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December Daily Inspirations From The Flickr Gallery

I've been enjoying browsing through the 2009 December Daily Flickr gallery and seeing people's albums evolve. Here's some that have caught my eye (click on the name to go to the Flickr page that features the photo): 

MELANIE.LOUETTE : I love the white and the serene feeling of this one. 

THE COZY FARMHOUSE : I love the colors and all the horizontal lines and how active & joyful it feels. 

ALEXANDRA S.M. : Love the use of the photo tag on the left. 

TRYBABE : This album has a great mix of digital elements & crafty/artsy textural elements. I really likes seeing what she did with the canvas pages.  

MONIKA WRIGHT : Love the idea of documenting the Christmas favorites from each person in the family. 

MONIQUE(MOKI) : Great concept for documenting with words when you don't have the photos. 


AMYGREN : I really want to take some photos of my ornaments this year - love this idea. 

VEE : Really inspired by the size & colors & random elements going into this album (love the journal strips + stitching too). I might just have to make a second little celebration album that fits in my hand. 

LIFEONFLOWER : Love the simplicity of photos & words.



SCRAPPERJJB : I like how this album has a bunch of inter-active elements & things that open and close. I also really love that number paper in red on one side and in silver/grey on the other.  


PUGMAMMA : Love the idea of including a calendar from school. 

Thank you for sharing your stories!

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34 thoughts

  1. Maegen Jenne says…

    I just sat down to post to the gallery for the first time and I actually had the thought..."i wonder if she even has time to look at it" well what did my wondering eyes see? a whole post with albums from the gallery! guess i better start posting and add mine to the countless others who are doing the exact same thing, but in their own little way. i love the little ways we all find to connect and share. thank you.

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  2. Michele H. says…

    Thanks for the links Ali! I needed some inspiration right about now.
    There are so many beautiful ones that have caught my eye as well!

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  3. Allison M. says…

    Beautiful albums! So much inspiration...

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  4. Monika Wright says…
    12/14/2009 picked one of my pages! If you'll notice on the favorites page, that there are two blanks on the entries for v, our little Victoria. She is so spunky and full of life, and energy and joy, she just can't seem low down long enough to even think what one thing would be her favorite. Somehow, it doesn't really bother me, because years from now it will remind me of the little spunkerdoodle she is and hopefully always will be. She usually echoes what her brother and sister say. Anyway, thanks for the honor of thinking my DD is noteworthy!

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  5. Gale says…

    There are so many creative & talented people out there!
    Thanks for sharing a few of your favorite albums.

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  6. Ann Marie says…

    Nice job ladies! The red and grey paper Ali mentioned looks like what came in the Project 365 kit from CK.

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  7. alexandra s.m. says…

    THANK YOU for picking my page with the TAG!
    I've enjoyed this experience so much, it has given me a whole new understand of the Advent period! Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration for so many of us <3
    ( I'm using My Little Yellow bicycle's 25DAYS for my album )

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  8. Brooke says…

    Thanks for sharing all these other albums. I'm pretty much addicted to DD inspiration right now. I can never get enough!
    Today I wanted to document our trip to the swimming pool (it's summer here). But public pools have a strict "no camera" policy. So instead, I took a pic of my son sitting on the couch before we left and then I took one when we got back. Our after swim snack was interrupted by a bucket load of rain so we were both pretty wet when we got back.

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  9. Jenink says…

    Oh my gosh, so many talented creative people out there- way to go Jen B! :)

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  10. Christina T says…

    Thank you so much, Ali! Imagine my surprise at seeing one of my pages (Trybabe) when I opened your blog tonight! Your December Daily has made my Christmas so much more fun (with me participating in the fun a lot more)! Thanks for all of the wonderful inspiration.

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  11. Molly Irwin says…

    Thanks for including my very spare page, and for featuring all these great projects. I love all the different styles; makes me want to branch out and try something new.

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  12. Diane Herman says…

    All my favourite DD are featured :)
    Thanks Ali and ladies for the inspiration!!!

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  13. Donna VW says…

    Wow! It is so apparent what an inspiration you are!

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  14. Jenn Biederman says…

    Thanks, Ali, for including my interactive page from my DD!! I wanted to include this folding element in my DD this year (and yes, it's from my Project 365 kit from CK). :) I'm truly honored to be included in this talented pool of artists, but even more honored to be featured today. Thank you.
    Jenn Biederman (aka scrapperjjb)

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  15. Melissa says…

    I have told Jenn (ScrapperJJB) this, but I've been "stalking" (j/k!!) her since I saw her DD album last year. 'Love her style. Thanks for the Flickr group and for 'introducing' me to so many more gals whose albums I'd like to enjoy.
    Thanks to all of the gals who've uploaded their photos and CONGRATULATIONS to you all for stopping these brief moments in time so that they can be enjoyed later; possibly by descendants you'll never even meet. What an awesome feeling to know that so many others are also doing this same thing... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Holly S says…

    I have enjoyed seeing your favorites! Thank you for sharing!!!

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  17. Michelle Whitlow says…

    Such great inspiration!! I love the idea of using a calendar and your idea yesterday of using the weather report. We've had a TON of rain so I'm using that for one of my days this week.

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  18. Loretta Artful Yogi says…

    Very instpirng. Thansk to all who are sharing. It takes me as long to photograph and post pics as it does to create them. So i've decoded to just document now and possibly post the whole book later.

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  19. Terri Q says…

    Lovely pages. Thanks for sharing.

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  20. AmyHip says…

    *blush* Thank you for featuring my page, Ali!! I've been so inspired by everyone else, and loving the advent season because of this process. Looking forward to seeing more wonderful ideas.

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  21. Stacy Milford says…

    Yes it is...& is so cool! How clever to use those supplies in a fun & interactive way! LOVE it!

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  22. Stacy Milford says…

    WOW ladies! Such amazing pages that Ali has shared with us today! Congrats to you all...I'm just drooling over your albums!!!

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  23. marisa says…

    awesome inspiration! Thanks for posting these!

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  24. Elizabeth says…

    Wow, lots of interesting and cool ideas, I've been so busy with renovations & moving into our new house...that I'm sorry to say I didn't start a December Daily for this year. Perhaps I will take these ideas and pre-make one for next year so it'd be ready to go....Thanks for sharing all these great ideas Ali!

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  25. Kathy Floen says…

    Ali- Thanks for sharing all of these inspiring Dec Daily projects! :) I loved them all! :)

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