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Seeing Things : Favorite Photo Spot & Special Paperclipping.Com Offer




MARCH 2008


APRIL 2008




MAY 2010


MAY 2010

I was going back through photos from the last few years last night and saw a pattern emerge. Actually I saw lots of patterns, this particular one just happened to stand out.

One of my favorite places to take photos in our current home is right outside Simon's room, looking in through the doorway. I really like the perspective of being outside and looking in and I love how the doorway frames the content of each photo.

There have been so many moments over the last four years in this house when I have silently stood outside Simon's room, peeked inside, and been gifted by one sight or another. Watching him play with trains or cars, watching him sitting on his bed as he learned to read, watching him play legos and zoom Star Wars ships, watching him jump on his bed, watching him grow, and now watching him play with Anna (or just watching her as she ventures into his territory).

Bringing this series of photos together, all the same view from different time periods, tells a wonderful story of growth and love. 

Do you have a favorite spot in your house to take photos? Is there a story you could tell with those photos?



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42 thoughts

  1. jmbmommy says…

    what an awesome series of photos. I need to go back and see if I can find any places that I like to take pictures from. Thanks for sharing these, they are really inspiring!

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  2. Melissa J Royster says…

    I like the idea of taking photos of your children outside the door. I feel a nice scrapbook LO or mini book coming along.

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  3. Ali Edwards says…

    Yes - I got it on ebay a few years back. It was originally from Pottery Barn Kids.

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  4. Gabi says…

    All these photos of your children are so gorgeous, Ali. You can see how they grow and change. I love the "peek into their world" look of these photos, so priceless. Thank you for inspiring me and teaching how to enjoy the tiniest things of our everyday life.

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  5. jennifer b says…

    I like to sneak up behind my two as they sit on the sofa watching cartoons, you can tell how much they have grown by how much their heads stick up over the back of the couch.

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  6. Veronica says…

    What a fabulous stream of photos. Your perspective is indeed so interesting. I think this is going to be my new perspective for some photos. Thanks for the inspiration!

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  7. April says…

    These a great images of just peeking in on what they are into.
    I'm curious to know what they picture is of shown hanging in the fourth image. The large one with all the little pictures.

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  8. Jakki says…

    I'd have to say in our living room ususally by the bay window. Moreso for the lighting but we love out it extend into the outside world since there is a huge maple tree outside it. If i get the right angle and zoom in the right way it looks like whoever I am taking the photo of is actually in the tree. so depending on the weather, it makes a nice backdrop!

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  9. Melanie says…

    Beautiful photos and I love the story that is tells.

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  10. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi April - that's a piece of art by a local man...a bunch of different fronts of buses.

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  11. dawn says…

    Hi Ali,
    I just saw your tweeter message about the post in April. I still go back and reread that post. I love the way you write and express your feelings. A lot of times they sound like what I want to say but just don't know how to put it into words. I hope this means we will be seeing another post of this kind soon then. I would love it. Thanks so much for all you share.
    p.s. I don't know how to do the whole twitter thing still learning on leaving comments and working my new blog so that's why I left the message here.

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  12. Ann says…

    What a great perspective (sp), literally and figuratively...on the outside looking in....These shots are beautiful in their own way.

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  13. tracyk says…

    Thanks so much Ali. I just bought one on ebay - my first ebay purchase. I'm so excited to hang it in Xavier's room. Much love.

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  14. scrapper al says…

    Love this! Thanks for helping us see the world in different ways, different perspectives.

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  15. Susanne says…

    Looove to see such a series of photos - have to go and dig through mine if I can find something similar!

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  16. Kelly Karges says…

    Always love viewing your decorating ideas! Wondering if Simon's rug is a hopscotch game? If so, can you let me in on where you would have purchased it?

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  17. Ali Edwards says…
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