God Bless Tim Russert.

Chris and I were so sad to read the breaking news that Tim Russert, host of Meet The Press, died today. He was our Sunday morning tradition. We so enjoyed him as a journalist because it was so obvious that he absolutely loved his work and lived his life passionately.

Even if we never knew him personally we will miss him.

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61 thoughts

  1. Andi M says…

    I was a huge fan of Tim Russert. He shared my passions for politics, history, family, and baseball. Tim Russert was my "go to" television journalist and political analyst. He was never a pretty face, but he represented every man. He was authentic and intelligent. He was a partisan
    for the truth. He elevated the Sunday morning talk format and political analysis. I looked forward to watching his election coverage and Meet the Press on Sunday morning. Even more than his professional accomplishments, I admired his relationship with his family, his colleagues, and his community. His attitude and generosity of spirit is something I will always
    aspire to. Sunday will not be Sunday without
    Tim Russert moderating Meet the Press. Election night will not be election night without Tim Russert here to guide us. He will be missed.

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  2. danasmith says…

    Ali.......I also did a posting of Tim Russert on my Blog. After graduating from college in '80 I went to work for Carl Perkins on the Hill. A friend of mine dated him...he was Chief of Staff for Monynihan and she worked on Congressman Paul Simon's staff. We have stayed good friends and we were, and still are, a bunch of bleeding heart Liberals!!!
    Love your Blog!
    Dana in Virginia

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  3. Courtney Camp says…

    Ali, I DO know him personally.
    I am a manager of the Starbucks right next to his studio, and he would come in EVERY morning with a smile and would wait [very patiently in a long line] for his 2 venti iced green teas. He was a sunshine spot in our mornings. We wouldn't talk politics because it was his "3rd Place" and we just wanted him to feel at home.
    He was wonderful and we miss him already. You would have loved Tim.

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  4. Courtney Camp says…

    Ali, I DO know him personally.
    I am a manager of the Starbucks right next to his studio, and he would come in EVERY morning with a smile and would wait [very patiently in a long line] for his 2 venti iced green teas. He was a sunshine spot in our mornings. We wouldn't talk politics because it was his "3rd Place" and we just wanted him to feel at home.
    He was wonderful and we miss him already. You would have loved Tim.

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  5. SaraA says…

    Truly, how can we have an election without him.

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  6. Steph H says…

    I had a good cry over Tim on Friday. While I didn't know him personally, I've had so much respect for him as I advanced in my tv career. Tom Brokaw honoring him this morning was so sad.

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  7. liz elayne says…

    watching his son Luke talk about him this morning has given even more insight into what an incredible man, father, and friend Tim Russert was. i was in shock watching the news Friday afternoon and wrote a long post about it yesterday...he was a much-needed strong, clear voice in this world and he will be deeply missed by so many...
    (it was so wonderful reading all these comments...thank you for posting this and giving people a place to share their thoughts)

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  8. tena says…

    I have been sad since Friday when I heard of Tim's passing, he was a Sunday morning tradition at my house too. What an amazing guy with buckets of passion for his work and life. A voice that will be truly missed. Tena

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  9. Kimberlee says…

    It was heartbreaking to hear that news. At first, I felt silly for tearing up, but then thought... isn't it interesting how we can feel such sadness for someone we never knew personally? I think that is a testament to the fact that you never know how many lives you touch, who you inpsire, or how many people care about you. It is also a reminder that you never know how much time you have, so make it count.

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  10. Toni K. from NY says…

    I'm from Buffalo, NY and feel a special connection to the passing of Tim Russert. Our community is especially grief stricken since he was just here a couple of weeks ago to place his dad in an assisted living home. Who knew that would be his last visit to his home town? Thank you for honoring him with this entry on your blog.

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