for the whole family, activity related... something for later in the do together...
    enjoy your trip! and snow if there's any...

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  2. Kirstie says…

    Another great page, Ali. It's awesome of you to share your ideas and thoughts with us all, I know I for one appreciate your ideas, creativity and honesty. I really hope you get the simple Christmas you are dreaming of.
    However, have no fear if you don't get snow! Down here in New Zealand we are just moving into summer so we can expect sun, sun and more sun for Christmas day (fingers crossed!). I too would *love* to have a white Christmas one day so if you see some snow in Indianpolis, chuck a snow ball for me! :)

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  3. Annemieke says…

    My new addiction?? Check out your blog everyday to see the new pages in your Christmas art Journal!
    I am definelty getting in a Christmas spirit (with rain instead of snow)
    Enjoy your trip!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jenn N says…

    "Keeping things simple" - a great reminder as Christmas is only a few weeks away. Loving this page as well.
    Have a safe trip, enjoy the classes and I'm sure you'll see snow soon. Otherwise, you need to head up here to Canada where we have a ton of it right now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Rachel says…

    Awesome "simple" page, Ali! Come on over to Indiana! It's gonna snow here, you betcha! Can't wait for the classes tomorrow, must get my homework together! I have to drive 1 1/2 hours from the north to get to Xanadu, so I'm not hoping for a ton of snow, just enough to make the drive beautiful!
    Save travels!!

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  6. Kelli S. says…

    Love the simplicity of this page that reinforces the message. I just saw a forecast for 3-6 inches of snow in Indianapolis. The snow in Philly earlier this week was gone as quickly as it came, but we're getting 2-4 inches more tonight into tomorrow. Hope your travels are safe and you have a great time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Melissa Raphael says…

    Ali, your journal entry hit home today. Things have gotten so crazy with Christmas in the past few years that I needed to step back and take a new perspective. It's now become my philosophy to keep things simple and enjoy the season. My husband loves the idea, and I know that it will create wonderful traditions for my son Tanner. He won't remember what gifts he got from year to year, but he'll remember sitting around the tree with family, playing a game and enjoying each other's company.

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  8. corinne says…

    Ali you are a true designer at heart! I love to see with what you come up with every day and I am thankfull that you want to share this with us!

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  9. Sharyn (Torm) says…

    This is perfect. I haven't done my page yet, but in my head it's going to be about the 3 gifts. We get 3 gifts for our kids (that's combined...santa and us) One for their hands, one for their mind and one for their heart. That's all we need, right?
    Have a safe journey.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lu says…

    Safe trip and snow is coming to the midwest. you might het a few good picture opportunities.

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  11. Valerie says…

    Be safe - have fun...take LOTS of snow pictures!!

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  12. t says…

    ali-these pages are amazing. truly inspiring. you are totally inspiring to me.

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  13. Angi B says…

    AMEN, sistah

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  14. betsy says…

    Again, I am awed by your designs and ideas and how they are put on the page. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing.
    I am still working on this page for me-loving every minute I get to spend on the art journal class. Thank you for mentioning it in your blog. I got Shimelle's email and put it aside and didn't think about it too much. One of the best things is that I am not obsessing over every detail of Christmas to make it the perfect day-isn't every day perfect?
    Side note: we have a freezer with frozen snow balls so we can get our snow fix here in Portland-it isn't the same, but it helps my kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Megan says…

    Have to say, I agree with you about the simple gifts. So easy to get too carried away. We always held to the three gift rule...The kids know if it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for them. ...but no gold frankincense or myrrh! and I don't make Grandparents stick to that rule...I decided it was a hill I wasn't willing to die on. Told myself it's their job to spoil. Have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Amy Zarrella says…

    I am all over this page and this idea of SIMPLE. I might lift this page word for word, thought for thought, for my CJ. I am behind 2 days and have been thinking about what I wanted to do with my shopping page. Thanks again Ali for your amazing inspiration.
    PS we are getting 8-12" of snow here in MA tomorrow. You are welcome to come and shovel! Have a safe trip.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Shannon Snyder says…

    Beautifully simple and striking. And the words are perfect. We have started to do less gifts and I cant believe the amount of stress it relieves doing so. Thanks for the reminder.

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  18. Nikki Workman says…

    I couldn't agree with you more! Such a powerful message to a quantity crazed society!
    We use a formula called the gift of the wisemen to simplify Christmas. Three gifts. That represent the gifts to baby Jesus...Gold - A gift of learning, Frankinsense - A gift of Clothing, and Myrhh - a gift of fun. It has really helped us focus on meaningful symbolic gifts and let the rest be about the gathering of loved ones.

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  19. Kim says…

    Thanks for doing the art journal and taking the time to share. It's one of my early Christmas presnts. So Thank you & hope you are blessed with some snow :.

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  20. KimP says…

    LOVE this page - I like how yours is a cohesive project - mine is kind of all over the place style wise (working off prompts does that to me). I'm so with you on the simple Christmas idea - we really don't NEED so much STUFF. (even if we like opening it up)
    Have a great trip to Indy and wishing some snow for you :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jen says…

    wow..i love this..the simpicity is just beautiful!!
    sushi and beer....YUM!! lucky you!!
    i'm crossing my fingers for snow for you!!

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  22. Krista says…

    Yes...there is snow coming....LOTS of snow coming....
    We are expecting 4-7 inches in the Indianapolis area...your wish for snow has been granted courtesy of the crazy Midwest winters...have a safe flight and I will see you Sunday....I am sure that you are thrilled...LOL!
    Happy Travels....

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Tammy says…

    Ali...I've so been enjoying your art journal about is so awesome! If I had more time I'd love to do it myself. I love the message of this page the best...I think I'm requiring this to...keeping it it!

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  24. Muriel says…

    It is so true that we must remember to keep it simple. I love your design. Can't wait to see more.

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  25. Becca says…

    Oh, Ali.
    May I learn from your example and be less about the 'stuff' next year (it's too late this year!) and more about the love.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

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