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Week In The Life™ 2020 | Monday Words + Photos

Welcome to Week In The Life™ 2020. 

A few thoughts on the process from today: 

  • I almost felt like today was a warm-up. I feel rusty with my DSLR but super happy I've chosen to use it this week. I love the practice of playing with settings and seeing what happens when I try stuff. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I'm here for all of it. 
  • I reminded myself multiple times today that I don't have to scramble to get a photo of every single thing today - that whatever I ended up taking photos of over the course of the day/week is going to be just fine. 
  • It's quiet when the kids aren't here and I definitely want to capture that in my images. They'll be back here again on Friday and this might be the first year I have more photos on those weekend days vs. during the week. 
  • I felt super comfortable using the "loving" story lens today and I really enjoyed thinking of things to add to my list. I don't feel at all like I have to have photos to "match" each one of my journaling numbers to my photos. It's all of it coming together that tells the story of my day. 

Here's a look at my Monday journaling (this is a printable from a download that was included with the Week In The Life™ Prep Day): 

I might journal more or I might just make this be the bulk of my journaling this year for this project. When flipping back through my past albums I definitely liked when I added text to my photos so I might just do that at the time I print them out (add a bit more context or tell more of the story). 

Here's a look at my day in photos: 

You are invited to share a link to your Monday words + photos in the comments below.

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36 thoughts

  1. dawnmi says…

    Love the pictures! I like the one of you at the kitchen table. I don’t think you’ve taken it from that angle before?! Yes to sunlight and yoga 😍 I struggled with my camera too, it’s been way to long. Will try again today.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Torm says…

    Thank you for the inspiration, Ali! It wasn't until I crawled into bed last night that I realized I photographed everyone but myself. Today's a new day.
    Here are my photos and notes:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. argirl says…

    I’m so EXCITED! This is one of my most favorite projects.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. shope31 says…

    Thanks for sharing. I forgot to write on my numbered list of 10. Also- I stayed up way late uploading and editing my pics plus journaling a recap in a post. But this morning I’m so glad i did it! Check it out here-

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. LynneGillis says…

    Oh how I love that your week started out slowly... and I love the images that you have that are darker. True confession: I often feel bad when the lighting outside/in our house is grey and dreary and my photos are dark... I want so much for everything to be light and bright... but that simply isn't the way life is sometimes. Seeing how you've leaned into the early morning and evening darkness through your lens gives me newfound inspiration! Thank you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! THat's something I'm really working on in my photography - letting the dark be dark and looking for the light.

  6. AnnaMariePea says…

    Side question: do you have a link to that jigsaw puzzle? I think I need this one! ;)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's called "Below The Surface" from eeboo.

    2. nlgeiger says…

      I just finished this puzzle 2 weeks ago - it was great (and hard)! Although our cats took a piece and I found it a week later under a table in another room! :)

  7. AWilliams says…

    Ali, I have such big love for this project and I participated last week for fear I would be called back to work and miss the chance to document this peculiar time.

    I love all your beautiful photos!!! So much light! I also love the dark! Lol, maybe it is the Harry Potter in me. My question is regarding your reflection image. I struggle to get that shot. Any tips on how to obtain this kind of image? I'm wondering if it is more about being in the right place at the right time. Keep being RAD my friend.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I think it's totally right place, right time! I could have taken that same shot at a different time of day and it would turn out totally different due to the light.

  8. afisher615 says…

    I wish our cats would actually use the beds we get for them! The only places they want to sit are where I definitely do NOT want them to sit. :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I left these out for a couple months before they finally decided it was a good idea. Ha!

    2. jemi says…

      So...did you leave the puzzles out for a couple of months too, so the cats wouldn't lay on them and mix up the pieces? lol.

  9. Jacenda93 says…

    Love all your photos especially the one of your reflection in the window. I did that too when I walked my dog yesterday and it turned out pretty cool! Thanks for all your inspiration. Love these projects so much!

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  10. Joelaw says…

    Did you change the story kit theme from “Us” to “We”?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - it uses both words. I had a hard time picking one over the other.

  11. Kellysill says…

    Love this, Ali! With it being my first year doing this project, I am following your lead with the story lenses, but not in the same order. For Monday I used “Today I” and today, will be “loving.” I’m also using “not so loving” today as well😂


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That sounds perfect!

  12. mtercha says…

    Ali, I wanted to say thank you for the prep party. It was a (very) last minute decision to get it, and I spent all day Sunday with the videos. I appreciate the time and effort you put into that. You made a difference. I've had a hard time getting back to memory keeping this past year, and I really feel I may pull this one off. Thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks Michelle!

  13. KProffitt says…

    So good. I just love the lighting in your photos and even without the words - the pictures say so much. I also STILL want to get a cat because of your cat photos! Ha! ;)

    Here are my Monday photos + words on my blog:


    Reply 0 Replies
  14. CasieGutierrez says…

    I am happy to jump into this project and capture life during this interesting time in history.

    Here are my photos and words for Monday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. kholtz says…

    I love seeing your days! Like you, I felt like I'd totally forgotten how to use my DSLR.

    Here are my Monday photos -

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. sarahbluhm says…

    Random Question- Did y'all every get your downstairs bathroom finished? I might I have missed the update. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! I need to share about that!

  17. gina200 says…

    Ali, your photos are awesome. I love the variety. I’m struggling today. Lots of staring at the iPad with Zoom and other.

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  18. fannyathome says…

    Thank you for sharing and leading this project, Ali! This is my 11th year and I don't get tired of it. I'm so glad I found you and this project when my twin boys where 1 year old. I have been documenting my week in the life since then and I cherish every single album as some of my most valuable possessions. Thank you for being an inspiration!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. lk_berlin says…

    Great photos! So many lovely views and POVs! <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. jenirlsrsly says…

    So glad I decided to participate this year! I love seeing everyone's posts :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. howejam says…

    First time taking part this year. Monday is now on the blog.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. michelezh says…

    I love how you captured your entire day and i loved the comment you made above about embracing the dark and light of the day.

    for the last couple of years i have always used your daily sheets, which I love but have decided to use the story lens. such a different way to capture the week and I'm super excited to see where it takes me.

    love your journaling too - can i ask what kind of pens you use?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm using three different pens: (1) Slick Writer (that's the thick one), (2) Uniball Vision Elite, and (3) Pigma Micron .02

  23. tracking says…

    I started a blog specifically to hold my pictures for WITL. I did a picture outside of my house with lights on and loved the result! Thanks for the suggestion.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. jdm9 says…

    My Week In The Life words and photos for Monday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. mshanhun says…

    Love all the creative photo angles - what a great start to the project!

    I'm sharing my Monday here

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