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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Sunday Photos + Words

Wrapping up my 2021 Week In The Life™ documenting week with a Sunday that totally felt like summer. Waking up today (Monday) was a little rough for a bunch of people in this house who have to get up and go to school. 

A big warm thank you to everyone who participated and shared stories this week. I'll be taking a few days off this project to take care of some other work commitments and then will begin the process of putting my album together later this week. 

I'm working on adding my journaling to my cards today and will share them when I share my completed album. 

Here's a look at some pieces of my Sunday: 

Noticing shadows + focusing on the light. Watering indoor plants. 

These two are seriously so fun + so funny. We stopped at Target on the way to our girls day at the river to pick up a new swimsuit for Audrey and snacks. 

Last summer some friends introduced us to this great river spot below Pisgah (outside of Eugene). We picked up a couple friends and headed out here early in the day. We love this spot because it's got this great little run where you can walk up the river a bit and then ride it back down. The girls went up and down so many times and there was so much laughing and my heart was so full. 

There's also a cool rope swing set up so we made the short walk on this amazingly green trail to the rope swing. 

It was such a good day. 

I started this one and almost finished it yesterday (hoping to finish it early this week). No spoilers! Definitely an easy-to-read, engaging thriller. 

We packed up in early afternoon and brought the crew back to our house for a few more hours of hanging out and pizza. 

They played "Survivor" and used this tree as their home base. 

And of course there was jumping. 

Aaron replaced another one of our outdoor lights. We've been slowing adding these ones around the outside of the house.

These guys were in and out today (one is Elliott's friend). When I took this photo they were having a lively discussion about who they thought were overrated musicians and who gets to decide who is "good."

Simon came out to hang out with me while I continued reading in the backyard after playing video games with his friend Jeffrey. He was waiting for me to be ready to go inside to watch a movie with him. 

Aaron and Elliott's friend watching the Blazer game. 

Our house felt alive again today in all the best ways. 

Finished up today by watching the movie Chef with Simon. He's a major John Favreau fan and he likes to cook so this was the perfect inspiring movie for him. 

Here's to documenting the stories of our lives! 

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8 thoughts

  1. adawson816 says…

    I really love your “photo voice”! I try taking casual shots around the house like this, but they just don’t come out the same. Something I’m working on! Enjoyed your week in photos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Britta922 says…

    Oh this looks like a wonderful summer Sunday. And I can feel the "alive feeling" in all the photos. Makes me dream of childhood summer days! This was my first year participating in the project. I did not take the most wonderful of photos - just used my phone camera but what I captured is already so precious to me, I can't even think how much I will love having these memories documented in years to come.
    My Sunday and some final thoughts are here
    Lots of love!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. 217Liz says…

    That shadow photo is so amazingly detailed- I just love it!What a great shot! The flower looking up is also an awesome photo.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. ahiggins83 says…

    I love seeing all the GREEN in those adventure photos! Silly question completely unrelated to scrapbooking--are there bugs in OR? I live in Minnesota, and when we visit friends in Seattle I'm always so shocked they don't have screens on their windows because there just aren't bugs. The woods make me think bugs. Ha!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Very few bugs here with the exception of mosquitos in some areas. We have window screens here on our house but can totally be outside without being bothered by bugs locally.

  5. jchurch2 says…

    Spectacular photos. Love your hat!! That spot is heavenly!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. hulagirl75 says…

    Hi! I’m a Chef fan too! You should check out the Chef Show on Netflix, it’s Jon Favreau and Roy Choi cooking with lots of guests. One of the episodes includes Dave Filoni at Skywalker Ranch! Here’s the link:

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep! We are watching it!

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