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December Daily 2009 : Day Ten, Day Eleven, Day Twelve, Day Thirteen


On December 10th Simon and I had a little impromptu date to the movies. We saw Fantastic Mr. Fox and we really enjoyed it (I found myself smiling most of the way though). I printed the little movie image from online and adhered it to the page on the left (old felt paper from Art Warehouse) . On the right-hand page I cut a portion of the weather section from our local newspaper and adhered it on top of the original paper (see below). We had some really cold weather here last week and I wanted to make sure I got a record of that in here somewhere. I stitched the movie ticket to the side of the date label (I removed it and put it back on after adhering the newspaper and stitching the ticket) and also stitched the newspaper onto the main page. 


SUPPLIES : Green glitter music pattern paper from Making Memories. Fa La La letterpress card from Paper Source. Small blue rub-ons from Jenni Bowlin.

Here's the original: 

On the back of Day 10 I simply adhered and stitched a Starbucks cup-jacket onto the pattern paper (this was adhered before stitching on the reverse side).  




Day 11 is a page protector that has a Pink Paislee canvas tag sewn through (meaning I needed to use it as an overlay/page on it's own because the pocket was sewn closed). For the actual content I took a letter that Simon wrote to Santa on Anna's behalf and adhered it to a piece of kraft cardstock with a red ribbon along the edge (source unknown). 

Here's the letter: 




Day 12 features an enlarged photo on the left with some AE Holiday Outline Word Art down the side of the photo and on the right hand side is a pocket that includes a letter to Simon from my Mom, a sheet of lego information, and some instructions for felt ornaments. 



I love these pocket pages for simple storage of stuff that has come into our house this month. 

Here's the original: 


SUPPLIES : Hambly overlay; Jenni Bowlin Red calendar 


Simon decided that yesterday was the day he would write his own letter to Santa. To help Santa out we printed a photo from the internet to make sure he brings the "right" one. 

Here's a look at the inside piece with a Jenni Bowlin ticket and rub ons stapled to the top: 


The right side includes American Crafts Button Nose pattern paper surrounding his letter & a Santa card from CariKraft


And with the letter open: 


The original for Day Thirteen: 


SUPPLIES : Teresa Collins scalloped edge chipboard


This post is part of a series documenting the month of December 2009. You find out more information and view all the completed pages of my album here. Share your work in the Flickr gallery here

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44 thoughts

  1. Danielle says…

    You are amazing. This is fantastic! I can only hope I get ever as good as you are..

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  2. Cameron says…

    Love these pages! I need to take a photo for yesterday, otherwise I'm pretty much staying up to speed, hooray! I never thought it could be done, thanks for the inspiration, Ali! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. caro says…

    Oh Ali, my whole heart is chuckling along, with Simon's letter. I thought I knew all about "Indie" & "star wars" and lego. We live it every day - especially the indiana jones lego wii game... NOW Simon shows his wish list picture, I go um? and it turn out to be an Indie set. Gotta run & ebay! William (4) will be blown away to know this, and it can be a surprise too. THANKS. (Loving your album again.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Loretta Artful Yogi says…

    Love tath pic of the two kids. Fabulous pages, Ali. It's fun to use different techniques each day. i like experimenting with some digital items that i've been stowing away--all year it seems. Your book wil be treasured for a long time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. SandyB says…

    Love your pages so far. I love that you cut out the weather section--I think I'll have to do that too! I think it's funny that you think that's cold though (we just spent a few days in single digits). Made me chuckle! Actually... more like jealous as we hate midwest weather!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Susi from Germany says…

    Love the idea of including the weather forecast! Always an inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Janete says…

    This is really beautiful, loved it

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Leora says…

    Wow! Awesome job! I love the way you are capturing your days here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. mandy says…

    Loved reading this! Jason is always on too! And get the muffin pans ready, We have that set and it is a dosy putting together! We are currently working on the Temple of Doom set! All 900+ pieces!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Monika Wright says…

    I am having so, so much fun. I love to take photos, anyway, but telling our life story for December is a joy. Because of all the inspiration from you, Ali, and the flickr group, I have learned to post photos to flickr, use one of your template from Sesigner Digitals, and learn that even a less-than-favorite page is okay in the scheme of things! I don't think I'll ever go all digi, but playing with certain elements in PSE is fun and makes me feel like I've accomplished something. Thanks for helping us to keep the memories alive for our families!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Nicky from Canada says…

    Looks amazing - wish we had your warm!! hee hee weather. We are -37 today with the wind chill (-31 without) not fun. Has been a cold snap.
    Haven't had a chance to start my december daily, even though it was all ready - busy with kitchen renos - who's crazy idea was this anyways!!
    Have a great monday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. ReNi says…

    sweet letters ^^

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  13. Sharon F. california says…

    wow - it must fill your heart to see how much Simon loves his baby sister. I got choked up just reading his letter to Santa on her behalf. So special.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. joni possin says…

    Love the photo of Simon and Anna!! He just radiates love for her... so sweet!! You are a lucky mom and they are blessed to have you! Really like the weather clipping from the paper... neat idea!
    Thank you Ali for all the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. stamphappy2001 says…

    Ali, Your December book is turning out adorable as always. I just have to say I laughed when I saw your newpaper with the temperatures on it. Now I lived in the Seattle area for a while so I know that 27 above is very cold. But that same day here in North Dakota I think our high hit zero degrees. Yep, it is very,very cold here. :)

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  16. Alana M says…

    Temple escape is fun. Ours is now in many many parts all over the house.

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  17. Ginny says…

    I really love the combination of the full page photos/overlays along with the pocket pages. Taking notes for next year! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sudie Alexander says…

    Amazing design! I love all the important details that you include, like the weather. What an adorable photograph of Simon and Anna! thanks for the inspiration!
    Blessings, Sudie

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  19. Donna VW says…

    What a treasure!

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  20. Stephanie S. says…

    That picture of Simon and Anna is so so sweet. It is so obvious that they adore one another! Someday when they are grown, they will both treasure that photo.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Deirdre - Irl says…

    Beautiful pages... I am behind on mine... better getting cracking before I forget!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. TracieClaiborne says…

    Love these! Is this a copy of Simon's letter or the original? If it is the original, how do you get away with not mailing it or leaving it for Santa? My child always leaves her letter for Santa on Christmas Eve so if I put it in the album, she would be suspicious. I'd love to hear how you handle that.

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  23. Lori says…

    i love seeing your creativity. i am waiting for pictures to come in the mail so i can put it all together at least what i have until a couple days ago - guess i can work on journal in the mean time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Gracy Cabal says…

    We loved , i lo ve santa letter :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. ~lisa w~ says…

    You are so darn inspiring! I come to your blog just to wander sometimes because there is always something 'feel good' and inspiring to be found. :) The world is so lucky to have you Ali Edwards!
    I love the photo (day12) of your little ones! Too cute! -And great idea incorporating the newspaper clipping. . .LOVE LOVE LOVE it all!
    Have a great day! :)

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