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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Saturday Photos + Words

Man, I love Saturdays. Especially Saturday's in late spring/very early summer. So good. 

I'm working on filling out my journal cards this morning and will share them when I share some of my album process in the coming weeks. 

Here's a look at some pieces of our Saturday during Week In The Life™ 2021: 

The peonies are coming. They are so, so close to blooming. It could happen any day now. 

Saturdays are for visiting the Farmer's Market. I love when the kids are here and when they want to go with me. Today we took Simon's car (The Blue Raider) because Aaron needed to use my car for something else. 

After Farmer's Market Simon and I watched the latest episode of The Bad Batch (new animated Star Wars show). 

Anna and I started working on making freezer jam with all the strawberries we got at the Farmers Market and Simon played a Star Wars video game with his friend Jeffrey. 

After wrapping up the freezer jam with Anna I helped Simon make brownies from scratch from a recipe in a new Star Wars cookbook. 

Isaac had a friend over. More video games. 

Early afternoon sweet peas. 

The green is everything to me. Hi Chester (he's Elliott's dog that lives at his Mom's house and was visiting us for a night)!

Simon had plans to go over to Katie's for dinner and he baked the brownies to take over there.  

Anna + Audrey went to Katie's too. I sent over the sweet peas, a couple cans of beans (in case they needed them), and Simon's brownies. 

Ernie seemed super happy to just be out in the warm weather laying in the dirt. He is always dirty. 

Katie sent over these photos of the kids hanging out. LOVE THIS. 

Anna + Graham. So much love for this and the full circle moment of time (Katie first started working for me when she was 19 and Anna was about 6 months old as her nanny). 

One more day my friends! You've got this. Go capture some stories. 

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5 thoughts

  1. cynthialyons says…

    Amazing captures! And I love that you'll use photos that others have taken. It's fun getting family involved with this project!

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  2. Britta922 says…

    Looks like a wonderful Saturday! And I totally agree - weekends during Spring and early summer have such a unique, wonderful feeling to them.
    Here's what my Saturday looked like:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. bel4719 says…

    A massive thank you to you and your team Ali. This is my third year documenting Week in the Life, but the first time that I’ve really, truly loved the documenting process from start to end. The Instagram chats with Lisa, the prep day, your daily messages on Insta stories and these blog posts were inspiring and reassuring. I was super relaxed and just felt ready to roll with whatever the week threw at me. As a result I’ve got some great words and photos ready that really reflect life right now: messy and imperfect and magical and us in the middle of it all.

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  4. StudioM says…

    What lovely photo's Ali, especially the sweet pea bouquet for Katie. Is this the Eugene Farmers Market or the Lane County Farmers Market? I remember walking over to one while attending Story Camp, doing our #aephotowalk. Fun times.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Lane County/Eugene Farmer's Market = same thing. They actually just moved it last month so now it's right next to 5th Street (so right behind the hotel). It's awesome.

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