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One Little Word 2010

I am a fan of welcoming the new year with open arms. I love fresh starts, new opportunities, clean slates, possibilities.

Back in January 2007, as a way to celebrate these beginnings, I started a public tradition of choosing a single word to focus on over the course of the year.

Many of you are familiar with this tradition and have been joining me in selecting a new word each year. If this is your first time reading about the idea of one little word I recommend taking a few minutes to read my original post here.

Here's a look at my words from the past three years with links to the original posts.

2007 : Peace [ read my post for 2007 ]
2008 : Vitality [ read my post for 2008 ]
2009 : Nurture [ read my post for 2009 ]

Essentially the idea is to choose a word (or let it choose you) that has the potential to make an impact on your life.

Maybe you want to invite something or maybe you are hoping to subtract something. Maybe your word will be practical or hopeful or creative or fanciful. Maybe you need a big word, something in-your-face that will challenge you everyday. Maybe you need something smaller and quieter that will whisper gentle tidings as you make your way throughout the year.

Whatever word you end up with, make sure it is your word (not your sister's, mom's, partner's, child's, etc). You can share it publicly or keep it close to your heart.

My word for 2010 is STORY.

I'm planning to do a post with more details on my thoughts about this word on Wednesday (look for the finishing pages of my December Daily tomorrow). I am hoping to use my word as a springboard for a variety of different projects and inspirations, in my life and my scrapbooking, over the next 365 days.

Have you chosen your word yet?

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669 thoughts

  1. Ashlee Archibald says…

    My word is cherish.
    I want to cherish my sweet bug while she is still little. I know that I get frustrated a lot but she will only be little for such a short time.

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  2. homedotmade says…

    My word for 2010 is Possibilities. There have been so many limits placed on myself (sometimes by me!) that I'm ready to challenge myself into limitlessness!

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  3. Carolyn HP says…

    wow, time for a new word already... hope you are enjoying the holidays.
    My word for 2009 was Believe - believe in myself, in the good in the world around me, to believe in the journey I am meant to be on.
    For 2010 I want more action, so I decided for my one little word to be Change - the change I already see in myself, the world around me, in continuing my self improvement in my life and my health.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Bloomingayl says…

    My word is REACH -
    I was worried you might forget. This will be my third year for what I call my simple word. What a difference it makes to have this reminder to guide us through the year. Thank~you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jessica says…

    I've been batting around my word since early November and keep coming back to one of the first I considered: INTENTION.
    Oh! And Ali, you should be honored to know that I challenged all 118 of my high school junior and senior English students to take part in this challenge for 2010. We did an awesome class activity with it and their responses were fantastic. Thanks for the inspiration, as always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. anna says…

    i've had my word chosen for about a month already - it's wholeheated. it seems to have been something that has been important for a long time now (especially noticable as i look back over my spiritual journal), and there are so many ways that i want to be more wholehearted - in my walk with God, in my parenting, in my role as wife and homemaker. little things, big things; things which are momentary, and things that last. i'm even considering a tattoo of it... ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Annie says…

    My word this year is "gather" as I aim to connect and reconnect with people around me, gather my family (husband and teen/tween kids) in meaningful ways, and gather my thoughts and ideas into new projects, essays, stories, (and papers for grad school).

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Icecat62 says…

    I'm new to this and since reading your post I've mulled over a number of words and the one I think that suits me best is...Study. "The cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art." I want to study the world around me, the way people in my life react, her voice and phrases my daughter makes as she grows, I want to study see more than what meets the eye and I want to get it all down on paper so I can reflect on it later. Study...I like this word already. :)

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  9. Nancy says…

    I choose a word for each year too. Love it. So intentional and directed. Loved reading the other words from your readers.... very inspiring. Mine is "grateful"... in all circumstances.

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  10. Jujudo says…

    As the year 2009 wasn't the best year for me and my family I just heard one word inside me for the new year:
    My word for 2010 is optimism - the courage to face life as it is.

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  11. Betheroo says…

    My word for 2010 is joy. I want to bring more joy into my everyday life.

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  12. Barb M. says…

    My word is persist. I am in the middle of changing my life in the face of obesity. I need to continue the journey and I have hit a plateau of sorts. I can do this and I will do this. I also have not taken the time in '09 to scrapbook or sew enough. In '10 I will take the time to create. Persist is perfect for me.

