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Moments + connections like this.


"Baby Anna this is you."

One of my favorite memories of being in the hospital was watching Simon show baby Anna the photo of her that he took to school to share with his class (great idea Grandma). Tucked inside his backpack it was his connection to her (and us) while he was at school and we were in the hospital.

On the day we came home we waited to leave the hospital until my Mom was able to bring him over after school. We wanted to leave as a whole family unit and include him in the specialness that is bringing a new baby home.

The transition from three to four has been remarkably smooth so far.

Simon comes home from school and the first thing he says is "Baby Anna I am home!"

He loves to call Anna and I "the girls." He will say, "do you girls want
to come see this toy?" or "are you girls going to take a bath?"

He also loves to give her "snuggles" where he touches her head with his hands or presses his lips to her head. It is a precious connection.

There is really nothing quite like this miracle that is new life and the bonds that are growing stronger everyday. We all feel really blessed.


And speaking of new life, Gabrielle McDougall Gitomer made her way into the world yesterday. We are overjoyed for my sister and Jeffrey and can't wait to meet the newest member of our family.

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97 thoughts

  1. jessica crawford says…

    thank you for the precious commentary you share with us...simon has his mama's heart.

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  2. Sara says…

    Congrats to you all. The bond just gets better all the time--my kiddos who are 8 and 5 are best of friends--I know they will look out for one another always. It is so special.
    Congrats on your new niece too--it will be so special for her and Anna to be so close!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Hannah says…

    These memories you're documenting are so precious! And, Simon is such a doll!
    He will have so much fun with his new cousin too!
    I'm so happy for you all!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. andrea says…

    so happy that this has been a smooth transition for your family! it brings back memories of when my youngest was born; my son was 5 at the time, and when he came to the hospital to see his new baby sister he grumbled to anyone who would listen that it was "the worst day of his entire life" ! (he had been hoping for a brother seeing that he already had an older sister!!) :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Nicky from Canada says…

    I love the "Baby Anna I am home" - how sweet. Memories to last a life time. Congrats on the new addition to your family - the baby cousins are nice and close in age - that is good.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Leslie says…

    This is just so precious. Reminds me when we brought our Emma home to meet her 21/2 year old Jackson. One of my sweetest, most dearest memories. I will never forget his face...he was so proud.
    Thanks for reminding me today just how precious my children are. They are both getting so big and Jackson will be in High School this fall. We are really struggling with him right now and my heart aches. This little memory today has given me a new perspective on my son.
    Have the best day, Ali!:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jakki says…

    We did the same thing with my oldest son when my youngest was born...included him in SO many details. They are extremely close even now when they are in their teen years when they are 'suppossed' to hate each other. I do believe that is why and it IS a wonderful bond.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Bonnie says…

    Siblings are the best thing ever! My 8 and 5 year old like to argue but they truely love and protect one another. It's amazing the bond that siblings can have.
    You will enjoy watching them together for a very long time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Colleen F says…

    Simon is going to be little Anna's protector. How cute.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Vanessa says…

    So so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these previous intimate moments with us - they brighten my day and give me a beautiful sense of perspective on what is important in life.

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  11. o-girl says…

    You have just the right way of making every moment so very special. That's so thoughtful to make it point to be a family unit as you brought baby Anna home. That's such a special photo - a quiet but powerful moment.
    Congratulation to Jessica and Jeffrey! Congrats to you, a "new" Auntie! And, how wonderful for Anna to have a cousin who's so close in age.
    Have the best day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sara Moriarty says…

    I think a 3 year age gap is perfect. My son was 3.5 when my daughter was born and they bonded instantly. My daughter is now 15 months and her connection with her brother continues to strengthen. The only thing more precious than loving our children is watching them love each other. I wish continued love and connection to you and your family.

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  13. Susan says…

    Anna's a lucky, lucky little girl to have such a wonderful big brother! And, how wonderful that you and your sister had baby girls so close together!! Grandma must be going crazy!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. {vicki} says…

    That is so cool how he says "the girls".
    and congrats to your sister.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Debbie McIntyre says…

    Excited to hear about baby Gabrielle and look forward to seeing a photo. Mac

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. annie samuels says…

    so happy for all of you...

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Rachel M. says…

    Aw...this brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could experience this with my son! You are very blessed! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Heather S. says…

    So sweet - tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

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  19. Kristi says…

    Your story made me tear up :-) I am so happy for you all and love Simon to bits! Congratulations to your sister, too. *HUGS*

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Krys72599 says…

    How wonderful that you see the beauty in the smallest moment, when it happens in a single second or two; it's a memory that will last forever.
    And thank you for sharing it with us - it brings such joy to all of us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Danielle says…

    Simon sure sounds like one terrific big brother!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. kim says…

    oh my word... that's simply precious... precious. Love this... and congrats to your sweet sister...

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Maggie says…

    I love this post so much. Reading about Simon actually brought a tear to my eye!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Colby says…

    How incredibly sweet! And so special that you are capturing these moments with your camera. So much love in your family. Many blessings to you all! And congratulations on the newest addition to your family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. marlee says…

    "the girls." That is so sweet.

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