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Week In The Life : Reader Submissions Part Three

Here's a few more Week In The Life projects to inspire you to get down to business and get yours done.

Also, here's a gentle reminder to stop making the process more complicated than it needs to be...just in case you are going down that path. Whatever you come up with, whatever way you bring it all together will be perfectly fine.


Kayleigh : see more of her Shutterfly book here.

Week-in-Life-Sundayweb copy

Cheri : see more of her album here.



Amy : see more of her album here.



Fanny : see more of her album here. +++I am totally in love with all that handwriting.



Roxann : see more of her album here.



Jennifer : see more of her album here.



Hemppa : see more of her album here.



Jess : I featured Jess in a previous post. Here's a couple more of her pages and you can see more of her project here.



Monica : see more of her album here.

Friday Journaling

Good Eats sm

Abbey : see more of her album here.

I just have to say once again how much I truly love this project and seeing the outcomes from all over the world.

With this post I'm going to wrap up Week In The Life for 2010. Look for another week next year in 2011. I am thinking maybe summer or early fall next time around (needs to be far enough away from December Daily for me to give it the attention I want it to have).

Thanks to all of you who participated and shared and documented your life. I hope you enjoyed the process!


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20 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Good morning Ali,
    Hope you had a great weekend. I love all these "week in the life" albums, everyone did such a great job. Mine has been passing between friends and family. I will be ready for next year to do it again, can't wait and that sounds like a great time to do it.
    Just out of curiousity what does Simon do over summer break, any camps, sports, or just hanging at home with you. My son Sam (8) is asking to go to basketball camps maybe even tennis or golf. I'm all for the basketball one not sure of the other too yet.
    Have a great day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Joy Buss says…

    Thanks for the reminder to get it done. I have finally printed my pictures and am ready to put it all together this weekend. Really looking forward to it. Have a great week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. kimb says…

    Love that you are posting project "Week in a life" pages from others... All of which are so inspirational. Have also loved scrolling through flicker's "Week in a life" projects. Everyone has done such awesome things.. Ali your gentle reminder is awesome as well.. Just love your "It is what it is and always perfect" attitude.. Also really love this multi page size album idea. I have been using different sizes of protectors in a 12x12 ring since taking your "Yesterday and Today" class. The one size I haven't bought or used yet is an 8x8. Will it also work in a 12x12 album. Do the hole line up?

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Dawn - Simon attends summer school for one month during the summer (it's great for consistency in his routine). He also does lots of swimming :). We might try a camp at some point...I think be might really like that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Kim - usually they don't line up (I haven't found one yet that does). You can re-punch holes to make them line up...or see if you can cut and stitch a larger one down to 8x8.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Monika Wright says…

    I did your Week in the Life last year during the kids' Fall Break and my husband took a week off. I did not finish. Gasp! But, it is on my list to do . I have all the photos in the sleeves, but minimal journaling. I did so much prep in designing it, that I decided I will still finish it up. Looking at the photos does bring back memories of the week, but not details.
    I am doing a mini of our Summer staycation. It won't be day by day, just randomness. Isn't that what summer is all about? And, yes, I journaled on a notepad about the kids getting their first dip of the summer in Nana's and Papa's pool! Yay, me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kelly Massman says…

    Nice entries!

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  8. Abbey says…

    So excited to see mine sampled here and loved seeing glimpses of everyone else's work. Thanks so much for keeping us motivated and making this a shared experience. I was just thinking that from a historical perspective years from now there will be a few exceptionally well documented weeks all done by a group of people across the world. It might just be a historian's dream. May be a bit grandious, but on a more basic level I know all the families involved will cherish them. We routinely look at our 2008 version and even though I just finished my 2010 album this weekend it is in popular rotation in our living room. Thanks again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. dawn says…

    Thanks for getting back to me Ali. I wish our schools had summer school, they all need it for consistency. I do make a few days of the week school days, but in a fun way and their teachers send them home summer packets to finish and bring in on the first day back to school for a prize.
    We just purchased a quick set up pool so we will be doing lots of swimming also. Have a great day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. pegriz says…

    Thanks so much to everyone for the awesome ideas and for sharing your families with everyone! Love to see the pictures and read the journaling!
    I am thinking of doing a week in the life for each season - along with Daily December!
    Thanks again for sharing yourselves!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Devanie says…

    What a creative bunch! Thanks so much for sharing. My Week in the Life album is almost finished, thanks to the Lost finale last night ;) Should we stop sending them in? Thanks again for the inspiration!

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  12. rene Jantzi says…

    Thanks for sharing all those albums. I'm sure they all reflect their owner's personalities! I was so done with mine when I was done, however, a friend wanted to see it and she noticed many positive things about it that I wasn't even aware of!
    It was a rewarding project and I will do it again. Thanks for your inspired instruction from beginning to end.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. cassidy says…

    Are you planning any upcoming projects? I love following people on their processes of creating and you do such a great job of documenting your books!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Susan says…

    Thank you so much for your post today. I so want to finish my Week in the Life project. Seeing the post inspired me to stop fretting and just do it already...enjoying the process instead of trying to figure out the results.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Mônica Castro says…

    I'm so happy to see my album here ...
    thanks for the inspiration ...
    I wish you all the good things for you and family ...
    thanks !!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. abbeyviolet says…

    Here is my blog post on the album if anyone is interested.

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  17. Kate says…

    I've found the American Craft ones with two sets of holes punched do fit in my 3 ring albums.

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  18. Tracy Johnson says…

    I hope this is okay to ask for help here.
    I purchased your Week in the Life templates. I have watched your tutorial twice and finally figured out how to successfully make five of my collage pages. However, now for some reason I can't drop my photo onto the canvas and resize it to fit the box. The re-size box will not appear on the photo after I move it onto the canvas. I can only navigate it around the canvas. It sorta stays behind the colored canvas boxes. Actually, the whole page canvas. I can't seem to just activate the box on tha canvas I am planning to drop the photo onto.
    Can you help me??
    Thanks, Tracy J

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  19. Laurie says…

    Very cool stuff! I like the LOs that used the photo holder pages.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. eye cream says…

    I love following people on their processes of creating and you do such a great job of documenting your books!

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