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Celebrating Simon & Scrapbooking With Your Computer

This is one of the coolest kids I know.

He is still in that awesome place where he believes in magic. Oh how I hope to encourage him to never lose that skill at being delighted by life.

At his family birthday party last night he was thrilled and thankful (expressing his thanks both spontaneously and when he was gently reminded). One of my favorite parts of the evening was when he read his cards out loud (the first year he has done that). Hearing, in his own voice, what each of us wrote to him was really special.

While Chris lit the candles on his cake he went into the other room so he could be surprised by the cake and all of us sitting around the table. With the cake on the table and the candles glowing Chris went to get him, had him close his eyes and walked him around the house before bringing him back to the table (so glad I had long candles for the cake). When he was brought back to the table and opened his eyes we all yelled surprise and the look on his face, the absolute joy, was priceless.

The photo above showing him in mid-wish before blowing out the candles is my favorite from the day. 


I hope you enjoyed the basic information on Scrapbooking With Your Computer this week. I definitely let the content evolve over the course of the week (keeping it really simple) and still have a bunch of things on my list to share with you.

With that in mind I am planning to do two things:

(1) Coming soon I will do another weekly feature focused specifially on hybrid scrapbooking. I want to put some projects together with step by step photos of my processes. I need a little time to get that going.

(2) I am going to designate one day per week for a post on Scrapbooking With Your Computer. Each week I will bring you a specific tip, how-to, or video tutorial that will walk you through a specific process or idea. Some concepts will be digital and some hybrid. I currently have a list of questions that I will be using to generate specific content for the next few weeks but if there is something specific you would like to see me cover feel free to leave a comment below or email me ali at ali edwards design dot com.

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106 thoughts

  1. amy says…

    happy birthday simon. this is really sweet. i love that magic too that our kids have it's the most amazing thing i love their genuine excitement.
    thanks for sharing.

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  2. Kim Su says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!!! I love the snapshot of him and the story to go with it is the best. Thanks for sharing it with us. TGIF & have a great weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Janet Ang says…

    Ali, wish Simon a very special Happy Birthday from all your bloggers! You are so blessed with a beautiful family! It also shows that you and Chris are fantastic parents. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us. It makes me smile each day and gives me hope.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Amanda Susan says…

    Question: when you do a hybrid page, do you start the page with the intention of doing hybrid or does it just evolve? And if you start with the intention of doing a hybrid, do you sketch first so you know how big of a space you have for your digital elements?

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Brittany says…

    what a lovely photo. love the expression on his face.
    will you also do a follow-up post on mozy? i am thinking of using them for storage and wanted to know your final thoughts about it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. DaniMarie, NC says…

    First off...happy birthday to your little man.I can't believe how much he has grown!!I also wanted to say thanks so much for the tutorials. I made my first Digi page yesterday in photoshop (the second one i have made ever)thanks to you.I had so much fun I made another this morning!! Things I would love to see would be how to do drop shadows, photo editing, and how to use actions. You are a great teacher!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ali Edwards says…

    Yep - I have it starting again and will do a post once I get the first backup done :).

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Samantha L says…

    Great photo and Happy Birthday! I was wondering if you will be posting any tutorials on actually making templates? Or possibly having a tutorial for sale at Designer Digitals showing this process? If you get this twice, sorry, I didn't know if my last one posted. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jewel says…

    Thanks so much for dedicating your week to digital. As a newbie to Photoshop Elements, I found it very helpful. I am wanting to learn more about editing my photos as well so am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the big learning curve but am having fun at the same time. Your photo and journaling about Simon's b-day made me smile. I have a 7 year old son and just LOVE this age.

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  10. Dana Benkert says…

    Such a beautiful photo of Simon...Happy Birthday!

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  11. Gabriela says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!!!

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  12. Emma Tandy says…

    Happy Birthday simon, Hope you had a wonderful day, You have a beautiful boy I also have a little (big) boy who will be 8 in a few weeks time It's a lovely age where they are still baby's underneath but big boys on the surface.
    Also I have loved this weeks posts thank you I have learnt so much.
    Have a great weekend

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. stephanie says…

    Thanks so much for doing this. I really enjoyed and needed to hear some of the information you shared on scrapbooking with your computer. I love the photo of Simon and it's funny that I remember the birthday that my daughter first read her cards but she did it in front of her friends(which really surprised met).

