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Seeing Things : Favorite Photo Spot & Special Paperclipping.Com Offer




MARCH 2008


APRIL 2008




MAY 2010


MAY 2010

I was going back through photos from the last few years last night and saw a pattern emerge. Actually I saw lots of patterns, this particular one just happened to stand out.

One of my favorite places to take photos in our current home is right outside Simon's room, looking in through the doorway. I really like the perspective of being outside and looking in and I love how the doorway frames the content of each photo.

There have been so many moments over the last four years in this house when I have silently stood outside Simon's room, peeked inside, and been gifted by one sight or another. Watching him play with trains or cars, watching him sitting on his bed as he learned to read, watching him play legos and zoom Star Wars ships, watching him jump on his bed, watching him grow, and now watching him play with Anna (or just watching her as she ventures into his territory).

Bringing this series of photos together, all the same view from different time periods, tells a wonderful story of growth and love. 

Do you have a favorite spot in your house to take photos? Is there a story you could tell with those photos?



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42 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I have actually done this too, love this kind of history. Simon looks bigger and older everytime you show us a picture of him. Anna has grown like a weed so fast also. I love where you captured Simon just being him, unaware of camera and just playing,learning,growing as you said. That's my favorite kinda of pictures. The pictures I have documenting my kids are:
    On the couch as a newborn,tiny and cute just laying there and then over the years as they've gotten bigger and just recently took one again to show how long they are now and the oldest is as long as the couch now. These aren't posed pics just them hanging out laying reading,napping, watch tv, et.
    The other one I did of my one daughter is her love of sandboxes. When she was just 2 and got a little turtle one all the way to the big homemade one we made in the yard. She's the one who loves it the most and spends hours there on her own even at 13. I capture her thru the window when she doesn't know, every year she thinks of new ways to play in the sandbox. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by when I look at those pictures of her.
    I also love the first day of school pictures, even though they are posed and perfect they do show how the kids styles have changed, the first few years were with just girls then finally Sam with the girls when he started school and last year Sam on his own again as the girls are both in middle school now, every year something changes and I have those in a special album to look at thru the years.
    Thanks Ali for showing us this and reminding us to keep documenting this important part of their lives.

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  2. dianna says…

    How sweet!
    I love peeking in on the kiddos when they don't know I'm observing wild monkeys in their natural habitat : )

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  3. nancyroo says…

    Love this! I don't have a favorite spot in my home, but I do have pictures of almost 7 years of playground photos with my son.

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  4. Monika Wright says…

    I take quite a few photos of the kids when I am acting the role of stalker. I like to catch them in moments of love and admiration and total "kidness."
    A series of photos I have been taking since my youngest could walk are photos of the two girls walking hand in hand. I would say that in the future they might not always like each other and I am going to use these photos as a walk down memory lane...memories of sweet, precious, innocent, spontaneous, love-filled days.
    When my son was a freshmen, I started taking a photo on the first day of school. He balked as a Freshmen, but when he turned a Sophomore, he reminded me I need to take a photo, so I guess he really did like it. He graduated 2 weeks ago.
    Then, when my middle child began Pre-K, I did the same thing. I did a mini for her for Pre-K through 5 (she's in 2nd now) and already embellished the pages and all. I also have her write her name on the first day of school to include in the mini.
    I will do the same for my youngest...she starts Pre-K this year.

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  5. Jennifer says…

    I have always loved Simon's room and these photos! His room looks different in the last few...any chance you will do another Around The House with a special focus on his room?
    Thanks again for always being so very real!

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  6. Yummers says…

    I love your shots through Simon's doorway! It's like taking a peek into his world. His bedroom looks so inviting! Fun to watch his play!
    I'm having a difficult time finding interesting subjects for photos. My husband died in January, my cat in February, but I do have a new dog who I have photographed daily (new dogge layout using your 'Pieces of Life Template' on my blog). My girls are both out of state. I've done your December Daily album each year and several Week in the Life albums. I'm not into landscapes, etc. but I do take classes at BPS. I don't know what to work on. Any suggestions??
    Joni Possin

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  7. lisacohen says…

    How truly striking! What a wonderful series of framed photos you've created. I always love when something in the actual picture frames the subject (trees, windows, etc.) but it's even better when a series can document time and uncovers such wonders as this. I absolutely love your attention to these moments and the examination of your experiences and look forward to seeing how you document this in your family albums. You ROCK!

