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Two Projects : Family Memory Tray Kit for Cocoa Daisy & Rejoice Photobook


I've been busy this week. Busy making stuff.

First up is a new project kit available through Cocoa Daisy.

As many of you have seen in the past, one of my favorite projects is the printer's tray I filled with photos and little found bits & pieces a few years back. I was excited to see 7gypsies come out with a line of trays recently - much easier to put together a project when everyone has access to the same tray.


This new project kit includes everything I used in the sample above, full color instructions (including a "map" I created with the dimensions for each of the spaces on the tray), a one-page PDF of printable elements, and additional supplies that coordinate with the kit for those of you who want to add more.

Kit is now available at Cocoa Daisy.


The second project I worked on earlier this week was a layered template photobook package called Rejoice. This concept has been in my mind and on my heart for awhile and I was really excited to finally get it all together.

Here's a look at my completed book at Shutterfly:

Click here to view this photo book.

The main thing I wanted with this photobook was for it to be a celebration: a simple celebration of full-page photos that document the love between two kids paired with some of my favorite passages from the bible (many of which include the word "rejoice").

I went for a super-simple design, including on the cover where I used one word on top of a
cream textured cardstock. You could easily use a photo (or collage of
photos) or another pattern. That's the beauty of layered templates. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing what other people do with this design as a foundation for their own projects.


The layered template package includes 10, 12x12 pages of my favorite bible passages (+ an opening page) and 10 different grid templates (my favorite simple-grid designs). The package also includes Shutterfly ready pages, cover, back and spine.

Looking forward to the arrival of my photobook this week.

If you are interested in learning more about digital scrapbooking, including working with layered templates like the ones included in this package, check out my series on scrapbooking with your computer.


Around here I'm looking forward to a weekend with absolutely nothing planned except hanging out here at home. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend whatever your plans. A fun giveaway post will be up tomorrow morning.

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66 thoughts

  1. Sarah says…

    beautiful, brilliant, and inspiring!!! I have 2 more must-do projects!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. deiga says…

    Love the tray idea! And appreciate the 'rejoice' book too. A project I would love to create for my grandchildren. Thanks for your continuing inspiration... by the way, just received my week in the life photos from Oh, my! they are awesome. I'm so happy... I can't wait to finish putting the project together. Thanks for the amazing templates - very fun and easy to work with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kelly says…

    The Bible verses and photos album is one of the nicest project ideas you've created yet! Really love the tray too...great job!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Marie Tere says…

    Thanks for sharing and I thank you for your inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. summer j says…

    I'm so doing this right now. Had tears in my eyes looking through yours. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Tona says…

    Love what you did with the printers tray!

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  7. Fanny says…

    I love the shutterfly album. Great pictures of Simon and Anna and most of my favorite verses too!! Thanks for the inspiration, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Heidi Wandel says…

    Oh Ali those fotos are adorable. I love the way Simon looks at Anna in all of the pictures. Indeed Rejoice because you have a huge gift and tell Simon he is a wonderful big brother, I can see it in his eyes. Heidi.

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  9. sansku says…

    love these projects!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Melle Broaderick says…

    The new book is beautiful Ali, absolutely beautiful! And perfect timing too - my summer vacation starts in only one more week!
    Thank you!
    Melle in FL

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  11. Michele H. says…

    beautiful printer tray...i love this one as much as the first one that you made!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sue H (Suedio) says…

    How cool is that tray. Funny thing, I just posted this morning about the printer's tray that I made, inspired by you, a couple of years ago and then was checking out "my blogs" and here was this post!
    Thanks so much Ali for the inspiration. Regards, Sue

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. stampin123 says…

    Love the rejoice book! Amazing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Christine Harrison says…

    hi Ali, i am completely in awe of the wonderful work you do,i loved the Rejoice book, my heart was so touched. i believe we are all blessed with a talent or two, and blessed are you for sharing with us such simple and beautiful ideas.I'm not sure how this works, but to say I'm thankful words arent always enough bless you in all that you do to inspire us in good your works, i always check in on your site, it blesses my life.many thanks again Christine

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  15. Denise Coulter says…

    Ali, there are no sweeter pictures than an older sibling loving on his new baby brother. We adopted our daughter when she was 1 1/2 and I love when I capture the love between my son (7) and her (now 2 1/2!) It just makes your heart grow two times bigger. I have a big favor to ask. I came across a blog of a grandma who single daughter's 4 yr old son is going through brain cancer AGAIN. He has it in his brain and spine. He has a 20% to live. I have the info on my blog at He's really into superheros and loves cards. Can you possible ask for cards for him? I'm giving away a very small RAK for other's RAK of sending a card. Can you please ask for cards for him. I don't want or need anyone to see my blog. But I'd love to bring a smile to his sweet face. The picture I have up is not what he looks like now. I am a momma and my heart just hurts so must for his. Can you maybe post about him. You can see his recent pictures at I'm sure you get these requests all the time, so I won't think anything of it if you don't respond. But from one mom to another, my heart hurts for this single mom who has been fighting since Lennon has been two. He's now 4.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Amy says…

    Hi Ali,
    What a beautiful book! I would love to make one like that for my family. Beautiful verses, beautiful photos. Stunning!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Nita says…

    Love this book!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Carrie P says…

    Love both projects, but really enjoy the Rejoice book with the scriptures! Thanks for the inspiration.

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  19. Lori says…

    How you incorporated scripture into the shutterfly album is really spectacular. Thank you for sharing :)

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  20. Nicky from Canada says…

    Hope you enjoy your long weekend - we are expecting snow here in sunny Alberta Canada - yah, so hoping for some time in the scrapbook room since Brody's baseball is cancelled tomorrow

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. tania smith says…

    That Rejoice book is brilliant! I love it. What a celebration of the simple moments that add up to love in our families and in such a message of gratitude. Great work Ali. I am glad you put what was in heart to paper.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Lara says…

    Love both projects!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Rebecca W says…

    Love both of these ideas and am so glad that Cocoa Daisy came out with the tray. Ever since I saw your post about them I've been looking for one and have yet to find one. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. ChiChi says…

    Absolutely love the layered templates. Actually, I love both projects and will be making them both for a friend who is getting married this summer. I have asked the groom to send me digital pictures of them without telling the bride - I think she will love them!

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  25. alyssa says…

    Love the photo tray! And can't wait to check out your digital kit - I attended my goddaughter's (and first niece's) baptism last weekend and have been planning a mini-book of some sort to honor her day. I'm including favorite Bible verses from her all of grandparents & hope to send off soon to her lovely parents. Thanks, as always, for the inspiration. :)

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