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  13. Andrea C. in IL says…

    My word for 2010 is actually 2 words, ACCEPTANCE & HOPE. This is the last stage of grief. 5 years ago this month, I gave birth to my youngest daughter. She was born into heaven that day. It was the hardest day of my life. During lent each year I try to give up which ever stage of grief I am in at that time. Grief spirals and is ugly. For 2010, I am going to face this all head on and move right through everything. No guilt or anger. I know that acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. Given the pain and turmoil I have experienced, I can never return to the carefree, untroubled existence of before this tragedy. But I will move forward positively and with hope.

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  14. Jessica says…

    I used this practice last year with the word "essential" and I found it to be so much more useful than resolutions. So, thank you!
    My word for 2010 is "resource." As in, how am I spending my resources of time, creative energy, and money? I'm sure my think on this will evolve over the year, but here is the post I wrote yesterday, which helped me to flesh this out a bit more:
    Thanks again!

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  15. helena says…

    my word for 2010 is connect - in lots of different ways. Really like this idea of choosing a word for the year

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  16. Becky G. says…

    This is my first time reading about your 'word', but I'd like to participate! This year (2009) was very hard. My dad's health drastically declined and I spent many hours in doctors' offices, ER's, hospitals and finally a hospice house. He went to heaven in September, and now I am having to learn how to live without him, and without the stress of caring for him. There wasn't much 'joy' in my life in 2009, so my word is 'joyful', and modified to add 'live', to make my goal for 2010 to 'live joyfully'!!! Thank you! Becky G.

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  17. christen says…

    my word is WELLNESS.

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  18. Kristi says…

    My word for 2010 is FOCUS.
    I often need to remember to focus on the task at hand, do one thing at a time, and prioritize where I place my focus. I think that this reminder will help me create great things in the year to come!

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  19. Beatriz says…

    My word for this coming year 2010 is CREATE.
    This word will give me lots of energy. I'll see it every day on the bookshelves in my study. I have the need to create: to get pregnant (creating pure), painting, scrapbooking and photography (don't go out without my camera). I am confident that 2010 will be a very creative and positive year for me and my family.
    Thanks Ali for the inspiration. I hope that your word HISTORY, gives you the same energy.
    Greetings and Happy New Year 2010

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  20. Kay Gregory-Clark says…

    Ali, I'd already been thinking about my word for 2010. I've decided to keep the same word as last year--SERENITY--because I felt I didn't get as far with it as I'd intended. And, interestingly, the word itself kept popping up in the oddest places toward the end of the year, like a reminder. Even on Christmas Day when my husband gave me his Christmas present. Guess what the label was--SERENITY! So I am vowing to be more intentional about achieving it for myself and to do some little projects here and there around it. Thanks for your guidance in this. kay

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  21. Sarah C says…

    My word is Explore.
    This word excites me when I think about it. 2010 appears to be holding several changes for us and exploring those changes and not holding back seems to be just what this next year needs.
    Happy New Year!

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  22. Debbie says…
    12/28/2009 word found me.
    As I was reading Kristi's word..FOCUS...
    the same word was said on TV...
    and I immediately recalled my daughter telling me that my lack of focus was making her crazy lately.
    So I guess that is it for 2010.

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  23. liz says…

    i want my word to be "family." in the last month i have lost 2 people i love, so i want to cherish the time i have, with those i love. family will be in the forefront on my mind this coming year. of course, we should always be so aware that our time is fleeting. we need to remember every day to enjoy the time we havef with our family...including friends and distant aquaintances.

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  24. Erin says…

    I love this tradition. Choosing one word has given me comfort and focus in the previous three years. For 2010, I'm going with NEST.
    My husband and I have trimmed our budgets a great deal over the last few years-we travel less, eat out less and generally spend less. We spend more time at home and we couldn't be happier. In 2010 we will be investing some of our savings into making our home more comfortable and fitting to our homebody lifestyle.

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  25. says…
    12/28/2009 word will be "Change"...I hope that changes will take place....I am not fond of changes, BUT in 2010, I hope to change my job, change my exercise regime and my singlehood status....:)
    thks for the inspiration!

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