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  8. Cathy says…

    I love your photos. Without words they tell such wonderful stories! I, too, recently realized that I have years of photo stories taken in the same place. Christmas, of course because it is in the livingroom for us. Also at the beginning of school for my daughter as well as at Easter there is a shot of her and her Dad in the same spot each year. Now that she is grown looking at the pictures provides a wordless time line of both she and my husband. More recently, in my granddaughter's playroom, I have hundreds of photos of her, just playing, reading, telling me a story that I just love. I so love this craft of storytelling our lives!
    MCF's Mimi

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  9. lisacohen says…

    Yummers, I'm saddened to hear about the losses you've had in your life recently. You are so strong for hanging in there, getting a new dog, and continuing to document life. I think that there are still so many things you photograph for a series, the books that you are reading over time (or throughout different periods of your life), if you work at a desk - what your desk looks like and the projects that you work on at any given time, your kitchen (for the meals that you make or the guests that join you or the table where you gather around whether it be at friends houses, cafes, etc. - which might be a good push to be among friends and family more, something I've tried to do myself with getting together with friends more frequently), a series in your favorite color (pick a color and over time, no pressure, whenever you go out bring your camera, and find things in your chosen color), if you like teacups or doors or you can turn your town into a treasure hunt and go on the search for the item and create a photo collection (that way you surround yourself with things you love but they don't necessarily need to cost a ton or clutter up your house!). I'm planning on giving my 8-year old and 5-year old some photography assignment projects this summer to keep them busy - creating some photography series is at the top of my list (in addition to practicing math and writing! LOL!). Hope this helps. I'm sure others can chime in with ideas too.
    Oh and I love taking classes at BPS. I have taken a ton and I've never been disappointed!!

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  10. noell says…

    This post is perfect timing for our Roundtable discussion today. I'll mention your post if I can b/c the topic is about story-telling, photography being a specific way to tell the story.
    These "peeking through the door" glimpses are so cool. I'll have to see if I can get some good angles through some of our doors. I've done that a little but not quite with the success you've had. I'm excited to go try this!

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  11. Deb J says…

    I take lots of pictures of my mother in the kitchen. She seems to live there and it's interesting to see the various things she does in there.
    Love the pics of Simon and his room and now Anna. I think that is a great photo spot.

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  12. Chris says…

    Love these pictures, I'm going to have to sneak around a little more :) Also wondering where you found that FABULOUS solar system. By the dates on the pics it was awhile ago now, but I've been looking forever for something nice for my son, who swears he'll be an outerspace explorer when he grows up.

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  13. says…

    I never have thought about the favorite spots shots. I will have to take a good look this week. I know that alot of my photos are me standing above what my children are doing, weathre they are looking up or not, I have alot of 'mama-aerial' shots. My favorite head shots of my children are usually at this angle.
    We have a good solar system mobile in my childrens room right now that they painted each planet themselves! It cam with a bit of glow in the dark paint to use on it as well. It is the 3D Solar System Mobile by 4M. I recommend it, fun kit! -tania

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  14. Yolanda says…

    Looks like Simon’s room has undergone another big transformation. I see a loft bed, perhaps? May we get another room tour? I’d also love to see the way Ana’s room has evolved. Now that she is a toddler and no longer a newborn.

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  15. dawn says…

    I just left you a comment on your blog which is wonderful. I just read Lisa's ideas that she left you and like all of her ideas also. So nice we can help each other out thru this wonderful scrapbooking world we live in.

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  16. Heather of Washington State, USA says…

    Our favorite place to take photos through the years is in the garden. The kids are so absorbed in nature that they rarely look at the camera, and I can capture them discovering things for the first time. It's also fun to look back and see the giant sunflowers we grew one year, or the time we experimented with growing watermelon which sprawled all over the lawn. You can watch the progress of the grape vines which we planted when the girls were small, and now cover a large arbor and are climbing for the second story of our house. Then there are the shots of the girls doing the same things each year: planting seeds, digging potatoes, holding various bugs and frogs, climbing the ladder to pick grapes, etc. Each year their hands are less chubby, their movements more refined, but the sense of wonder remains.

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  17. Leora henkin says…

    I love your doorway shots. We have a tire swing and a climbing tree. I love to see the progression of time from photos in those spots.

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  18. Kasi says…

    Do YOU have catagory drawers? StacyJ would be proud of this "connection"! It's AWESOME! I'm RIGHT NOW grabbing my camera and headed to crack my child's door. Since we are on the verge of Baby #2 and they'll share a room (until we can get OUT of this little condo), I think my "perspective" will change a LOT in the next year!!!!! THANKS FOR THE IDEA!

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  19. Suzette says…

    LOVE this!

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  20. Karen G says…

    Standing in the crack of the kidlets' doors and snapping a quick pic is one of my favorite ways to capture their moments! I just love to catch them when they are lost in a book, an imaginary moment, or in play with each other in their own personal environments! :> Great share, Ali! :>

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  21. Gina says…

    i love to catch my kiddos from behind as they point ans stare at things. kinda of catch them in the moment.
    Ali, BTW, is that a rug in Anna's room, with the hopscotch? how cute where did you get it. thanks for all your inspiration!

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  22. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Gina - we got that at CB2.

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  23. says…

    Hi Ali. I was wondering where you got the planet mobile. My son, Xavier, loves space! Thanks for the inspiration.

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  24. Amy says…

    Hi Ali,
    I already have a Paperclipping membership, but I just wanted to comment what a neat story those stories behind the door, tell. It made me see that I need to take more snippet photos of my kids behind their doors, before they grow up. Which happens too fast.
    Thanks, Amy

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  25. Amy says…

    Hi Tracyk, I think I read that she got them from Pottery Barn Kids, quite a few years ago. You might look on Ebay or Amazon. Good luck! They are cute, aren't they?

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