Weekend Photos & Workshop Input


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My in-laws have a great tradition of waking up early on the 4th of July to either watch (or on some years, run) the annual Butte to Butte 10K. With hot coffee and scones from Great Harvest we sat in their driveway and cheered on nearly 5000 runners as they made their way up a really big hill.

It was totally inspiring to see all kinds of people of all shapes and sizes trekking up the hill. I think I want to be one of the people doing it next year.

A special hello to the two women who waved as they ran by and told me they were scrapbooking their run.



The rest of the day was spent resting, cooking with family, and being silly (see photo below).

In the evening I stayed in with Anna (honoring/maintaining her current sleep schedule) while the boys went and watched the local fireworks show downtown. Simon fell asleep in Grandpa Gary's lap.

As Chris put him to bed Simon said, "I like the fireworks. The fireworks make me happy."



The biggest project I am working on right now is preparing for my 3-month online workshop at Big Picture Scrapbooking called Yesterday & Today. This workshop will run from October through December as part of the Four Experts series.

As I go about building the class I am looking for input/suggestions from potential students about what you would like to see covered in this workshop:

What would you like to learn about scrapbooking your past?
What would you like to learn about scrapbooking your present?
What would you like to learn about scrapbooking yourself?

Anything else you would like to see/learn in this workshop?

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123 thoughts

  1. Deanna says…

    I have a lot of older pictures and I want to learn out to scrap around them using the new products I love... I often try but I find the picture looks completely out of place. Not sure if you know what I mean... but if I use a vintage-y picture I don't necessarily want a vintage layout all the time! :)

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  2. pinefeather says…

    things that come to mind - the important things, people, places, and events from my past and how they connect to me now and the person that I am today...

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  3. Cary says…

    I may be a minority here, but I done with "me" books. Seems like everyone is producing one. I would love to honor the past and where I have come from.. my heritage, my eyes, my personality. Many people have problems living with their past, but if we could just simplify it a bit, those pesky family issues might fade in comparison to new highlights. Those special facts that if not remembered and passed down, just fade away. I want to remember why grandma's china was so special and that recipe for oatmeal cookies, what a black and white TV was, and just how lucky I grew up when I did..
    Ali, you will do just the right concept and I can not wait to register!

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  4. Nicky from Canada says…

    Wow Ali, would love to find out how to put it all together - mostly the old heritage stuff so that the order and history makes sense and is not too hard to follow. I have some amazing facts on two of our four sides of the family that goes back to the 1600's on one side and the 1700's on the other, and don't know how to organize it so it makes sense.
    Would love to take this course - when will the sign up be?

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  5. tania smith says…

    What would you like to learn about scrapbooking your past?
    Accepting the mistakes I made. Recording how these blemishes don't define who I am but are events that happened and choices I made. Only fires that refined me now.
    What would you like to learn about scrapbooking your present?
    A comparison of my priorities. What I want them to be, to what they actually are on a weekly basis. Doing the 'week in the life' project started to reveal this to me.
    What would you like to learn about scrapbooking yourself?
    Documenting my thoughts on relationships in my life. Why I appreciate the impact others have on me, and also, truely, why certain relationships challenge me.
    Anything else you would like to see/learn in this workshop?
    When my children are in their 30's, and having life full in thier face, I want my personal scrapbooking to reflect the truth of my thoughts, not the icing covered version that would bring them false comfort. I want them to see how God took all things and used them for His purpose. How intricately He designed each one of us and loves us dearly. The one thing we can always count on. i realize that this is a faith based request but it's applicable to me and many others in their beleif system, KWIM?
    Thanks for asking what we think Ali. -tania

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  6. Marge says…

    Hi Ali - glad you had a wonderful 4th of July (as did I and my family). Regarding your new class, I'm wondering if you could answer a question. Must I have Photoshop Elements in order to take this class? I am VERY new to computer scrapbooking and don't have this program yet. Thanks!

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  7. Susan says…

    I'd want to look at the arc of life. What was I like when I was younger which led me to next stage and the next and finally to here. And where would I like to go from here. How to include the messy bits without getting overwhelmed by them, what highlights to document if you are single and don't have children, what other artifacts to use if you don't have photos from when you were younger and how to prioritze what needs to be included!

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  8. CMG says…

    Old family photos are the hardest thing for me to organize. There are so very few (film was expensive then), and I don't know how to group them. They are too small to put 1 per page. Also journaling is hard when I don't know the names of some of the people in the photo.

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  9. Quinna says…

    I have taken several classes from Big Picture. What would be helpful for me is to know when things are happening right up front.
    Also what do you need product line in order to complete this class. I don't want to purchase product that I won't be using.
    Looking forward to the class!

