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Christmas Art Journal Day 7

Thought about this one as I went about my day...kept coming back to the idea of a simple Christmas. In all aspects I want it to  be simple. Simple, loving gifts. Simple meal. Simply us together. I think I must just be really hungry for that right now.

I am off in the very early morning to Scrapbook Xanadu in Indianapolis - three days of classes at three stores. Looking forward to meeting lots of new people and hanging out at my friend Candi's house. Sushi and beer here I come.

And I hear it may just be snowing there.

No promises of new art journal pages while I am away from home. But you never know...


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44 thoughts

  1. Kim Goldman says…

    So excited...see you on Sun at the Greenwood Store. My birthday present to me , along with a few other goodies!
    It's snowing here now (Kentucky) but not much sticking, which didn't keep them from closing schools early.

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  2. Lisa Russell says…

    I love your daily Christmas journal pages! It is like my own personal advent calendar. Hope you can still post them while you are gone, but that is ok if you can't. lol. Tell Candi (if it is Candi G.) we miss her over at 2peas!

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  3. Megan says…

    Beautiful work Ali! I'm so amazed how you find time to do this every day! Just got my latest CK issue - LOVE the new Studio A article. I always enjoy seeing your work - so inspiring! :)

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  4. Jacoba says…

    Love the concept of a simple Christmas - seems to be so easy to get so caught up in things! Have a great trip - we'll miss your posts! J

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  5. emilyruth says…

    when i first read your journaling i thought it said "chill. be the tree" & i thought 'oh well, she's really wanting to commune with nature this year' then i realized it says 'chil BY the tree'...i guess that makes more sense:)...though on the really busy days you may find me closing my eyes & saying 'be the tree. be the tree':) your pages (as always:)...em

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Kate says…

    I'm all over simple these days- so important. Makes life more about what is and not what you have. Love this page Ali!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Stephanie says…

    well, it's snowed. a ton, it feels like. so you'll get your wish. ;) safe travels, and i hope that the hoosier hospitality lives up to its name. :D

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  8. Melane says…

    Wonderful Ali... love your simplicity !

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  9. marlo says…

    Great page!
    Have fun at Xanadu!! It's an awesome, awesome store. I think a few of my good friends will be there. I'm jealous I'm not.

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  10. Jennie says…

    Perfect timing to come to Indy if you're wanting snow! Hope your flight made it in usual 40-minute drive home from work took me 3.5 hours tonight! :-) See you Saturday!

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  11. erin says…

    ahhh, to have a life like yours ali! how wonderful... i totally aspire to do some of the things you're doing!!! hope to meet you some day, i hear you're a wonderful girl! maybe i'll get to see you at vegas cha...

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Andrea W. says…

    I love the simple holidays - for a few years now we haven't been giving gifts to our children on the 25th - but on the 31st. The grandparents and aunties and uncles have always showered them with gifts ~ so our gift to them got losted in all the commotion. They also do a simple sibling gift exchange on the 31st, the children get so excited to spend New Year's with Mama and Dada! Sorry to ramble on, I'm just reminising!

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  13. Brianna says…

    Have fun! I so wish I could get inspired to scrapbook again.

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  14. anna louise bowkis says…

    this is looking absolutley gorgeous Ali, so wish I ahd signed up now, cant wait to see the next page
    anna x

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  15. Stevie says…

    I couldn't agree more with you! I love this album you're making too ~ thank you for inspiring us! Blessings to you and yours this holiday season!

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  16. Juliette says…

    thank you for inspiring us! I love this album !! and i love come everyday to see the new pages in your Christmas albumm ! A small France hello, where it does not snow!!

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  17. Holly McCaig says…

    This is great Ali....gosh, I feel like such a sucker all behind! DANG! You inspire me girl!

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  18. patry Francis says…

    My soul is hungering for "simple" too. Have had far too much of overpriced, impersonal, forced, false and complicated. Give me simple, please!

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