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Week In The Life™ 2018 | Wednesday Words + Photos

Multiple times today I asked myself "What is the story I want to tell today"? I didn't have a clear path or idea and nothing came to mind specifically like it did yesterday with the word "savoring."

I've always maintained that this project is a marathon and not a sprint (same with December Daily®). There's always an ebb and a flow to my feelings and to my enthusiasm throughout the week - that's totally normal. The key is to keep showing up - to the words, to the photos, to connecting with your feelings and thoughts and observations about your life right now. 

My life looks very different than it did five years ago. My physical address is the same but so many other things are different. Sometimes people want to categorize everything in terms of better or worse - for me it's just what it is - life right now. 

Here's a look at my day on this particular Wednesday: 

Most days I feed the pets as the first adult to make it downstairs. Two are included here and the other one is surely not far behind. Woody is 15 or 16 (no one really knows) and the cats are both 7. 

Most days all the kids make their own breakfasts. This was something that Aaron did at his house before and carried over here. Some eat cereal, some eat toast (with Nutella one day a week), some have a breakfast sandwich, some have oatmeal. 

Some days I take a moment in the car after dropping kids off and just pause. 

Today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Actually, as I got curious about why I was grouchy, I think what it really was was anxiety about doing something different in my regular daily routine (Kait Hurley came down from Portland to do a movement + meditation with me). I was excited to meet her and looking forward to it so I'm not sure if that was really the cause of my anxious/grouchy behavior but I know I felt better once she was here and we started doing yoga and chatting. It's the unknown, so often it's that unknown piece that grabs a hold of me. 

Most days Simon would like me to watch some video clip or another at one or more points throughout the day. Today it was an old Saturday Night Live skit called The Loud Family that included Bill Murray (his favorite). Videos are one of the ways he connects with people and he really likes to see me laugh. 

Most week days you'll find me (and Katie on some days) right here at this desk with a cat in the basket. Today I worked on editing videos that I shot yesterday for the next Story Theme release. 

On this day I had the awesome opportunity to do a flow and meditation with Kait Hurley in my backyard. She lives up in Portland and had reached out a couple weeks back about coming down to do one of these together and have a chat about it after. I'm doing her Summer Reset Challenge right now and I adore the fact that she pairs meditation with each one of her workouts. And yoga and meditation outside is amazing. 

Some days I prep dinner at lunch. Today I cooked the spaghetti squash and chicken I used for this recipe for dinner: Dairy Free Spaghetti Squash Chicken Alfredo. This made the actual time for making dinner that much less and I'm all about simplifying that process. 

Most days this guy is here with me during the day. He's in his office and I'm in mine. We meet up for lunch when our eating schedules align. Today while I was doing the dinner prep he emptied the dishwasher and we talked about Westworld podcasts again. 

Some days Anna brings a friend home from school. Today it was a sweet friend who lives in our neighborhood. This young lady is a super accomplished dancer and it's always fun to have her at the house. 

Most days I walk past these shoe baskets and think I should make all the kids go though them and take out the ones they don't wear any more. And I need to get to the bottom of who it is that bear belongs too since he's obviously not a shoe.

Some days Simon comes up into the office after school to work on homework. Today he was working on some reading for a Scout meeting (Citizenship In The World I think) and looking things up online when he wanted to learn more (he's really into WWII history at the moment). 

Some days I'm in the office until 5pm or so but most days recently I'm out of here when I start the kid pick up - usually either at 2:30pm or 3pm. This week has been different with working on these blog posts in the evening. 

Tonight Simon and I ate dinner together while Anna had dinner over at her friends' house. Aaron's kids are with their Mom tonight so he is working on music and doing his own thing. 

Some days while Simon is at Scout meetings I take my laptop to Starbucks and write. I like the change of environment. I also like the reminder that I can get a lot done in a short amount of time when I just sit down and do it. 

Some days Simon has more Scout responsibilities when he gets home. Tonight he was trying to figure out how to tackle some Webmaster duties before his evening shower. 

Most days everyone reads a bit before bed. 

Most days I'm in bed before 9pm right after everyone gets settled. I love getting in bed and opening up whatever book I'm into at the moment and closing up the day - especially during the week. 

You are invited to share a link to your Wednesday words + photos in the comments below.

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21 thoughts

  1. cornybeard says…

    I LOVE the idea of yoga and meditation in the garden! I need to try that.

    Here's my (birthday) Wednesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. CarolineMcD says…

    I love the photo in the coffee shop! Going to be braver at taking photos in public places.
    Here are my words and photos from Wednesday,

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Storyboard_c says…

      It’s hard for me to take public shots too:) great WITL post:)

  3. argirl says…

    I love your backyard. It looks so serene. I forgot to take very many photos yesterday. I'm ok with that. Thank you for posting daily, it's encouraging. I just LOVE it! I do have some questions for you I've been thinking about. Is there a way I can email you?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! You can start a conversation through my Customer Service team and use the Ask Ali drop down menu - they will forward it on to me!

  4. bearcatlady03 says…

    The clipboards on the wall in your office, are those just random collections or more like a work board? Love the way it displays different things.

    Here is my Wednesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Storyboard_c says…

    Thanks for the reminder it’s ok to wake up on the wrong side the bed and document it. I am so grateful for the stories yesterday brought and the hiccups to remind me that life doesn’t always go as planned:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. fannyathome says…

    Thank you for sharing!! Here's my Wednesday:, I'm loving this project!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. emilylyc says…

      wow! your photos are dreamy!

    2. fannyathome says…

      thank you!! ;)

  7. agnes_and_co says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  8. darvij1 says…

    I love the different perspective photos on your day! My first year tackling this project, so I'm just snapping and writing and I'll figure out how to put it together later! Thanks for always sharing!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. PoochPatrol says…

    Hi Ali,

    I thank you for your honesty and transparency of your feelings. I also enjoyed seeing more pics of your dog. He's not mentioned as often as the cats. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. emilylyc says…

    This year I told my husband and my kids I REALLY want to do this project and it's all I want for Mother's Day. So far, everyone is being very gracious to me :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Square says…

    Ali, thank you for all of the continued inspiration. I love this project. This is my third time capturing a week. Life has changed so much. It is awesome to have this kind of perspective on life! I think that will be my focus for Friday...perspective!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. nirupama01 says…

    Here are my Wednesday Photos and my Tuesday Pages. I really like how you are opening up about grouchiness/anxiety. I loved the discussion on your facebook group about documenting depression. I had a really bad spell on Tuesday and I document some of the physical manifestations but none of the emotional ones. It is always a learning process.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. jenjohnson2 says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  14. soonermama says…

    Played a little catch up with the photo processing/posting, but back on track and so glad for this project:

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. scrappysuenz says…
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  16. alaynac says…

    I always looking at your photos and seeing the different angles and interpretations of the everyday scenes. And I always admire how often you get in the photo yourself. But most of all - how great that you are on the ball enough to sit down and document/blog that very night or the next morning. I'm slowly working my way through pulling it all together here. Wednesday's words and photos just went up on my blog (not quite a week later)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. sracinez says…

    Love that book light photo - how it shines perfectly around the book like a spotlight!
    The unknown is also a struggle for me. I can do anything but not knowing what it will be like, etc beforehand kills me. So hard.
    Here's my Wednesday-

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