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  10. michelle says…

    There are 2 things i would love to see in this class.
    1. I would love to see about scrapbooking the bad things. Not tribute pages, but experiences that were not pleasant. Break-ups, friendships ending, regrets, accidents and failures.
    2. I would especially like to see some suggestions for pages that did not involve being a mom or being married. As a single woman with no kids (and no plans for kids), I am often left out of scrapbooking projects that are supposed to be all about me and are really a place for people to reflect on their roles as wife and mother. And while I have seen some beautiful pages and have been able to adapt some of the ideas to my situation, I would love to see more that is universal.
    I so enjoy your blog!

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  11. Amber Lee says…

    Fun weekend! I can't believe Anna fits into the toddler seat on the Uppa Baby. We tried Tuesday in it a week ago and the straps didn't even get close to tightening down far enough on her, and she's got a month on Anna. No suggestions for the workshop, Tutu and I haven't had much opportunity to scrapbook yet!

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  12. yanina says…

    Hi Ali, Thank you so much for asking. I am taking your class for sure. I know you are pretty big on photo+words, but I only have a few pictures of my childhood. I would like to tell my story without photos, any ideas?

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  13. beth says…

    I'm excited to hear about the class. I will look for registration.
    I would love ideas for scrapbooking periods in our life from which we don't have a lot of pictures, or other mementos. (As I typed that I thought about the flower petals from Simon's teacher). But I would love some inspiration on how to capture what I remember about high school even though I only have a few pictures and they may not really be representative of what I really remember.
    I know your class will be great. Good luck balancing prep and all your other stuff.

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  14. yanina says…

    Hi again Ali,
    I was wondering if you will be using digital elements for this class? Thanks!

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  15. Amber says…

    I would love any help with scrapbooking about myself. I am really drawn to other people's pages about themselves but have a really really hard time to scrap about myself. I would love to do it, but as yet I don't know where/how to start. I would also love help with including memoriablia onto pages.

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  16. Jacqueline says…

    I would like to learn how to scrap the not-so-good and sad parts of my life. How do I do that without getting a sad scrapbook, while still being honest and sincere?

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  17. Ali Edwards says…

    Most likely they will be hybrid elements that can be used either digitally or printed (most examples will be using the printed elements).

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  18. Ali Edwards says…

    Hey Amber :) - she is actually just laying in there without the straps. More a place for her to lay down vs. going anywhere/walking with her in there. I am thinking that the straps are adjustable...need to check on that.

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  19. Ali Edwards says…

    Also she is really tall - 85% for height.

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  20. Lori says…

    I always really enjoy reading your blog. I also learned alot from reading your Timeline article in the recent Creating Keepsakes magazine. In regards to page 52 - where did you get the cool white borders around the pictures of your daughter - I say the other product listing, but I didn't see this listed. I would love to know as that definitely interests me. Keep up the great work - you do a super fabulous job!

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  21. Julie says…

    That baby totally looks like your sister! Sounds like you had a good holiday.

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  22. Amanda Susan says…

    I just want something easy. I want to get the basics down of my past because who knows if I'll ever get to scrapping it for real. Something that can be used over and over and repurposed for something else would be nice to. Like give us the process to make it whatever we want. Also, what to do with those old pictures that are faded.

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  23. Amy Bailey says…

    Hi Ali, I am totally taking this class this Fall. I've been so excited about you teaching another class for BPS. This is a great topic. In answer to your questions:
    What would you like to learn about scrapbooking your past?
    First of all, how do you scrapbook friends that are no longer in your life? Just fell away like some friends do. I mean, like for my family, who don't know these people from Adam. How do I incorporate these people in my family scrapbook? Should I focus more on the event around the photo, or the people? Does that make sense?
    What would you like to learn about scrapbooking your present? How to organize all the little do-dad's from trips and such (like ticket stubs, hotel keys, pamphlets). I can never find everything when I go to scrapbook our trips, and I always find lots of things I've forgotten after the pages are done.
    What would you like to learn about scrapbooking yourself?
    How to scrapbook myself without being too hard on myself for past failures.
    Thanks Ali! I wish the class was starting right now. Well I now have something to look forward to :)

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  24. Jennifer L says…

    I'm not sure if I've posted yet or not, but I would like to know how to scrap childhood with few to no pictures. I don't like doing pictureless albums, so I'd like some photo ideas. (My mom has all the photos, and she lives hundreds of miles away.)

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  25. Amber Lee says…

    Tuesday is too, but like 15% for weight. My husband says I should stop squeezing her in the bassinet, but I guess I'm a little reluctant to let her grow up!

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