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. amyellen says…

    My son just turned 8 2 weeks ago and I think 8 is so much fun! He is so full of adventure and questions, it doesn't hurt that he gives the best hugs and kisses :)
    I have been loving all of your posts this week, very helpful. I would love to see if & how you do any editing or actions in pse.
    I have a question about yesterdays post. I have gotten as far as adding the photos and recoloring the frame inside the photos. When I try to recolor the large frame and small text box I can't seem to do it. The frame never shows up even though I am using a dark color.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Stephanie H says…

    A belated Happy Birthday to Simon! You got very lucky with some wonderful parents. I watched your mom's video about the basketball game yesterday and just want to say, AWESOME job on hanging in there at the game when at first you wanted to go home. Super work! I think those stadiums can be really loud and scary sometimes.
    Ali--loved this series and have made my first 10 or so digi pages since you started it and I'm hooked. Three things I would be interested in reading in the weekly feature: 1) You mentioned the pic in your video was 300dpi but 38 inches long or something like that. Could you give some guidelines on the resolution we need for best appearance on a 12x12 and how to control it please? 2) I bought some jpeg paper but when I put it on a layer it says "frame layer" with a plus sign in the corner. It won't let me group it until I "simplify" it. I don't have a clue if that's the right thing to do, could you explain the frame/simplify/flattening stuff please? 3) Could you talk a little more about actions? I went to the totally rad site but ran into probs with the downloads. I'm just confused about exactly what actions are, what they are used for and if I'd like to pursue learning them right now.
    Again thanks some much for your series. I've been so inspired...and I've also been over to DesignerDigitals and gotten some of your product :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Stephanie H says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! It is so encouraging to see him grow and change! He is such a cool kid!!

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  17. Deb J says…

    What a great picture. It sounds like you had a wonderful time celebrating. Again, happy Birthday Simon.

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  18. Melissa Rydjeski says…

    I'm also interested in tips on making templates. I'm frustrated when I make a simple template (e.g., a 2x2 grid on 4x6 template) and the elements aren't exactly what I had thought they'd be (i.e., not exactly 2x2 squares). Thanks for all you do!

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  19. Jan C. says…

    Thanks for the mini-series on digi scrapping, Ali. When I went over to the dark side a couple of years ago [;-)], I remember that shadowing the various elements as I put them onto the layout seemed a very mysterious process. But in the end, the ability to create realistic shadows makes all the difference in whether a digi layout looks finished or not. So I would suggest that as a future topic!

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  20. Anna Aspnes says…

    I love it when you talk about Simon Ali. The way you describe him is so very much like Ella. It comforts me to know there other special kids out there just like her so in the future she will not feel alone. She'll be 8 in July and, as you know is also on the spectrum. Managed to finish the rest of your interview this morning. It is what it is. I say that ALL the time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Anna Aspnes says…

    I love it when you talk about Simon Ali. The way you describe him is so very much like Ella. It comforts me to know there other special kids out there just like her so in the future she will not feel alone. She'll be 8 in July and, as you know is also on the spectrum. Managed to finish the rest of your interview this morning. It is what it is. I say that ALL the time.

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  22. Jana says…

    Oh you so captured the sweet innocence of a child in that photo of Simon making his wish! Great job! thanks for the fun computer scrapping week Ali! (happy birthday Simon!!)

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  23. Michelle (from KY) says…

    First, I want to thank you for doing this series. I have learned so much already. Thank you for including tips for those of us who do not have Photoshop, and use Word.
    I do have one question. Is there a way to overlay the stamp (Captuing phrase) over a photo in Word? I would LOVE to be able to do something like that. What about in another program like Picasa?
    BTW Happy Birthday Simon!! = )

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  24. Loretta Artful Yogi says…

    Thanks for this priceless post. :)

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  25. Nancy Wyatt says…

    Happy Birthday Sweet Simon! Thanks Ali for all you do! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

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