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Call me crazy.

I am crazy.

Packing up the house to move across town on Friday.

Once it is in my head it HAS to want to be in for Christmas and at least get a tree up and decorated.

Right now I am doing that thing where I sit at the computer, work on "work" stuff for a couple minutes and then get up and throw a couple things into a box. Walk into another room and throw a couple more things into a box. And then back to the computer again. Doing laundry at the same time. Master multi-tasker that I am LOL.

So excited to be in a new space. Our own place to settle into and make it just right for us.

This has been such a crazy year for us - makes sense that our holiday time would be totally out of whack and not "normal." So us.

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36 thoughts

  1. cindy says…

    DITTO - you are crazy!! LOL!! Peace and blessings Ali and GOOD LUCK!!!!

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  2. diana says…

    The craziest times make the best memories....
    You must be making some awesome ones!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. PamMc says…

    You constantly amaze me in that you are able to be in the midst of chaos and still be sane. Congratulations on the new home.

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  4. Lisa says…

    Good luck with the move!

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  5. kristina proffitt says…

    Good luck with the move! You guys sound like us except we moved across the country a month ago! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Crystalyn Thorsen says…

    Congrats on getting a new place! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it won't rain on you guys ;)
    Loved looking at your Disney World pics, you're an amazing photographer!
    -Your fellow Oregonian, Crystalyn

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Terri says…

    LOL Reminds me of when I was 10. My parents built a new house that was about 3 blocks from where we were living. They closed on the new one a week before Thanksgiving and we were going to move in after the holiday, but my Dad made up his mind to move 2 days before thanksgiving. At first it was just going to be the stuff we needed to live with for a few days, but ended up being the entire house! It was s sight to be seen that's for sure.
    Good luck with your move and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. amy says…

    yay! so excited for you! good luck and Merry Christmas!

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  9. Paolo says…

    you know, I think that I prefer to call you Ali. "CRAZY" is just so limiting. heheheh. Dude, happy holidays! and so glad to hear about your fun adventures as a family. here's to an awesome 07!

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  10. Kate Wishnowsky says…

    Wow, just back from holiday and 5 days (in NZ) before Christmas and you're moving???? You are a wonder! Good luck with the move. Kate xxxx P.S. Have a brilliant Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Ksea says…

    But Ali.. you do crazy so WELL! LOL! You make it seem so easy and you go with the flow.

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  12. Lee says…

    Good luck with the move!
    Hugs gorgeous girl and merry Christmas.

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  13. Shabby Miss Jenn says…

    Oh best of luck with the move! Thank heavens it's not across the world! :) Tee hee! Enjoy that beeeuuuuteful place!!!!!

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  14. Bek ~Aussie Chick~ says…

    You are SO funny!!!
    I hope the move goes easily... and well.
    I am sure you will all settle in really well... and enjoy your new space and christmas totally!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Susan says…

    wooo. that must be sooo exciting. have fun!!!
    well, of course, moving totally sucks, but once you can arrange things in new funky ways it is totally worth it!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Veronica says…

    Ha! You pack exactly the same way I do!! I thought I was the only wacky one ;)

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  17. Jeanne says…

    Ali, I can't believe you are moving right before Christmas? Your busy schedule always amazes (and exhausts) me....and now this?? WOW!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. noell says…

    Yep, I'll call you crazy!!! Crazy to move on Friday and crazy to be packing like that! But hey, if it working for you right now, go with it, right?

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  19. suetreiber says…

    I am so glad I am not you right now, dude!
    Hope the move is smooth!

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  20. Ana Maria Magloire says…

    Good luck and have fun! I hope you find lots of happiness in your new home.

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  21. Kia Gregory says…

    Ali, take it easy and good luck with the move.

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  22. Tina J. says…

    Oh my gosh, Ali, you're moving again? You just moved, not long ago, right? I hope you're moving into a place you love and want to stay a while!
    Boy, it sure was quiet without the AEzine and your blog entries... I'm so glad you had a fabulous vacation, though. Can't wait to see what you do with all those gorgeous, new pictures from the trip!
    Tina J.

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  23. Kelly says…

    Yep... crazy. I know... I'm living it myself. We closed on our house last Friday, moved over Friday and Saturday, and are now living in a huge pile of boxes. Christmas is less than a week away. I think crazy is a pretty accurate and appropriate description :)
    I also understand the packing thing! I would get so easily distracted while packing, and now the same goes for unpacking. At least with the unpacking, there isn't a deadline.
    Good luck with your move and I hope you're in the house for Christmas :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. erin yamabe says…

    you're not alone! we bought our first home back in dec 97, and it was chaos...though, we were sans that would have been really crazy!

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  25. Jolene George says…

    I just can't imagine moving Christmas weekend. You're a real trooper and a professional multi tasker at that...good luck and enjoy making your new space your own. :o)

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